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FSOL or 808 State?


FSOL or 808 State?  

15 members have voted

  1. 1. FSOL or 808 State?

    • FSOL
    • 808 State

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sorry nick im just frustrated everyone on here seems to have a broader more in depth taste in music to me and that is making me feel hurt and inferior, thank you brad goodman (the simpsons)

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sorry nick im just frustrated everyone on here seems to have a broader more in depth taste in music to me and that is making me feel hurt and inferior, thank you brad goodman (the simpsons)

No worries fella, you could do worse than listening to some of the suggestions on here, we have some very musically minded people...

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Oh. I'm going to go with 808 state then, as i've not heard of FSOL!

well, i probably have heard some of their stuff, but don't actively know of their work

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Oh. I'm going to go with 808 state then, as i've not heard of FSOL!

well, i probably have heard some of their stuff, but don't actively know of their work

Then you must go seek! They're worth hunting out.

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Two incomparable acts IMO

Given the choice between the two FSOL just because I prefer the more thoughtful / textural / ambient stuff. But 808 State had their moments too

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Can't vote in this one as I haven't the faintest idea what either of them sounds like.

I've a pretty good idea I wouldn't like either, mind you.

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I saw 808 State play at the opening night of the Sanctuary in Digbeth in 1997. I've always liked them but their set was exceptional. Switching from the old electronic classics to a full live set on drums/guitars with scrathing in place of vocals worked a treat and it rocked! Introducing it with the statement "This is **** rock and roll" got the whole room going.

I like FSOL as well but they are something I could not compare. Global Communication, on the other hand...

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