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Always try to ask Mages for water when you are in the City of Orgrimmar. They tend to give it out for free, and it helps no end with Mana renewal.


And at last! :D

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Free? Even better then. You can stump up for the VT Villains guild fee then , and everybody can pay you back. I've got about 12G, but Si and TRL were pleading poverty!

Oh and do something about that hat. You're obviously going for the Gandalf look, but the effect is more student wearing a traffic cone!

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Cant wait to see Risso humpin a wolf, while me and the rest of the nobels take the horse :mrgreen:

Hey I can ride a hoss too when the time comes, whether I choose to or not is another matter. A horse gets you 60% extra speed, but I already get 40% from my wolf skills. I almost certainly will though, as riding a steed through a land marks you out as being high level.

And yes we'll have to go back to Tarren Mill. After I checked the last q, the next one was to kill a load of peasants, which I'd have thought would have been easier, as you're not looking for specific named targets. I'll help you with the elixir q's too although I've already done them, as they involve slaughtering various bears, spiders and lions for parts, and I could do with the leather.

I think we should all post our professions by the way, so if we end up with something someone else can use, we can post it to them. I'm leatherworking and skinning, so any decent patterns gratefully accepted.

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So Juju, have you had a go yet? If you have, make sure you join the Deathwing server, and post your character name on here so us addicts can help you out.

TRL made a good point in the game last night, it's funny to go to areas where you've previously had your butt kicked, only to return as a higher level and exact your revenge, most fun. I'm looking forward to being able to batter those 3 elites that that patrol up down the road in the south barrens, they're most annoying.

Who's up for the WC tonight, I could do with a few decent drops, as my next lot of power ups are probably going to set me back at least 4G.

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I can't remember what level they are, but I'm assuming mid to high 20ish elite based on the fact that the area round is manly L20-22. If so I'm sure we could have a go at them with TRL's assistance anytime really. You AND Si would go through them like a does of salts, like you did with that big rock eejit last night.

I need to do that q in the thousand needles tonight (where the bat is, Freewhateveritscalled) as I'll then get heavy armour patches, making me even more overpowered.

Quick Question for the WoW dads (ie Nays and Simon!). Is it best to keep your weapon skills fairly balanced? I played with a one hand axe and shield combo up until about 3 levels ago, when I switched to either a 2h axe or stave. My 2h axe and stave skills are now 125/125, but everything else is less. I prefer the 2h option, as it obviously deals out a lot more damage, but I take a big hit on the armour side of things. Which do you reckon is best? On things like Shadowfang I prefer the meleeing side to healing, but that obviously puts more of a strain on healers like TRL.

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I can't remember what level they are, but I'm assuming mid to high 20ish elite based on the fact that the area round is manly L20-22.

They are level 24 Elite's. 4 of them if i remember correctly.

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Someone help me please. Ive installed the add0ns as you said, but when i start WoW they say the add0ns are to old, and i should disable them. What can i do?

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Daft question, logging in tonight for the first time, but I notice on the realms status that Deathwing is migrating to Twisting Nether. What ever this means. So should I still try to get in on the queued full deathwing server, or create my character in Twisting Nether?

Does this even make sense?

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Join Deathwing.

The migration is to enable people to move from full servers (deathwing) to new servers (twisting nether) to reduce the occational queues, ie if you log in at about 8pm you might have to wait 5-10 mins to get in, but 99% of the time there are no queues.

We are all settled on Deathwing now, and have friends and enemies on the server, so moving isnt going to happen.

You will find yourself quite a way behind us lot, myself, D1 and Sie (from Cuss) are into our level 40's, and the rest of the Villatalk lads are in the early/mid 20's, so you might find yourself questing with random people a lot of the time to begin with (though you can solo the first 25-30 levels if you need) but im sure there will be plenty of help from the likes of TRL, Risso, Bicks and Dan to help you catch up quicker.

Have you decided what character you want to be yet?

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Got a pretty nifty armour rating of 2382, which means I am now pretty difficult to kill. All thanks to the wonders of Plate Armour which is surprisingly cheap actually. :lol:

ps. Tarj, only joking mate :winkold:

pps. Nays, gratz on the horsey. I want the firelook!!

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