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This dropped in SV today, we all greeded and me and Rishj missed out :(

And you were on your Pally?

Id have needed the bastard if i had a 70 Paladin.

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Me and a mate tried wailing caverns I am lvl 21 he is a lvl 28 warrior - we both got screwed.


Just the two of you?

I'm not surprised you got shoed to be honest. Get a group together and try again.

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I now have a (long) list of PvP armour that I want/need.

looks like WSG/AV/AB and EOTS will be my bessie mates for a couple of months. :D

Still want to get an arena team together too. :thumb:

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Me and a mate tried wailing caverns I am lvl 21 he is a lvl 28 warrior - we both got screwed.


Just the two of you?

I'm not surprised you got shoed to be honest. Get a group together and try again.

Would three be ok? The problem is the bigger the group the less the XP per player.

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Me and a mate tried wailing caverns I am lvl 21 he is a lvl 28 warrior - we both got screwed.


Just the two of you?

I'm not surprised you got shoed to be honest. Get a group together and try again.

Would three be ok? The problem is the bigger the group the less the XP per player.

If you are all around the same level then get a 5 man and make sure you get a good mixture of skills (DPS/Tank/Healer).

Alternatively find a high level toon to boost you (take you through the instance) again, its advantageous to know lvl 70's on your server. I've boosted a couple of Guildies through SFK and WC and it takes about a quarter of the time but you still get to complete all the relevant quests and get the drops you were after.

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Kinda funny. Asked Nighteye wether they would put up an elite group and a rookie group.

Then he answered he would think about it. I dont know if he tried to be funny, or actually ment it, but you cant **** say last nights raids were balanced?

They had taken ALL the best geared players into one raid, except the MT.

Original raid setup:

Group 1 :











Group 2 :











**** this. Next time they try some elitist shit, im gonna log. I have no problems with gearing up new players, but then you can be honest and say so.

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Redemptus, Nayson, Tatonka and (later) Gone are hardly rookies, as you said you also got the MT. We had Tiralas (Who my paladin **** CARRIED!!! on Illhoof) and Oswald, yes our group was stronger but there wasn't much in it TBH.

Having a rookie group and a pro group hasn't worked in the past as one just gets stuck on the likes of Moroes, in this situation it was balanced a bit better (much better then if Shack was involved, he insists on certain players in his raids and then tells Nighteye to lead the newbs apparently) This time it was slightly more balanced but you cant please everyone.

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