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I'm currently "seeing".

Never really understood this? What is "seeing" someone? Fuckbuddy's?

No. For me it means we've been on a few dates but nothing is official yet.

We're not boyfriend and girlfriend, but we are dating fairly regularly. That means we are "seeing" each other.

Not Fuckbuddies. Although if she wants to go in that direction I wouldn't say no...;)

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Sleep and I divorced ages ago, I slept last night for the first time in nearly 3 days, oh and daytime date for me too, which is good as this weekend is my new job training, somehow need to fit new job, study, other writing and other things all into a pattern where i sleep in between.

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Sleep and I have a very healthy relationship at the moment.

Every morning I have to tear myself away from Sleep, I look forward to going back to Sleep every day, and on the weekend I stay in bed with Sleep for as long as possible.

I truly love Sleep.

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Have you yried the fb chat trick yet?

**** the FB chat trick.

My mate was in a similar situation: he was friends with this super hot chick on FB (they'd only met once or twice, but had added each other as friends; as people do to boost their numbers).

Anyway, about a year ago, he noticed her status was single so, as he was single himself, he messaged her and asked her out for a drink.

The rest is history. They moved in together two weeks ago.

I guess the moral of the story is this: he who dares, wins.

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