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That's pretty sweet. Sammy mae over half their profits from their phones so it's no wonder they are piling resources into all areas. Hardware is in a different league to competition and software has been very encouraging. From the glitchy SGS1 to this smooth bug free Gingerbread and ICS, they've been impressive.

Problem is, I'm a tiny bit bored of Android. I would like to try out Windows and would like Samsung to make a Galaxy S3 quality phone for Windows.

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I have had ICS on my unbranded for awhile now. Also I will skip putting a custom rom on my sgs2 as will need to sell it soon to by sgs3

I think envirophone still buy the phone if they have custom ROMs on them.

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That's pretty sweet. Sammy mae over half their profits from their phones so it's no wonder they are piling resources into all areas. Hardware is in a different league to competition and software has been very encouraging. From the glitchy SGS1 to this smooth bug free Gingerbread and ICS, they've been impressive.

Problem is, I'm a tiny bit bored of Android. I would like to try out Windows and would like Samsung to make a Galaxy S3 quality phone for Windows.

This is the highest spec Samsung WinMo phone (at least on AT&T). It's priced identically to the Galaxy S II Skyrocket.

If you want an idea of what MS is getting in license fees for WinMo, the cost of the hardware difference between the phones might be a decent guide.

Tbf, the Focus S appears to be Samsung's WinMo counterpart to the Galaxy S: just about every component appeared in at least one variant of the Galaxy S 6-12 months before the Focus S came out. It may just be that porting WinMo to a new phone is much more difficult than porting Android (that the Nokia Lumias are using the same CPU/chipset as the Focus S is perhaps evidence of this), in which case we're likely to see the Focus line be about a year behind the Galaxy line for the foreseeable future.

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I know Nokia bought out Symbian a couple of years back so they've a major vested interest in keeping it going but... well, it's been outdone. Even on my N97, Symbian was looking old hat, and given the strides made by Android, surely it's worthwhile them at least having a good look at Android based handsets?

My thoughts on this:

I said about 6 months ago that if Nokia didn't either just try to get themselves with as much of a say as possible in Android or make a really good go of Meego that they're dead and buried. They've kept with trying to flog the dead horse that is Symbian and not really made any great strides with Meego so they've completely lost the smartphone market.

I understand Nokia are still massive globally but the momentum away from them is even bigger. People get Nokia phones because they're cheap and simple or because that's what they know. Unfortunately for them, what people know is now how an iPhone or Android phone works, the slick touchscreen interface with popular viral apps. The only thing Nokia will have to rely on is their patents which should at least keep them afloat for years to come and allow them to survive to be able to innovate the next major thing in mobile, if they are able to.

RIM is a slightly different one. They have the corporate mobile exchange market all sewn up at the moment. But they've reason to be worried about cloud mail. Corporate gmail is being used more and more so their usp of push mail with native exchange support is not the draw it used to be. Once the techies start showing off their next-gen smartphones to the execs with activesync / cloud mail and far better mail client / calendar / contacts sharing and sync etc. RIM will really have a job on their hands. Added to this the fact that Blackberry's really are incredibly crap means there's only one thing RIM can do now - use Android and put their exchange support on top. They would get all the stuff Android provides such as tethering, best web browsing experience, apps, hardware drivers plus their proprietary stuff and corporate image. The result would be a mobile exec's wet dream and mean they wouldn't have to carry the 2 phones anymore - the BB for work email and the smartphone as the useful, nice to use phone. If they don't do it now they'll fade into obscurity within 18 months and have nothing to fall back on like Nokia do. If they take it on right now and release a really good Android based corporate BB within 6 months they'll save it and remain relevant.

So what's this, pretty much about 18 months? Nokia died fairly shortly after I posted this, only to be given a lifeline by Microsoft that's ultimately also doomed to failure.

RIM, well.. http://www.theinquirer.net/inquirer/news/2164857/rim-pulling-consumer-market Pity they didn't do what I said and embrace Android, it could have been so different.

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I think I'm crossing the divide and going for a Galaxy S3 when it comes out (it's this year isn't it?) as I'm getting bored of the iPhone (although there's a chance I'll be swayed back when the 5 is released)

Do you guys think I'm right to be waiting for the S3 or is there a better/cheaper/just as good phone out there that I should go for instead?

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Nah wait for the 3. If the 2 is anything to go by, the 3 will be spectacular. The Galaxy Nexus is the best thing out at the moment and even that isn't that far ahead of the iPhone4s with specs.

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I think I am going to go the other way and will probably get an iPhone 5 when it is released. I'll have had three years on Android by that time (1.6, 2.1, 2.3 & 4.0) and I just fancy a change. I think the rumours about the iPhone having a bigger screen this year are going to be true too, as has been pointed out several times Apple have to put 4G LTE in the new handset for the American market, and the current chassis isn't big enough. A 4.something inch display with retina pixel density will be lovely I think. :nod:

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Everyone is changing sides :lol:

Darren I've had custom roms before and like them, but its all still android. I just want to try out windows phone for awhile if only they had some good phones. But they don't.

Of course I'm getting the S3, Samsung know that if they get this right they break away from the Android pack for good and become a rival for iPhone is desirability. Samsung have easily the best tech around and can pack so much in for the same price as competitors.

What wins people over is the screen every time. The thoughts of an improved hi res SAMOLED is just so alluring. Rev, that's the screen that will be lovely


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Im not interested in Touchwiz though. You might not agree but I consider it bloatware and I dont want it. I think Samsung have been pretty shitty getting updates out to their uses. Unless something drastic changes, the only Android handsets I will buy are Nexus handsets. If iOS 6 has turn by turn navigation as one of its core features then I will definitely go iPhone.

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I know I'm in the minority, but I don't think the S3 will be that much of an upgrade over the S2 (at least relative to the improvements from the S to the S2 and at least as regards anything beyond the inclusion of LTE for the markets where that matters). As yet, Samsung hasn't released an LTE-capable chipset (the LTE versions of the S2 use a Snapdragon), but I'd strongly suspect that they're working on something in that direction to debut with the S3, and that's taking up the development time. I can buy the quad-core rumors, though, but quad-core is not as big of a performance boost over dual-core as dual-core is over single-core (simply because there aren't as many cases where four processes need the CPU as opposed to being I/O-bound). I'd expect to see a 1280x720 screen, though at what size is an interesting question: I can see arguments for 4.3", 4.5", or 4.65" (it will probably vary by region; I'm thinking of the Infuse (basically an S with a 4.5" Super AMOLED Plus) which was introduced in the US at basically the same time the S2 was being introduced elsewhere; when the S2's came to the US, Sprint and T-Mobile got variants with the Infuse's screen while AT&T got a 4.3" screen in order to allow them to sell the Infuse and the S2 at the same price (the Skyrocket in turn got the 4.5" screen). LTE markets may thus see an S3 that likewise has a smaller screen than the S2 LTE HD, while non-LTE markets get the 4.65" screen. Maybe more RAM or onboard storage, too, as well as improvements in TouchWiz.

None of that is really earth-shattering: just a collection of incremental upgrades.

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Of course I'm getting the S3, Samsung know that if they get this right they break away from the Android pack for good and become a rival for iPhone is desirability. Samsung have easily the best tech around and can pack so much in for the same price as competitors.

The only maker that has any chance of keeping up with Samsung is Motorola, and that's more because of software improvements than anything else.

HTC's going to get squeezed (LG, too, I guess). They can't play in the Samsung/Moto flagship bracket and if they go low end, Pantech and ZTE will eat them alive.

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HTC's going to get squeezed (LG, too, I guess). They can't play in the Samsung/Moto flagship bracket and if they go low end, Pantech and ZTE will eat them alive.

I don't know about that, the HTC one X looks pretty amazing.

The specs on it are pretty awesome and the benchmarks seems to blow everything else out the water.

It just depends on how soon the s3 turns up and how it performs against it.

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Im not interested in Touchwiz though. You might not agree but I consider it bloatware and I dont want it. I think Samsung have been pretty shitty getting updates out to their uses. Unless something drastic changes, the only Android handsets I will buy are Nexus handsets. If iOS 6 has turn by turn navigation as one of its core features then I will definitely go iPhone.

Yeah each to their own, plenty of choice out there, especially now. Custom roms too. I thought Sammy were pretty good at bringing out the updates, nobody was quicker with ICS bar google and it's bug free from what I've seen so far.

I use a custom launcher Zeam, which I love. I'm not a fan of the Touchwiz home screen layout with iphone aped 4 persistent and large buttons at the bottom. But other features are great like the quick keys in the notifications menu.

Anyway, I love the Sammy hardware so much it's forcing me to stick with them for the S3 even though I feel like a change. I'd just like to try a really good nokia with Windows phone on it for a change. I dunno.

Android is Android. I'm a bit bored of it. iPhones have tiny screens but maybe the iPhone 5 will be something really great. Interesting times in the next few months anyway.

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Levi I think the S3 will have some big improvements, LTE doesn't matter as we won't see that over here for awhile yet.

But a 4.8 inch screen in a phone the same size as the S2, SAMOLED 720p screen. Bigger battery 12 or 14mp camera. Quad Core cpu, more ram. 32gb storage. Same weight as S2.

I'd be pretty confident that'd be the phone.

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I think I am going to go the other way and will probably get an iPhone 5 when it is released. I'll have had three years on Android by that time (1.6, 2.1, 2.3 & 4.0) and I just fancy a change. I think the rumours about the iPhone having a bigger screen this year are going to be true too, as has been pointed out several times Apple have to put 4G LTE in the new handset for the American market, and the current chassis isn't big enough. A 4.something inch display with retina pixel density will be lovely I think. :nod:

That's the same with me. It's not that I've gone off the iPhone or anything, I just fancy a change.

My sister has a Galaxy S2 and it's great from what I've seen of it.

As I said, the new iPhone might sway me to stay with it, but right now I'm considering the change.

Still got 3 months to wait for my upgrade though so may change my mind by then.

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I was tempted by the One X specs but it's a shame HTC have gone from allowing SD cards and removable batteries to building both of them in.

I don't mind too much about the SD card but the lack of removable battery is a deal breaker for me.

Hopefully the S3 won't follow HTC's example..

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Yeah I've been reading further reviews this afternoon as more and more people start to get their hands on the phone.

After having the Desire, I thought I was used to a terrible battery life, but most reports say this won't get through a day without charging with even moderate use, and they locked away the battery. How the hell did this get through QA?

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I think I am going to go the other way and will probably get an iPhone 5 when it is released. I'll have had three years on Android by that time (1.6, 2.1, 2.3 & 4.0) and I just fancy a change. I think the rumours about the iPhone having a bigger screen this year are going to be true too, as has been pointed out several times Apple have to put 4G LTE in the new handset for the American market, and the current chassis isn't big enough. A 4.something inch display with retina pixel density will be lovely I think. :nod:

That's the same with me. It's not that I've gone off the iPhone or anything, I just fancy a change.

My sister has a Galaxy S2 and it's great from what I've seen of it.

As I said, the new iPhone might sway me to stay with it, but right now I'm considering the change.

Still got 3 months to wait for my upgrade though so may change my mind by then.

Turns out I get my upgrade 3 months early on O2 rewards, so I can upgrade from 17th April.

Anyone got any knowledge as to when the S3 is released? Stuff I can find online ranges from March (obviously not happening!) to July/August

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