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The Tim Sherwood Thread


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If he's to be judged on the highs, then he needs to be judged on the lows too.


To only judge on one time is incredibly one-eyed.


I am forever grateful for the games that kept us up and before Southampton I was as pro Sherwood is the messiah as anyone on here, but the latest trend is worrying and he isn't immune from criticism.

Not sure how it's one eyed. People have said he has made some mistakes with team selections, tactics and things so far. But some fans saying they are not looking forward to the new season, and we should get a new manager in now is unbelievable. This is the dour scottish man's team, not Sherwoods.


You say the latest trend is worrying.


Southampton :  freak result

Burnley :   Players did not want to get injured

Arsenal :   Just one of their players is probably worth the whole of our team


If fans want to be fickle, thats up to them, but i have seen enough in those games we won that Sherwood deserves a couple of seasons to build something, just like so many fans that kept saying give Lambert time, he will be special :D

Edited by sidcowans21
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Bottom line is sherwood kept us up he did what lambert would never have done. I will be pleased to see what he does pre season.


And I wonder if other managers could have kept us up, got us higher in the table (by not making mistakes such as the high line, tactics, late reactions), and maybe get us up for the biggest game we have played in 15 years. You know..



It was the opinion of lots of people on here that Lambert had to stay because nobody else would want to come to the club, and if they did they'd be worse than Lambert and would get us relegated.  Now that that's proved to be a load of old nonsense, people are looking for other ways to have a go at Sherwood.  Yes, Saturday was absolutely crap, beyond belief.  But it was still better than the alternative under lambert, which would have been certain relegation.

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I am greatful we get another chance in the premiership and for me this is are last,another tightening of the pursestrings and were down. Sherwood has brought excitement back for me and many others he has players that arent his he got a team that was shocking under lambert playing well and winning. Sherwood talks sense he admits when were poor he dosnt mind upsetting players telling them their fortune if they play bad that is a major factor. lambert was to scared to upset players. Sherwood not say we played well when we havent he will also not tolerate players robbing a wage from our club let him get his players in but honestly this could be last chance saloon if finances are not there.

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I agree fwiw


I still think Cissohko is our best LB but none of them are good enough in reality.



Cissokho is the best defender but is worse than useless with the ball at his feet.  Richardson is much better going forward, but can't defend terribly well.  I think the latter was the right choice for the run in as we needed to score goals, but you're right in that neither of them are really good enough.  If you could merge the best traits of both of them you'd have a superb defender.  If you merged the worst however, you'd have somebody who played football like me.

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I agree fwiw


I still think Cissohko is our best LB but none of them are good enough in reality.



Cissokho is the best defender but is worse than useless with the ball at his feet.  Richardson is much better going forward, but can't defend terribly well.  I think the latter was the right choice for the run in as we needed to score goals, but you're right in that neither of them are really good enough.  If you could merge the best traits of both of them you'd have a superb defender.  If you merged the worst however, you'd have somebody who played football like me.



Risso for Villa LB ;)

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I find it utterly bizarre thats some fans that were prepared to give Lambert all the time in the world are slating Sherwood in his short tenure. Yes, Sherwood has made some mistakes with team selections, tactics and things so far. But this is Lamberts team, not Sherwoods. Give him a transfer window and build his own team. If we are near the bottom again at Christmas, yes, i will be not too happy. My faith and excitement in Villa has returned. The Liverpool semi-final shows us all how well Sherwood can motivate a team. Why judge him on the Southampton game onwards??  I love his honest and direct attitude, telling it like it is, instead of 'We were excellent' every week.


Couldn't agree more. Top post


I think people have got so badly burnt with trusting Lambert, that they have no patience left. 

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Great call on Talksport just now.


Guy said 'Mesut Ozil cost more than Villa's whole team. In February i thought we were going down. He has got us playing attacking football and you won't get many 0-0 draws but im willing to stick with him'


Totally agree, beats  Sideways, Sideways, Backwards football every time.

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Think the game last week against Burnley wasn't the case of a cup final on their minds as we thought. Nor did Southampton look a one off bad day like some claimed. If the season had another couple of weeks left don't think it's exaggerating to say we probably wouldn't have survived.

Yep. I think the new manager honeymoon period had simply worn off.
And the players we have are simply not good enough.

Better than the past three results.


You mean the same players including the great Gil who had served up  2 goals in 10 league games? 450 minutes per goal. Hahaha yea they are really good players.

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Re the "players will turn on him if he shouts at them" quote.


Are these the same players that kicked off/went to the press because they weren't paid enough to train extra hard (and to take some stick) when we weren't performing?


These are the 'losers' we need to ditch if we ever want to progress.  They are paid a fortune to win football matches, they need a reality check and a kick up the ass.


This is just a theory of mine, but the only main stay throughout this whole drama is Gabby, I do wonder how much power he has over the squad and he seems to be at the centre of all disruptions.  Probably completely wrong and he could be the one players trying to sort the mess out, id like to think so as he is a villa fan .


One thing I will add on Sherwood is that he's at least got the home fans buzzing again, if we continue to play attacking football, teams will fear us and Villa Park will hopefully return to a tough place to get points.  That should be enough along with his 50% win ratio to see us mid table next season.

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Re the "players will turn on him if he shouts at them" quote.


Are these the same players that kicked off/went to the press because they weren't paid enough to train extra hard (and to take some stick) when we weren't performing?


These are the 'losers' we need to ditch if we ever want to progress.  They are paid a fortune to win football matches, they need a reality check and a kick up the ass.


This is just a theory of mine, but the only main stay throughout this whole drama is Gabby, I do wonder how much power he has over the squad and he seems to be at the centre of all disruptions.  Probably completely wrong and he could be the one players trying to sort the mess out, id like to think so as he is a villa fan .


One thing I will add on Sherwood is that he's at least got the home fans buzzing again, if we continue to play attacking football, teams will fear us and Villa Park will hopefully return to a tough place to get points.  That should be enough along with his 50% win ratio to see us mid table next season.

Agree mate.


In one breath some say players are overpaid prima donnas, in the next they say don't have a go at them, they will turn against the boss.


Funny the playes never turned against Alex Ferguson isn't it.


I suppose it's the weak society of today.

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Sherwood does not currently play with wingers. He plays with full backs who can bomb forward and get crosses in. This is where the width comes from and why Richardson starts ahead of Cissohko. It is also why Hutton played at left back recently.


And what Lambert was criticised for, strangely.


Well, one of the things.

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So Alex Ferguson was all nice and sweet to his players and then once he won a few trophies he decided he would completely change his style and slate his players did he? Jesus Stefan I don't think you'd have much respect for a manager who completely changed after a bit of success would you?

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For some reason the only thing I'm confident about is that he won't be some 6/10 middle of the road manager, a Bruce or a Pulis if you like.

I think it could be one extreme or the other, the next big thing or the next Di Canio (car crash)

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So Alex Ferguson was all nice and sweet to his players and then once he won a few trophies he decided he would completely change his style and slate his players did he? Jesus Stefan I don't think you'd have much respect for a manager who completely changed after a bit of success would you?




I have absolutely no idea what your point is or why it's directed at me.


The OP said 'Ferguson shouted at his players and they never turned on him' and I mentioned that SAF got respect and wasn't turned on because he was the greatest manager of all time'

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Did SAF use to publicly blast his players or protect them?


I can't think of many top managers in world football now who publicly slag their players off.

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With the way player power works nowadays, to step into a premier league club with very little experience and reputation and to earn instant respect from the players is a tough ask.  Especially when the chips are down and there are few vocal players


Sherwood certainly has the character to front a premier league club, the media like him and give him air time, this in turn should boost how the neutrals portray us.  It can only be a good thing nowadays to have a mini celeb as a manger.


Some rise up the ranks though, from Spurs youth development to running Aston Villa in 12 months.  Encouraging start you'd think for his first year in the job? But it also shows how inexperienced he is, most other managers have done the hard graft for 10 years before getting a big job.  Just keep to the 50% win ratio going and we'll be more than happy  ;)

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