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Anyone can play WoW and enjoy it, but to be really good at it means you have to do a lot of research.

It's frightening the detail some people go into. I've been reading up on what sort of gear I should be buying for my build (ie +strength, agility, spirit) etc and frankly it's all a bit bewildering! I've respecced my talent tree twice, and I still don't know if what I've done is right, despite reading loads of forums. I've decided thought that my PvP sucks, and I need to get some practise in desperately, so I'll definitely head for the battlefield at some point tonight.

I was in Ashenvale last night and came across a L32 Ally mage ganking a level 25 Warlock. He finished the lock off, then camped on his corpse, dancing about and stuff.

I took great pleasure in marching over and shocking him. Frost shocked him, then got a crit from my earth shock, which all but wiped him out. When he ressed he tried to leg it, so I ghost wolfed and hunted him down like a dog!

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Doing someone over like that really is satisfying.

My best one is still when i saved that Warlock from the Warrior in Ferelas. Same sort of thing as you really Ris, but the Warrior was still fighting the Warlock when i stepped in. And you know when you really really want your opening attack to crit? Well, i did that time, and my prayers were truly answered.

Its the whole idea that there is this massive, massive world going on around you, and you can mess with it as you chose that is the charm. And that the people you are **** with arent controlled by the computer, but are real human beings. Getting one over on them can be massively satisfying.

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**** brilliant night tonight! Me and Dan were in Stranglethorn, waiting near the expedition camp, merrily killing anyone who came near. Then a load of allies arrived, laying waste to everybody. After that, Nays, Sie amd Simon show up like tthe cavalry, and a ganking spree ensued. THEN a whole load more ally reinforcements arrived, and kicked our arses...THEN 3 or 4 Level 60 Horde turn up to sort them out!

The end result was anout 27 hk's for me in one night, so I'll get my tabard next week!

Cheers Nays, Si and Sie...you da men!

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It was indeed an excellent night, in fact probably the best night I've had on WoW to be honest (sounds like I missed the final act of vengeance though :( ). Heres a few screenshots for the memory...

This was the 'Battle of Freewind post'...


Being involved in that was fun especially the aftermath, note the skeletons of the recently deceased Alliance...


And then we stood around basking in the victory...


This is me and Sie doing over a lvl 60...


and I got to win the Batman lookalike competition... :lol:


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I can make giant growth potions now, as i managed to get the fishing skill up.

Think i might try to get Alchemy/Herbs, First Aid and fishing up pretty high, before thinking about level 40.

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Seriously had enough of the Deathwing server now. Got kicked out for no reason three times today and then had to queue for 10 mins each time to get back on.

Next migration, I'm off. Its just not good enough tbh.

:evil: :evil: :evil:

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I've been queuing 90 minutes now. Started at pos 180 and am now at 353.

Just tried exiting the queue and rejoining, and I'm still at 357, so it looks like _everyone_ can push in in front of me.


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I'm guessing there must be a bias based on when you joined. I don't think it's directly level related coz I'm up to lev 12 already and that must be faster than many people do.

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Hmmm, thought I'd take a look around and it looks like I was playing on a promo key instead of my retail key. I wonder if that'll make a difference...

... and the position count is only going down so far!


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And the game crashes while im inside the battle ground.

10 minute wait to get back in? How many times will i have died by the time i get back? :(

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That's the biggest gripe I have Nays. Queuing to get back on after you've "done a Risso!"

I was in a group yesterday doing the Scarlet Monastery. I needed two books to complete 2 quests. Anyway I died just before the big battle at the end, only to have a 10 minute wait to get back on, by which time the others had finished everything, had had all the good drops, and **** off!

And the other night (the one where me, Dan, Si and Nays were kicking Ally ass around the base camp) I'd got in the queue for a battleground. The countdown timer seemed to always say I had about 90 minutes to two hours left, but after 5 hours of play, I never actually made it into the battle.

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F***ing F***ing F***ing Server!!!

Just kicked me again as I was waiting to re-join Battlegrounds and now the queue is 7 minutes again!!!

Deathwing Server is arse. End of.

:evil: :evil: :evil:

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Jesus. Sunday evening and there's 463 ahead of me in the queue. As Si says, that really isn't good enough.

It's a brilliant, amazing game, the very best there's ever been in my opinion, but Blizzard need to sort it out.

From the crap downloading of patches, to the lagging, to the stupid queues, to the down time most Wednesdays after maintenance, for the money they get in it just isn't acceptable.

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