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A couple of good films coming up on TV next week!!

How To Lose Friends And Alienate People - very very funny

The Host - awesome Korean flic!!

An Education - maybe one for the missus :winkold:

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Just finished watching Catfish on More4. Very interesting on a lot of levels.

Watched that a few weeks back (might have posted it in here)

I really liked it, but couldn't help being sceptical about it being (completely) real.

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I really liked it, but couldn't help being sceptical about it being (completely) real.

I believe it is. They were grilled about it soon after it was made, and apparently yes it is genuine. I found myself feeling sorry for her. It's a mad story though :)

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A couple of good films coming up on TV next week!!

How To Lose Friends And Alienate People - very very funny

I watched that withouth knowing beforehand that Megan Fox was in it. Imagine my delight when she turned around, hopped in a swimming pool and climbed out the other side before we both re-composed ourselves.
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I really liked it, but couldn't help being sceptical about it being (completely) real.

I believe it is. They were grilled about it soon after it was made, and apparently yes it is genuine. I found myself feeling sorry for her. It's a mad story though :)

Funnily enough, I was LESS convinced about its authenticity after I'd seen the interviews with the filmmakers.

Don't care though, we know that sort of thing does go on, so it was "true" enough.

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I really liked it, but couldn't help being sceptical about it being (completely) real.

I believe it is. They were grilled about it soon after it was made, and apparently yes it is genuine. I found myself feeling sorry for her. It's a mad story though :)

Funnily enough, I was LESS convinced about its authenticity after I'd seen the interviews with the filmmakers.

Don't care though, we know that sort of thing does go on, so it was "true" enough.

That's kind of how I saw it. I saw stuff "confirming" it's authenticity, but still remain sceptical. I'm sure parts are real, just a little unconvinced that the bits, especially the early bits, are real.

But I'll give them the benefit of the doubt as it's still a very good film.

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Some of the post-film text updates were a little close to the bone to be made up.

In particular, the update about the seriously mentally retarded kid dying soon after the film was made. He was no actor and you wouldn't put that in a film.
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Oh, I wasn't suggesting that the whole thing was fiction. That family was for real, and I'm sure she did the stuff she did. What I'm slightly dubious about is the fact that they just happened to be making a film about Nev Schulman as it all happened in real time. But like I say, it's not really important.

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Exactly how I feel MIke.

The situation was real, I believe that. Completely. I'm not doubting the overall concept or the results.

I just think the early bits of the film, like the whole reason they started filming this bloke for example, were a bit too convenient. I also don't think he'd have been so open about his blossoming relationship with this stranger at first.

It just felt like they filmed the end bits for real, and then thought "This could make a good film, if only we'd filmed those early bits"

I'm probably just being over cynical, and as MIke says, it's not important.

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to be honest i watched the first 20 minutes/half hour of catfish and switched it off

found it amazingly boring (yes I know its only the start of the film and it could have picked up) and I thought (judging on what I watched) that if them people were not acting then they are the strangest people I have ever seen in my life as they must live their life as if they are acting (if that makes sense)

just couldnt get into it at all and dont really fancy trying to sit down and watch it again


tonight I have a choice of

hellraiser-1 to 8)

scream 4-probably gunna be shite but I have seen the others so i'll give it a go)

I saw the devil-really fancy this been waiting ages to watch it

or I could sit down and watch mega pirannha, mongolian death worm, mega shark vs crocasaurus or swamp shark

but I think I will save them for when I am extremely hungover and need to watch something that is so ridiculous it wont need any concentration at all

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or I could sit down and watch mega pirannha, mongolian death worm, mega shark vs crocasaurus or swamp shark

but I think I will save them for when I am extremely hungover and need to watch something that is so ridiculous it wont need any concentration at all

Don't wish to start an OT hangover debate again, but... if you can watch a film, you don't know the meaning of "extremely hungover".
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oh yeah does any one know of a korean film called mother?

I have been trying to get hold of it for ages does anyone know of anywhere either online (free) that I could download it from 'or' anywhere in town that I could try and get it from?

I have tried HMV and all them places but cant find it

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oh yeah does any one know of a korean film called mother?

I have been trying to get hold of it for ages does anyone know of anywhere either online (free) that I could download it from 'or' anywhere in town that I could try and get it from?

I have tried HMV and all them places but cant find it

You'll pay for it in a high street shop, but not an online shop?


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Lee, weren't you the chap wo turned off Inception after 20 minutes too?

Your attention span must be very small!

hmmm nope that wasn't me I went to the cinema twice to see inception and have seen the film twice on DVD now as well

i'm pretty good with films to be honest and can watch pretty much anything this one just didn't grab me at all

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oh yeah does any one know of a korean film called mother?

I have been trying to get hold of it for ages does anyone know of anywhere either online (free) that I could download it from 'or' anywhere in town that I could try and get it from?

I have tried HMV and all them places but cant find it

You'll pay for it in a high street shop, but not an online shop?


yeah its a ball ache getting things online though for me as it means I have to mission round to me mom n dads to pick it up as thats the only place I can guarentee someone will be in, and I dont trust getting things like that delivered to my flat so I prefer to either download or pay in a shop

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oh yeah does any one know of a korean film called mother?

Yes, I recommended it on this very thread. It's an absolutely fantastic movie, one of my favourites from the last few years and worth watching for the performance of Hye-ja Kim alone.

I watched it on Blu-ray from Lovefilm.

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