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Mini Wow thingy for you all:

Best Area: At the moment, probably Un'goro, that place is wicked

Worst Area: Ganklethorn Vale

Best Instance: Probably the first one I did with all the werewolves, forget its name

Worst Instance: Probably my experience of Uldaman with Riss (res the priest!)

Best Drop: Blue gloves that got me 18G

Best Q: The super Q of free XP in Azshara!

Worst Q: One where i had to kill about 100 gorillas near Booty Bay for 1 drop.

Toughest class come across: Paladins are too tough for me

Easiest class come across: Hunters, after you kill their pet you piss on them!

Best Bat ride: Badlands-Hammerfall

Funniest moment: Probably just now, me and tarj going after a T-rex, not finding one so starting on something else. Then suddenly seeing one looming over him "its behind you" - DEAD

Monitor through the Window Moment: Getting killed by a ?? Hunter 5-6 times all over the place, no matter where I was, he kept appearing.

Best Moment: Being killed by a level 500 dragon

Feel free to add your own!

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Woah, a truly successful Princess Run! Of the four bosses, i won three rolls on the drop, including the crit build Locks fave toy, the Inventors Focal Sword. Couple that with a Spellstone (and itsnt it a **** that the stones bind on pickup so Locks cant give them out?) and extra crits are battleground fun!

This is the loot i got.

Focal Sword!

Probably one of the only swords a Warlock could ever get any use out of over other classes on the whole game, and the whole reason i did the run in the first place. Defiantely a mana users sword. Lock, Mage and possibly a Pussy Bubbler get dibs.

Charstone Dirk

And this is very nice too. Not as good as either the soul harvester, or the focal sword/spellstone combo, but a very nice caster item. Ive got three weapons to last me unitl 60 now, which is nice.

Fist of Stone

A Shammy needed the Fist of Stone, but 2 seconds before the boss who dropped it died, he got cut off from the game (happens all the time in Istanbul, apparently) and he passed on a roll he needed by default. Gutted or what?

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Nice Idea Daniel San...

Best Area: Desolace

Worst Area: Hillsbrad (gank city)

Best Instance: Still Shadow Fang Keep for me. Visually stunning.

Worst Instance: Wailing Caverns

Best Drop: Gold Pearl (Got 18g for it)

Best Q: The super Q of free XP in Azshara! (Agree with Dan)

Worst Q: The one in Tanaris with the sample collections. Grrrrr!!

Toughest class come across: Druids and Priests seem to **** me over quicker than most. Warlocks are tough too, but as Nays has said there arent that many of them so I havent been killed by too many.

Easiest class come across: Rogues and Hunters for me, Rogues because they are a melee class too so we can have a real blokes fight instead of getting done by a range caster, and Hunters because I can get close to them and once the pet has had Intimidating Shout cast I can kill the owner (sometimes :winkold: ) I'll bet most people will have Warrior on this one. :lol:

Best Bat ride: Silverpine to Undercity (first one is still the best)

Funniest moment: Risso and me in our 'cliff diving' episode. Still makes me giggle now. Oh and the night me, Nays and Sie quested with a frenchman (we were on TS too) who was quite clearly mad.

Monitor through the Window Moment: Most of the time spent in Hillsbrad. It just takes the piss regarding ganking.

Best Moment: Dinging 40 and getting the mount.

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Best Area: Probably Winterspring. Short and sweet and gorgeous graphically

Worst Area: Hammerfall - the ganking sucks.

Best Instance: I like Maraudon

Worst Instance: erm, not sure. Got bored of WC after the 4th run. Didnt wn any rolls or get any drops whatsoever in RFK.

Best Drop: Necromancer Leggings Didnt sell, wore for at least 20 levels. Still have them now. Sie wanted to disenchant the bastards!

Best Q: The super Q of free XP in Azshara, obviously.

Worst Q: Cant think. I abandon shit ones. The samples one sucked though.

Toughest class come across: Hunters with the BM talent tree filled to Beastial Wrath. I die when the pet turns red. Ive learned to fight Rogues, so unless one opens with an Ambush, i fancy my chances, and i dont have a great record against Mages.

Easiest class come across: Other Warlocks. I farm them. Also Warriors were easy but as i creep towards 60, they are getting a lot tougher.

Best Bat ride: Badlands-Hammerfall/Undercity

Funniest moment: When i hit a level 20 ally Lock with a 1300 shadowbolt crit. Im not sure he has landed yet.

Monitor through the Window Moment: Loads. People who think the Warlock is a free summoning service do my brain in though, and sometimes when the game decides you will die, no matter what, and you just keep getting random adds in fights.

Best Moment: Taking out a 54 Mage and Rogue at the same time. Sweet. Killing Cliff for the first time too.

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Best Area: Feralas, love the waterfalls and the scenery

Worst Area: Arathi/Stromsgard - piss poor bit of planning

Best Instance: Still not done enough, but like SM library for the graphics. Like Shadow Fang too, one of my fave moments was trying to do it with Si when he L30 something, and I was early 20's.

Worst Instance: Never did finish RFK.

Best Drop: Epic Underworld Band. Sold it too cheaply though!

Best Q: For XP the water ones that Bicks found in Arathi. About 15,000 for delivering stuff, piece of piss.

Worst Q: The dragonscale leatherworking, end of story. THE shittest q in any game ever, bar none. If I'd had to do it early on, I'd never have played it again. Plus most escort q's are pretty crap too.

Toughest class come across: For me, it's mages. I'm usually dead before I get anyway where near! Paladins too. God damn that pussy bubble!

Easiest class come across: Hunters. Slow the pet down, then get into melee range quick.

Best Bat ride: From Badlands passing over that ally dam with the faces. Stunning.

Funniest moment: Loads! Falling off the zep on my first trip with Si, and him saying "You fell off, didn't you?!" Mine and Si's cliff diving, or me Tarj and Dan getting a bit carried away with elites in Stonetalon... After three, urrrghhhh!

Monitor through the Window Moment: Getting close to finishing the dreaded Dragonscale q, and getting ganked over and over in tanaris

Best Moment: Too many to mention. Probably my fave time was my first week when Si took loads of time out showing me about. If it wasn't for him, I doubt I'd have got into the game as much as I have.

I did enjoy Uldaman last week, when me and Dan played with a set of arses. One bloke was desperate for some mail bracers, which I gladly won with one of my usual 98 rolls!

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Here's my list of moments

Best Area: Ashenvale and Dun Morogh (both for the same reasons - graphically/aurally gorgeous and ooze atmosphere)

Worst Area: Desolace (too plain and bored the shit out of me questing there. Felt like a grind)

Best Instance: Not sure I have one although I have fond memories of WC and SFK

Worst Instance: RFK and RFD - both identically bland and shitty

Best Drop: In terms of stats, the boots my rogue is wearing. Most stuff I get from the AH though.

Best Q: Nayon's Warlock one when we decided to trek through enemy territory from Gnomeregen.

Worst Q: Most of 'em in Desolace.

Toughest class come across: Warriors - Do lots of damage along with have a shitload of armour to cut through.

Easiest class come across: Soft and squishy cloth/leather wearing classes - can take most of them down in seconds before they get a single attack off. Mail classes go down pretty quick too, especially 40+ Hunters.

Best Bat ride: Stormwind - Ironforge (Alliance bat ride, not the tram - from when I had an Ally hunter)

Funniest moment: Stealthing and watching a 20 something Alliance having an epic battle with a spider, just winning by the skin of his teeth then him sitting down to eat/heal only to be knifed in the back by his hidden audience after all that hard work. Oh how I laughed.

Monitor through the Window Moment: Loads. Alterac Valley when it's full of idiots springs to mind. Selfish words removed in instances who **** off after their tasks are complete. Players who spit their dummy out when they can't get their own way.

Best Moment: Being jumped by a 49 rogue (when I was 47) while mining in Tanaris only to come back from the dead minutes later and totally humiliate said 49 rogue by killing it without so much as a scratch.

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Welcome Sie! and Bicks you're right - hunters can kill NPCs without even going near them, pretty overpowered against them imo, but not so good in PvP.

Si, thats a good point BTW, I never see any Warlocks!

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Without sounding like too much of a suck-up, I think Sie and Nayson should write some guides on their classes (Rogue and Warlock respectively) and get them posted on various WoW websites as they are both superb at their own characters and seem to know all the ins-and-outs.

BTW, Welcome to VT Sie :lol:

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To be honest, there are more than enough guides and snippets of info out there on each class.

Yes, but lots of them (as I have found out whilst looking for some good Warrior advice) are absolute cockwank. Having had firsthand experience of playing alongside you and Mr.R I would think yours would be better.

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Best Q: Nayon's Warlock one when we decided to trek through enemy territory from Gnomeregen.

Actually, thats a point. That was really good fun. We should have done a bit more ganking in Wetlands, but running through alliance areas when we were both about level 30 was a blast.

glad everyone is saying hunters are easy begining to think I was shit

Hunters arent built for PVP I've come to this conclusion, they are however great at soloing against NPC's

Well, id disagree there Bicks. Hunters can hammer pretty much all of the cloth wearing classes easily, especially with a cat or raptor. And they can give out huge damage too, ive been hit for 1500+ by hunters attacks. You are basically casters with decent armour. BM Hunters are nails.

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