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The dagger, which i have too, is good for a Priest/Mage/Warlock who wants to use a 1h weapon and an offhand item (like a crystal ball/orb, or a spellbook, or a rod) for a stat buff. This can lead to better stats than a 2h staff.

Mages and Warlocks can also use Inventors Focal Sword which drops in the same instance, so we should really step aside for the Priest who wants this to use with an offhand item. Warlocks are quite lucky here, as well as being able to use every offhand item that a priest can use (except class specific ones) we can also make our own offhands for free, just by using a soul shard. We can make the fantasically good Spellstone which at level 60 will soak up 900 points of magical damage (im currently at 650) and at any level will give an extra 1% chance to crit with a magical attack, Locks will run around with this and the Focal Sword, which gives another chance to crit with spells. Locks can also make the Firestone Which puts a free Firey Enchant on our sword (and its 3 times more powerful than the Firey enchant an enchanter can sell) and add extra fire damage to our fire spells too. If you see a Warlock with one of these, he will be using it for the spell damage, not the firey melee enchant, cos Warlocks really never should melee, unless absolutely out of mana. More useful for out and out DPS Locks who have spent lots of talent points in Fire Spells. Its just a shame that these items are soulbound, or we could have a great time giving them out to people. Mages would love them.

A Firey Enchant means that there is a chance on hit that you will do additional 40 fire damage to the target ontop of regular weapon damage. Its probably better for high attack speeds over lower ones (1hs and especially daggers), but it all damage adding. Sie can do them, but they are quite expensive unless you farm the reagents for the enchant yourself.

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It means that the fire damage wont hit every time, but instead there is a chance that it will.

Unfortunately, you never really find out what the chance is, unless you have the enchant.

Take the chat about Warriors becoming unstoppable killing machines at level 60. Its because they are a class that rely on their gear, and as they get higher, the gear gets better. Chance on hits really can come into play here. And if they do, its happy Warrior time.

Take Sions sword. destiny (112 - 168 Damage Speed 2.60

(53.8 damage per second) Chance on hit: Increases Strength by 200 for 10 sec.) when the chance on hit comes in to play, all of a sudden you are up against a seriously hard hitter, and its Advantage Sion. Im not sure how often it does kick in, but it seems to be quite a lot. On top of the Swords chance on hit, you can put an enchant on. I keep seeing the Crusader one being used in Orgrimmar at the moment. (Permanently enchant a melee weapon so that often when attacking in melee it heals for 75 to 125 and increases Strength by 100 for 15 sec.) now the chance on hit there both heals the attacker, and adds more strength to him. On a decent sword, like the one Sion has, this can equal doom for anything he might want to kill. If one chance on hit hasnt fired off, its likely the other one will, so the player will be buffed for longer. If they both kick in at the same time, then it could be goodnight vienna for whoever is on the reciving end. Ouch!

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I'd love that Crusader enchant, but a)

I've never seen anybody selling it

and B)

I doubt I could afford it even if they did!

I like the orange glow from fiery blade, might get it depening on cost (Rough idea Nays, more or less than 10G?)

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Its a lot more than that. Ask Sie, he can do it. If you just want a cool orange glow, get the one i have, demonslaying.


Ive got it purely cos i think it looks cool. Same colour as the fire on my Felsteed. Ive never actually got any use out of the spell, but it has a chance of stunning and doing massive damage to Demons (who seem to becoming more and more common as enemies as the game goes on. Also, all Warlocks pets are Demons, so i assume it would work on those too)

I think its about 7g for this enchant.

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Yesssssss! Curse_Gaming have got the latest patch as a direct download! Up yours Blizzard and your shit downloader, and up yours Fileplanet and your shit pay $10 or wait in a queue all day to download!

How much do I love Curse?

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I dont get what is going on there. Ive never had a problem with the Blizzard Downloader whatsoever.

It seems pretty random that it works with some, and refuses to work with others.

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Not only does it not download the patch for me, it also crashes my system a lot of the time. Looks like Curse is creaking under the strain too, as the site says it has too many connections. Wife and baby asleep, all I want to do is play, by the time I log in no doubt there will be the usual 450+ queue.

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OK Sunken temple is now a MUST. My line of rogue quests ends there, and I have to get a key from there which will reward me with one of 3 cool blue items. Tarj, if youre on tomorrow perhaps we could join a group and do it?

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You definately could use a Mage or Warlock for Sunken Temple.

The bit where you get swamped by Dragons is perfect for AoE goodness. Tank holds aggro, AoE goes to town on the little dragons, while everyone else just wails on the big dragon.

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There is a new Deathwing Server migration starting on the 12th of December.

Now, with that in mind, who fancies transfering our alt characters to the new server (it being a brand new server)? I want to leave my Rogue on Deathwing but I think it could be a good thing for our alts who we'll be levelling. Populated low areas is something Deathwing will never get back and the new server will be attracting new and old players.

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Or we could just move lock, stock and barrel to the new server! If the migration lessens the queues in the evening, I'll stay, but 450+ people and half an hour waits are no use to me at all, when I have an hour or two max to play. I'll do whatever everybody else does, but I'm seriously fed up of waiting on Deathwing.

Cheers Sie for the fiery blade by the way, it's awesome. The mats cost me about 9G ish, the ususal enchant sellers in Orgri were asking 25G+!!

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I think the only problem i would have with moving over to a new server with my alt is that Its great to be able to use Sion to send him nice items and gold. I've levelled quicker with HF much quicker because of this.

Wouldnt object to starting an Alliance alt on the new server though.

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