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British wrestling was always a sport that appealed to sexually frustrated old women.

The new American wrestling seems to be a sport that appeals to sexually frustrated teenage boys.

Makes you wonder.

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I think if it's the right people, it's good but just shit otherwise. Like The Rock video I posted there, was just good entertainment even though no actual wrestling but when you have people like that, it's almost like a good TV series, you want to see what happens. Characters like that can make it good. Although I haven't seen it for 2/3 years and last time I did see it a couple times, it was terrible with all people I had no clue about and was just terrible because half the 'fun' of wrestling is just trash talk basically.

I think with Wrestling, you'll only real 'get it' if you have watched from an early age and therefore over years of believing it was sort of real (I'm talking 7/8 ish) and therefore you know the wrestlers, who they are and can relate. If you start watching from an older age then because you already know it's all fake quite obviously and I think it takes a while to get into the people and to be honest, after 1/2....if you just started watching, you'd think 'oh dear'.....like that The Rock video, was posted on mates facebook, everyone loved it, about 12 likes etc...but if you'd never seen The Rock before and then watched that, you'd just think 'WTF'....

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Late 90's early "noughties" wrestling was awesome. Obviously not for everyone, but it was very entertaining. And the rock was the best of them.

I'm genuinely considering watching wrestlemania now just because the Rock is back. He's immensely watchable.

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British wrestling was always a sport that appealed to sexually frustrated old women.

The new American wrestling seems to be a sport that appeals to sexually frustrated teenage boys.

Makes you wonder.


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The only good wrestling of the 1990's was ECW. That was entertainment. The WWF and Vince McMahon then decided to rip off the whole ECW entertainment concept and created the Attitude era.

Although ROH was good for a while when Bryan Danielson was champion a few years ago. Now he see he has sold his soul to the devil and is some comic character in the WWE. Fantastic wrestler, which is no doubt ruined in the WWE, but heh, money talks.

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Nah, it always been shit.

Mick McManus and Jackie Pallo in my day. My mates thought it was ace. I thought it was laughably choreographed and a waste of time.

Wrestling isn't fake, it's just a bunch of loud no-necks who don't know how to fight.

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Nah, it always been shit.

Mick McManus and Jackie Pallo in my day. My mates thought it was ace. I thought it was laughably choreographed and a waste of time.

Wrestling isn't fake, it's just a bunch of loud no-necks who don't know how to fight.

Trust you're not a fan of wrestling then.

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