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Need some help in the 1000 Needles tonight. But it's a Q anybody can do, and the first of it takes about 30 seconds, for 1000 XP, nice! The second bit, which I haven't attempted yet, will mean 2-3 of us fending off waves of attacks from Roguefeathers. Sounds like fun, course it does! Loads of XP, and some nice prizes at the end from what I've read.

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Is it just me or is Orgrimmar completely unplayable due to the slow movement/lag ?

I logged out there after visiting the bank, which took about 1/2 hour! Is it a problem that my underpowered pc is causing? Eould adding some memory help?

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Is it just me or is Orgrimmar completely unplayable due to the slow movement/lag ?

I logged out there after visiting the bank, which took about 1/2 hour! Is it a problem that my underpowered pc is causing? Eould adding some memory help?

Its your PC. I never have any problem in Orgrimmar, other than having to wait a few seconds for the terrain to load and stuff if i logon in Orgrimmar. And i play the game with everything maxed graphically.

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I only have a 64 meg graphics card and i get lag, not as bad as others have it though. I think nays has a 256, so he wont have any issues.

Summary of today:

Nice playing with you Riss, some good qs

Fun killing Allies with you Tarj

Cheers for the help Si

Good quest at the end there Bicks

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And oh, yay, whoo!

Hit level 44, got my new curse of shadows and smashed my crit record, hitting for over 1000! If i get my maths right, i should be able to crit for 1300+ on this level. Sweet!

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The fx cards an elderly ati radeon 9200se, but with lots of on board, I think 128, but my processors aged, a 1.2 duron, and although I have 256k memory, the system seems to only show the pc equipped with 240m of onboard. Should I rush out and get more memeory, or wait til i upgrade the pc. I wasnt planning on that til the new "Battle of Britain" game from UBI/Maddox comes out as it promises to be a killer game.

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It isnt the graphics card Juju. Ive got pretty much the same pc as my mate, who is a level 60 rogue, and i lagg like shite in orgrimmar , but he runs it smoothly. He says the difference is, ive got 512 DDR ram/memory or what you call it, he got over a thousand.

He started the game with the memory i have, but purchased new RAM due to the lagg, and now he runs it smoothly as hell.

While my memory cant handle the steam of Orgrimmar, the pc tries to load pc-details on to the harddrive, and thats the laggy reason.

This is what he said anyway. And ive got a wicked graphics-card so it def. isnt that.

The Internet speed can cause lagg too...and its been really laggy on the server really.

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I'm not too bad in Orgri ususally. When I get there I go and make a cup of tea or something while the graphics load. That said, it has been a lot slower lately, which could be down to the halloween stuff.

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A big thanks to Si for last night, he really is a star, taking time out to help when he receives little or nothing in the way of XP for it.

Tonight's order of business then. Me and Dan got the boof from the barrow which Tarj still needs to do, so we'll help there. You then have to go to Undercity, where a bloke gives you the final q to get the last book from a monastery in Trisfal. I've also got The Den (elite) q in Stonetalon to finish, and the second part of the alien egg q in the Needles. Plus I think we should do an instance, anyone up for finishing Blackfathom?

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A very nice little mod called critline which records all your best attacks, how often they crit, and what level they were against. Its good for satisfying curiosity, and also helps you decide what moves hurt best. Sits on the titan bar.

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