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Spurs - Arry's gone but we still dislike them...


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Bless ya cotton socks...

In return I'll bless your cotton nappies (that's diapers to you, my American "friend") ... after all, judging by your comments it's probably not long since you stopped wearing them.

He's not American you muppett

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Bless ya cotton socks...

In return I'll bless your cotton nappies (that's diapers to you, my American "friend") ... after all, judging by your comments it's probably not long since you stopped wearing them.

Sup dude ? Y'all better be representing !!


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Love it that Glaston can't admit Twitchy is dodgy?!

Last few pages had me in stitches!

Anyway Full article and how "it ain't me honest guv. I'm just a high profile name, straight as the the day is long"

'I still think I was called into this being high profile. I add a bit of profile to the investigation because, to be honest, this is absolutely nothing to do with me.'

After his home was searched in his absence, Redknapp reported to Chichester police station and spent several hours answering questions.

He said: 'The whole crux of the meeting was that they wanted to discuss that an agent had been paid an agent's fee and had allegedly paid some of the money to a player, who was his player.

'That was the whole top and bottom of the investigation as far as I was concerned. There was no other issue to talk about. I wondered what I was doing there.

'What the agent does with his money is none of my business.'

Senegal midfielder Amdy Faye, now on loan at Glasgow Rangers from Charlton, and agent Willie McKay were also arrested and questioned on Wednesday.

So were Portsmouth's chief executive Peter Storrie and the club's former owner Milan Mandaric, now chairman of Leicester City.

Redknapp insisted that he did not know a 'more honest or straighter guy' than Storrie and hailed millionaire businessman Mandaric as 'the man who came in and saved this football club'.

So, all agreed there is one matter and it's all about a player and his agent.

Definitely nothing whatsoever about 2 payments totalling £183k paid into Twitchy's bank by his chairman.

Oh did I mention it was an off-shore account and the payments had the appearance of a wage? Maybe this would be a £40k loss to the public purse.

Well, let's not talk about the earlier stuff. I will just clear my name. I'm not dodgy.

Charges concern two payments, totalling 295,000 US dollars (£183,000), from former Portsmouth FC chairman Milan Mandaric to Mr Redknapp via a bank account in Monaco, evading the tax and National Insurance contributions due between April 1, 2002 and November 28, 2007.

Nah, not dodgy at all.

BBC bungs, swearing on Sky Sports and then getting arsey over football fans swearing - wiv their kids there aswell you know. Sticking his v's up at us and crying to the press. Leaving all the clubs he has been at up a creek without a paddle, tapping up to the point of making Fergie look like a saint.

He happens to have a Twitchy, Melted Candle Wax face.

If he was fat and Spanish with a stupid beard I'm sure we could use other descriptive terms. To be Twitchy or to look like a waiter or have a Big Fat Head like Sheep Head Bruce does not make you dodgy.

Being a lying, truthbending, double standard loving rocket polisher on the other hand does.

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Love it that Glaston can't admit Twitchy is dodgy?!

Last few pages had me in stitches!

Anyway Full article and how "it ain't me honest guv. I'm just a high profile name, straight as the the day is long"

'I still think I was called into this being high profile. I add a bit of profile to the investigation because, to be honest, this is absolutely nothing to do with me.'

After his home was searched in his absence, Redknapp reported to Chichester police station and spent several hours answering questions.

He said: 'The whole crux of the meeting was that they wanted to discuss that an agent had been paid an agent's fee and had allegedly paid some of the money to a player, who was his player.

'That was the whole top and bottom of the investigation as far as I was concerned. There was no other issue to talk about. I wondered what I was doing there.

'What the agent does with his money is none of my business.'

Senegal midfielder Amdy Faye, now on loan at Glasgow Rangers from Charlton, and agent Willie McKay were also arrested and questioned on Wednesday.

So were Portsmouth's chief executive Peter Storrie and the club's former owner Milan Mandaric, now chairman of Leicester City.

Redknapp insisted that he did not know a 'more honest or straighter guy' than Storrie and hailed millionaire businessman Mandaric as 'the man who came in and saved this football club'.

So, all agreed there is one matter and it's all about a player and his agent.

Definitely nothing whatsoever about 2 payments totalling £183k paid into Twitchy's bank by his chairman.

Oh did I mention it was an off-shore account and the payments had the appearance of a wage? Maybe this would be a £40k loss to the public purse.

Well, let's not talk about the earlier stuff. I will just clear my name. I'm not dodgy.

Charges concern two payments, totalling 295,000 US dollars (£183,000), from former Portsmouth FC chairman Milan Mandaric to Mr Redknapp via a bank account in Monaco, evading the tax and National Insurance contributions due between April 1, 2002 and November 28, 2007.

Nah, not dodgy at all.

BBC bungs, swearing on Sky Sports and then getting arsey over football fans swearing - wiv their kids there aswell you know. Sticking his v's up at us and crying to the press. Leaving all the clubs he has been at up a creek without a paddle, tapping up to the point of making Fergie look like a saint.

He happens to have a Twitchy, Melted Candle Wax face.

If he was fat and Spanish with a stupid beard I'm sure we could use other descriptive terms. To be Twitchy or to look like a waiter or have a Big Fat Head like Sheep Head Bruce does not make you dodgy.

Being a lying, truthbending, double standard loving rocket polisher on the other hand does.

One for Post Of The Year there - gets my vote. :thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb:

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Redknapp. We may have him wrong. DO a Google Image Search for "wheeler dealer" "football transfer bung" and see how many results you get with Redknapp right on the first page.

See, Glaston, it's not just us who thinks him's a bit dodgy.

I wouldn't trust Redknapp with the steam off my piss.

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Just wondered since the feeling on here is so anti-Arry, how many would want Arry as our manager now?

He has turned Spurs around into a Champions League outfit by organising them better and purchasing good players who are more than proficent on the ball.

He has nabbed VDV, a player most on here would want at the Villa, (not me).

I personally think Arry is a good manager who buys good players in the same way as Martin Jol.

He is a rocket polisher though, but look at what O'Neill has just done to us.

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Did I mention "no smoke without fire" earlier on? You know, I rather think I did.

I don't read through all of your posts Glaston, but if you did say that, then why are you debating that Redknapp is dodgy then.

You seem to contradict yourself constantly and you argue for arguments sake.

I said it earlier as an example of the shallow, cliche-riddled attitudes which assume that Harry must be guilty of illegal tax evasion simply because he's been charged with that offence.

Even if he's found to be not guilty when it comes to court, there'll doubtless be plenty of small-minded bigots on here who'll say he'll bribed the judge and jury.

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Redknapp. We may have him wrong. DO a Google Image Search for "wheeler dealer" "football transfer bung" and see how many results you get with Redknapp right on the first page.

See, Glaston, it's not just us who thinks him's a bit dodgy.

I wouldn't trust Redknapp with the steam off my piss.

This post is yet another confirmation of everything I've said about shallow thinking and predjudiced stereotyping.

So he's guilty because Google says he is? Is this supposed to be advance on the notion that he's guilty because he twitches and talks like Del boy?

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... swearing on Sky Sports ... ...

I guess he's the one and only football manager to swear - how shocking.

... ... getting arsey over football fans swearing - wiv their kids there aswell you know ...

What a hypocrite you are. Would these be the same football fans who chant vile abuse - all with the same kids in tow?

... Leaving all the clubs he has been at up a creek without a paddle ...

More hypocrisy. MON gutlessly walked out on Villa just a few days before your season began.

.... tapping up to the point of making Fergie look like a saint.


You obviously don't know what tapping up means. Talking about players is not tapping up and is not illegal nor against FA rules. Tapping up means initiating contact with players or their agents without the permission of said player's club and is a breach of FA rules.

Has Harry ever been charged with tapping up by the FA, far less found guilty? No. In fact has Harry ever been found guilty of anything illegal? No. But that doesn't stop the muppets on here who just "know" he's guilty.

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Redknapp. We may have him wrong. DO a Google Image Search for "wheeler dealer" "football transfer bung" and see how many results you get with Redknapp right on the first page.

See, Glaston, it's not just us who thinks him's a bit dodgy.

I wouldn't trust Redknapp with the steam off my piss.

This post is yet another confirmation of everything I've said about shallow thinking and predjudiced stereotyping.

Calling my post "shallow thinking and predjudiced stereotyping" is against the rules of this forum. Don't call me shallow Glaston. The only reason you can even entertain the notion of shallow is because you are out of your depth in this argument.

So he's guilty because Google says he is? Is this supposed to be advance on the notion that he's guilty because he twitches and talks like Del boy?

The twitch is nothing to do with it. I've explained how I feel about Redknapp in this thread before (a lot of VTers agreed with me) and I'll be **** if I'm digging that post out again now.

Just our of interest, are you employed by Harry Redknapp / Totteringham Hoofspuds as PR?

I also firmly believe Redknapp would be off in a shot if he thought he had a chance at the England job. I wouldn't believe a word that comes out of that melted wheeler dealer mouth.

The bloke is a grade A word removed.

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... swearing on Sky Sports ... ...

I guess he's the one and only football manager to swear - how shocking.

Stop ducking the point, Glaston. I do not know of another instance of a Premier League manager, especially one who wants to be England manager, deliberately swearing at the camera. You can't deny what he did on Sky the other week was wrong, surely? He said **** three times on live telly, twice shouting it.

... ... getting arsey over football fans swearing - wiv their kids there aswell you know ...

What a hypocrite you are. Would these be the same football fans who chant vile abuse - all with the same kids in tow?

He stuck his fingers up at the Holte End when he was Pompey manager. Would Spuds fans not be a little ticked off if an opposing team's manager did it to them? He is a master of double standards. For a person who is supposed to be a role model, not just to his players but to everyone watching, he is a **** disgrace. He brought on everything he got from the Holte End and he will get more next time he comes.

... Leaving all the clubs he has been at up a creek without a paddle ...

More hypocrisy. MON gutlessly walked out on Villa just a few days before your season began.

He has left every club he has managed in financial crisis. I have explained this before, as have many others. Instead of making a fool of yourself on here, try asking fans of clubs previously managed by ol'twitchy what they think of him.

Redknapp would walk out on Spuds in a flash if another job came up that he was interested in. He has been pimping himself to the FA all summer for the England job.

If Redknapp was England manager, I would not watch/support the national team until he was removed from the post.

.... tapping up to the point of making Fergie look like a saint.


You obviously don't know what tapping up means. Talking about players is not tapping up and is not illegal nor against FA rules. Tapping up means initiating contact with players or their agents without the permission of said player's club and is a breach of FA rules.

A manager is not allowed to speculate publicly about a player contracted to another club.

The rule was posted up on this site two summers ago when Liverpool did it to us with Barry.

Redknapp constantly speculates about other team's players in the press. He will clearly speak to anyone who will listen.

Just LAST WEEK he was publicly speculating about Ashley Young without making contact with the club to enquire about his availability. The bloke is a despicable double standards prick.

Has Harry ever been charged with tapping up by the FA, far less found guilty? No. In fact has Harry ever been found guilty of anything illegal? No. But that doesn't stop the muppets on here who just "know" he's guilty.

Are there any other managers in the league that have had multiple allegations of corruption levelled at them for years and years? Are there any other managers in the league that are currently facing charges of tax evasion?

Redknapp has shown nothing but a massive disrespect for Aston Villa and it's fans for years, often bullshitting about our behaviour and applying appalling double standards. I believe all the vitriol aimed at him on this site is totally justified.

The issue here is Redknapp, Glaston. Please remember that next time you breach the site rules by calling our members muppets.

Especially after you had VTers banned form your Spuds noshing circle.

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... Why do you keep bringing up the non issue of his twitching when it means sweet fuckall to the subject at hand , i.e, Harry's dodgy dealings and wheelings.

I refer you to a post I made earlier - a day or so ago. Reading is your friend.

You're supposed to refer the poster to the post you made earlier when you say that. Null point.

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GlastonSpur wrote:

MrWeedMcGrass wrote:

... Why do you keep bringing up the non issue of his twitching when it means sweet fuckall to the subject at hand , i.e, Harry's dodgy dealings and wheelings.

I refer you to a post I made earlier - a day or so ago. Reading is your friend.

You must be seriously deluded to think our fans/other fans have it for Harry because of his appearance. I have read the last few pages and other than posters making comments about his 'quirky' appearance in jest , I did not see anything particularly inflammatory. What I did see was you getting all riled up and defensive over a non issue.

Give it a **** rest.

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... Leaving all the clubs he has been at up a creek without a paddle ...

More hypocrisy. MON gutlessly walked out on Villa just a few days before your season began.

Not wanting to get dragged into the firefight here, but I have to point out on this that there is a difference between leaving a club financially crippled and teetering on the brink of relegation and (as much as I think he's a prick for doing it) walking out on us as O'Neill did, when all we have to worry about is trimming/re-assigning the wage bill in a few key areas.

A good friend of mine (and all his brothers) are Spurs fans and (as appreciative as they are of what Redknapp has done for the club) they all think he's dodgy as **** and are glad that Levy seems to have the balls to keep him in check.

On the flip-side, I don't think your transfer activity could be labelled a failure; you needed defensive cover, preferably experienced as King and Woodgate are both a tackle away from injury and you've brought in Gallas for nowt.

Pletikosa is a very capable goalkeeper and good cover if Cudicini does another Evil Knievel impression or Gomes has one of his 'flappy' periods.

Then there's Van Der Vaart. Whether or not you need another attacking midfielder shouldn't detract from how good a signing it is (especially at the alleged price). He may not be in the pantheon of the truly great Dutch midfielders and the Premiership can be a harst test for any player but there's no denying the talent.

If you're honest (and my aforementioned peers agree), the one thing that would have topped the letter to Santa would have been an out-and-out goalscorer. This hasn't materialised for whatever reason, I think you'd be lying to yourself if you said you weren't a little disappointed but as I say, I wouldn't brand this summer's ins and outs and White Hart Lane a failure by any stretch of the imagination.

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