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I'm forever worrying about my talent tree. I think I'm upto about 20G for a respec now!

At the moment I'm mostly elemental (souped up spells and shocks) with a few points in enhance (souped up melee), and nothing in resto. I like this because it means I can hit hard and fast in PvP and it's OK for grinding. All the guilds though, seem to want Shaman to have maxed out Resto trees, as back up healers for priests. I accept I'll probably have to change end game, but I hate healing, and am worried I'll have to learn a whole new way of playing for the end game.

Been doing a bit more PvPing. I've decided that in group PvP (eg battlegrounds) I own warriors, but lose big style against mages, but in one v one it's the other way round. I can stop mages casting spells and debuff them, then just need to get in close to melee their cloth wearing ass. Warriors though, how do you stop them charging and hamstringing you. My frost shock which slows people has diminishing returns against the same player, but hamstring can be used over and over again.

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For Risso.

The Blizzard downloader always takes a while to kick in but it doesn't really matter how you connect to their patch servers, you'd still get the same download performance. It's slow because everyone with the game in europe is doing the very same thing you are - downloading the patch. There are however other sites that put up mirrors and host the patch themselves. It's an easy way to get around the Blizz downoader but make sure its a reputable site first.

You should check your firewall and/or router set up too as this may be slowing traffic down. You can find details of what ports to forward on the Blizz Warcraft site.

Cheers Sie. I've read every bit of advice on the Bleedin' downloader, and never got it to work. I always end up going to a mirror site, but they sometimes take a while to get the patches. The forums are always full of people complaining about them. Considering the money they take in, you'd think they could afford a better solution.

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Been doing a bit more PvPing. I've decided that in group PvP (eg battlegrounds) I own warriors, but lose big style against mages, but in one v one it's the other way round.

If the casters are looked after in Battlegrounds we can be devestating. I mean, they can see anyone who isnt looking at them, and take 3000-4000 health off before the target knows what as hit them. Its a lot harder to play like that when someone is running after you with a big axe though!

One on one, i like classes that cant break fear or seduce, and with slow attack speeds. Thats why im glad im on the same side as undead rogues!

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**** all mate, I'm thinking we should do the elite quest in Hinterlands now Risso has it, or perhaps Sunken Temple or Zul Farrak. Its been a long time since we hit a proper instance.

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I wouldn't mind doing some of the Zul Farak quests. Was reading about the carrot and stick q on a board this morning, pretty handy for PvP. Loads of XP in the Jintha elite (Hinterlands q as well).

How was the exam tarj mate?

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See you in there when I get the patch then. Tarj, remember that elite princess in Arathi? Want another crack at her? We may need one of the grown ups help though...

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Still need that elite in Arathi if you and Tarj wouldn't mind lending a hand. Also need to kill the elite Snapjaw in Hinterlands which should only take a minute if you don't mind!

This discussion is pretty funny. A L29 hunter trying to convince people that he's the greatest player that ever lived, and he can own players 10 levels higher than him!

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That Dagger is totally wrong for me, you're welcome to it Tarj, though I don't know why a Priest needs a dagger? What does your staff do, doesn't it help with spells and shit?

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It would be brilliant for my PvP priest. Adds intelligence=mana and lets me use off-hand shadow-dmg booster.

Good staves are very rare btw. and i wont probably get a good new one before lvl 58+

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