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DK was originally released on an arcade cabinet, the Game&Watch version followed a year later ;).

You wouldn't have been born then!

Ah, I see the point. Furry muff. The 'original' comment was aimed more at those who might have thought it was a relatively new thing - you know youngstas. :P

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;)... I thought the 'youngstas' should know the actual facts of the matter. Never know the life or death situations they might get into where they need to know the exact answer to the original format of Donkey Kong...


Another Donkey Kong one. No-one is quite sure why he's called Donkey Kong. There are a couple of stories about. The most well known suggests that they wanted to call him 'Monkey Kong', but thanks to bad phoneline, he ended up being called Donkey instead.

A similar thing is 'alledged' to have happened to (rather crap) 80s Japanese sports car the Mitsubishi Starrion, although that was perhaps more down to the Japanese trouble with Ls.

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Took me 3 tries to get that pic to work, don't like Googles new image search...

Further embaracing my inner geek...

Pacman was released originally in Japan as Puckman. When the game was sold to the US, the name was changed to Pacman to prevent vandals renaming the game themselves to Fuckman.

And it's also a game that was, at least in it's original format, impossible to beat. If you made it to the 256th level, the game had a bug that made it unbeatable.

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Shigeru Miyamoto, the character's creator, used the English word "donkey" to evoke the animal's stereotypical stubbornness. (There was no translation error; the game has the same name, "Donkii Kongu", in Japan.) "Kong" is because, in Japan, "King Kong" has become a generic term for any large ape.

Thus, Donkey Kong is a stubborn large ape.

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The speed record for helicopters is 249.09mph, set in 1986 by a stripped out British Westland Lynx. It is a record that is unlikely to be bettered thanks to the limitations of the way helicopters work.

Pff, flat earther :P

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The same newspaper prop is used by many different American film and TV shows:


A Murder of Crows


Why I Wore Lipstick to My Mastectomy


No Country for Old Men




Power Rangers Zeo


Married... With Children






Malcolm in the Middle


Six Feet Under


Lucky Louie




Everybody Hates Chris


Desperate Housewives




This in turn may well add more shows to the Westphallian Universe.

That's strange, is it some running industry gag? I'd like to know the back story on that one...

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Gutted NCFOM is on that picture. I watched it the other day and saw the paper and thought "there's that paper that's used in all the movies!"

Thought I'd spotted a new one :(

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(There was no translation error; the game has the same name, "Donkii Kongu", in Japan.)

I always thought that was because they originally named it in English because they intended it to be their breakthrough game in the US so named it for it's prime market, then translated back to English?

For what it's worth, I think the story of Miyamoto wanting a word associated with stubborn and going with Donkey is probably correct, but I'm sure it was supposed to have been named in English first.

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It might just be one of those cool origin stories that companies like to spread. Half of them are completely untrue, but people remember them and by extension, think about the product or brand.

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There ya go Chindie. Oh, and if you ever have a bit of spare time I can highly recommend a documentary called The King of Kong which is all about old arcade games. No prizes for guessing which one. :lol:

That documentary is amazing. It's almost as if it was scripted. Tried and tested tale of good guy newcomer vs old dickhead of a pro.

And that Billy Mitchell is a complete prick!

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Its the insane world of the arcades that make me laugh. The miles that Steve Weibe travels only to find he might as well be pissing into the wind because everybody else is mad or doesnt want anybody joining their silly little club no matter how qualified they are.

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It's mad. The big deal they made about his videotape, sending spies out to check his machine and then not recognising his score for basically no reason. Then this fully grown midget submits his tape and they recognise it in 10 minutes.

The reaction of that Kuh guy when Wiebe sets the live world record had me laughing out loud.

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I just checked the distances. Wiebe lives just north of Seattle, he traveled to Laconia in New Hampshire to Funspot where the dodgy tape turned up. Thats 3000 miles or so. He traveled about the same distance as we would if we were traveling from Brum.

He then went to Billy Mitchells home town just south of Miami. Its probably the furthest journey you can make on the mainland of the USA, almost 3500 miles. And Billy Mitchell behaved like that? Insane.

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Clearly he was terrified of losing.

When he turns up, Wiebe says hi, and Mitchell doesn't even say anything, I was shaking my head in disbelief.

Cheers for linking that Rev. I really enjoyed it, and now have a massive urge to get really good at a classic game! Hard to believe that the King of kong isn't a mockumentary at times though!

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