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dab I'd suggest you have a look at the Android phone Samsung Galaxy S, it's superior to the iPhone 4 in many ways and is cheaper. If it's your first smartphone I'd highly advise this phone. It's astoundingly good.

Pop over here and we can explain the advantages and disadvantages of Android and Apple phones.

Iphone or Samsung you should read this.

Worth a read....

CV is obviously a closet Iphone fan as he posts more on this thread than the Android thread.

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I'm not going to bother posting links to peoples opinions from other forums. As you can see most are previous iphone users and so are influenced by their experiences with the 3gs.

Anyway I'll post the features of the two phones in the android apple discussion thread. As a newcomer to smartphones should have a look at both platforms and make their own decision which is best for them.

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New jailbreak is available at jailbreakme.com if anyone wants to jailbreak their iPhone. Id get in there quick before Apple shut it down

They can't, US court found that jailbreaking is legal. Apple can't do squat about it.

Just did this. Apart from free apps - what other benefits are there?

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I not'm going to bother posting links to peoples opinions from other forums. As you can see most are previous iphone users and so are influenced by their experiences with the 3gs.

Anyway I'll post the features of the two phones in the android apple discussion thread. As a newcomer to smartphones should have a look at both platforms.

So when you getting your Iphone?

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I wouldn't get an iphone. The galaxy s is considerably better, i couldn't downgrade to an iphone and lose this awesome 4 inch screen. Let alone everything else.

Another example of something that doesn't really sway anyone. An extra half an inch on the screen isn't exactly amazing is it?

The iPhone screen is significantly better, clarity wise, I'm led to believe anyway. That would be the most important screen feature for me.

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Do you have Sky Sports - Yes

Do you have an Iphone - Yes

Get Sky Sports for free on your Iphone until the end of 2010 with the Sky Mobile TV App.

Seriously?! I'll have to crack my iphone back out then! (Note: Not sarcasm. Dell Streak goes away until froyo or gingerbread).

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I wouldn't get an iphone. The galaxy s is considerably better, i couldn't downgrade to an iphone and lose this awesome 4 inch screen. Let alone everything else.

Another example of something that doesn't really sway anyone. An extra half an inch on the screen isn't exactly amazing is it?

The iPhone screen is significantly better, clarity wise, I'm led to believe anyway. That would be the most important screen featureU for me.

Exactly, personal preference. People should look at all the option's and choose the phone that suites them. For me, 4inch screen is a must, better for watching movies, browsing the internet, playing games. Also the screen is so vibrant, it really is beautiful and must spell the end for LCD screens. You should try have a look some day at this screen it really is beautiful.

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I wouldn't get an iphone. The galaxy s is considerably better, i couldn't downgrade to an iphone and lose this awesome 4 inch screen. Let alone everything else.

Another example of something that doesn't really sway anyone. An extra half an inch on the screen isn't exactly amazing is it?

The iPhone screen is significantly better, clarity wise, I'm led to believe anyway. That would be the most important screen featureU for me.

Exactly, personal preference. People should look at all the option's and choose the phone that suites them. For me, 4inch screen is a must, better for watching movies, browsing the internet, playing games. Also the screen is so vibrant, it really is beautiful and must spell the end for LCD screens. You should try have a look some day at this screen it really is beautiful.

Is the phone any good for making phone calls?

I had a good look at the Galaxy S on Saturday in the O2 store as I was looking at handsets for my son, and much like Dirk and the Iphone screen I was left serious underwelmed by it in the store and considering some of the comments from CV I was expecting something so much better.

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I have sky Sports on my x10, it came with it. It was installed by o2. but that's specific to that carrier.

But iphone is going to have the edge at the moment in app development. Sky will start with the apple app then follow with the android. That's the way of things at the moment and is the no1 advantage the iphone has over android.

But with the 2.2 update we can stream any game we want on our android phones so I wouldn't worry too much about this totti. Actually you can just use sky player to stream video to your android phone as you will have flash support, so can use the normal website I'd assume.

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Ok you clever buggers , cause i gave the i-phone users that i-player link i am suddenly there best friend , there now asking if any of you have links to the red button , something you get on BBC and ITV like the interactive button ( or something like that ) any of you have any clues ?

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Totti, do they have the TV catchup link? I know it's something you can get on any smartphone, but I showed it to my boss who just got an iphone and he almost jizzed himself. basically freeview on your phone.


Just go there on your iphone and save the bookmark to your desktop. You have to join the site, but it's free.

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