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Internet Dating


Internet Dating have you?  

84 members have voted

  1. 1. Internet Dating have you?

    • Never tried it, get a life muppets!
    • Tried it and am still seeing her
    • Tried and had 1 or more dates and kopped off
    • Tried and had 1 or more dates
    • Tried it and chatted online only

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I tried it a couple of years ago and had a date with a girl who must enjoy photograph manipulation as one of her hobbies... :wow:

When she said (in a northern accent) "I Foookin Hate Pikies!!!!" I laughed and said "god i haven't seen snatch for a while"... she hadn't seen the film!!! :lol:

I wish that was just a joke, but it's the god honest truth... suffice to say i didn't go in for coffee when i dropped her off.

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Where's the "haven't tried it but would" option?

Or the "haven't tried it but thinking about it" option

Go for it then, what's stopping you? I don't see anything wrong with it at all

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Its good fun this. It is just so easy to meet like minded people its ridiculous. I guess at first its easy to be a bit shy, and not want to make that first contact, but once you get over that and realise that the girls on there are on there because they also want a date its really very good fun. I've had loads of dates, two or three of which led to something a bit more serious (although given my current single status obviously not all that serious :D) . Facebook is a good place to chat up the opposite sex its true, but I dont think its replaced the "traditional" dating website yet, as on facebook you can literally be whoever you want to be, whereas this is harder (although not impossible) on the more established dating sites like Dating Direct or whatever, where the wesbite has a record, more or less, of who you really are, and can ban you/remove your record etc etc. Some are better than others at this. Some are really good for arranging big social events too.

My advice to anyone single would be to just get stuck in, nothing to lose.

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Where's the "haven't tried it but would" option?

Or the "haven't tried it but thinking about it" option

Go for it then, what's stopping you? I don't see anything wrong with it at all

Mods could you add that please?

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facebook is the way to go!!!

its he easiest way to chat up women, especialy now it has chat system

facebook is the reason for my last 2 girlfrinds and the girl im dating now, sad i know

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I have to say if you are single try it! I have had quite a few dates and a couple of relationships from it. Its less hassel because you know all about them and they are after meeting someone too.

I have had some classic dates to the point where i think i should write a book :lol:

One girl was a stunner! when she agreed to meet me i thought great until i was waiting outside this pub waiting for her and this short fat girl came over to me smiling, i was so close to saying "who the f**k are you! pi$$ off i'm waiting for a date" when she intoduced herself to me as my date. I cant believe people had the nerve to do that and i was too polite to say anything but needless to say i did not hang around later :lol:

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I met a girlfriend whilst at uni through internet "dating". OK, so it was through the Uni message boards but it went well. Chatted for a few weeks more or less constantly through ICQ (it was the "in" thing then :D), arranged to meet up and we both hit it off. 6 months later and we realised we didn't really have much in common at all and it was the usual routine (i.e. met up in the uni bar for drinks and maybe a meal and not a lot else).

Would definitely give it a go (properly) in the future if still single.

Friends Reunited is a good call too. Met my last girlfriend (again) through that. My my had she changed :shock:

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i used U-date just after i split up with a long term girlfriend (the one in the other thread) ... I wasn't looking for a wife on it or anything just a bit of a laugh really ..but I was surprised at how much fun it was and I had a great time on it ..

I was on U-date when it first came out and not only was it free to join then , there were also very few men on it ... you set your profile did a match and then made contact with those that took your interest (i.e anyone that wasn't picky :-) ) .. I'm no sex God but you just told the truth chatted with them , made them laugh , it seemed to work best for me .. some were just friends some a whole lot more ... I even chatted to a girl online in Latvia and went over and had a weekend over there , ( I was so paranoid it was a scam , i left all my credit cards , PDA, Phone .. anything of value basically in the UK ...but she was lovely ). Sure i met the odd fruitcake , one of them left 37 messages for me on my mobile after I'd spent the night with her ... but most were genuine and nice people

but like I say I was almost kinda pioneer of the field ..nowadays I imagine blokes outnumber the women on these websites around 20-1 or something

I have had some classic dates to the point where i think i should write a book

Was almost gonna say the same thing

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Where's the "haven't tried it but would" option?

Or the "haven't tried it but thinking about it" option

Go for it then, what's stopping you? I don't see anything wrong with it at all

erm because I don't think my wife would be to pleased :lol:

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i nowadays I imagine blokes outnumber the women on these websites around 20-1 or something

not at all, or at least not in my experience.

I think its a great way to get out and meet people to be honest, havent had a bad experience yet - although yes it is true that some girls dont look much (or at all) like their pics. You have to go into each date open minded, and not have any expectations. Relax and have a laugh.

if I'd have known how many hot single women there were around my age group I would have split up with my ex years before I did :-) (Joke, I think....)

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And for those of you wanting to try it.... there's a convenient link at the bottom of the page. Go on, click it now, you know you want to. As much to help VT as anything else.

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