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Everything posted by Ginko

  1. I really enjoyed District 9 but everything since then has just made me feel that it was beginner's luck. I doubt he would have done better, we just would have had another bad Alien film with funny accents and Sharlito Copley running around before hopefully getting eviscerated by a Xenomorph. Should have let Villeneuve or Nolan have a crack at it or just left it well enough alone, but oh well.
  2. On the subject of anti-jokes... Why do you never see elephants hiding in trees? Because they're really good at it.
  3. Even the ending was crap for me, incredibly obvious even without the massive clues they dropped. Might as well have flashed it up on screen. Youre right though, essentially the exact same film as Prometheus. So much for learning from your mistakes, Ridley.
  4. That's pretty exciting for me actually. Spider-Man 3 was something I'd been looking forward to since I was a kid and they made the venom symbiote an absolute joke. Getting a second chance with Tom Hardy as (presumably) Eddie Brock is a dream. God I hope it's good.
  5. The first Audioslave album was on repeat when I was in sixth form and going to university. Was never a huge Soundgarden fan but loved Cornell's vocals. Saw him on SNL last year performing with another band (I forget the name) and he looked skinny and gaunt whereas I always remember him as being quite muscular and in good shape. Wondered then if he had any demons or an illness he hadn't announced. This is one of those deaths that genuinely made me feel a little hollow. Shame.
  6. So... Alien: Covenant is a bit shit, isn't it? Sigh.
  7. So... Alien: Covenant is a bit shit, isn't it? Sigh.
  8. Next season I may well stand on my seat before the game and shout 'DHUTWU!' Dead Poets' Society-style in the hope that my fellow VTers will join in.
  9. Yeah I had something like twelve days until expulsion when I cleared the first palace and I just spent those days doing activities. On some of those days I had no choice but to do certain things, but for the most part I had free rein which I think is what hogso is suggesting is a good way to play the game as it enables more time to level up your character's stats and relationships.
  10. Defeated Kamoshida earlier, pretty easy battle all things considered. Enjoying the game though the sheer amount of choice is making me nervous regarding whether I'm making the right choices. I know there aren't necessarily wrong decisions, but I don't want to miss out on cool stuff. Looks like it's impossible not to miss out on some things though.
  11. Well the police said this specific model is highly targeted and since she parks it in the same area everyday it's likely it was premeditated and done with specialist tools. Apparently there's a special foam you can spray into the lock that hardens to open the doors and then you need a laptop to override the immobiliser and the Start Stop ignition. All seemed pretty hi-tech stuff. What more can she do? A crook lock maybe? Not hi-tech but might be enough to put someone trying to nick it in the first place with added security, plus you risk damaging the car trying to take it off. Persnally it'd scare me into selling it but I admire her for not bowing to fear.
  12. Fair enough, I'm more casual a gamer than I used to be anyway so if it's for the sake of enjoying the story and progressing at a better pace then I'm all for it. I've just got to the point I was at before and realised there was a safe room in the first level of the tower. I just saw two dots on my radar and didn't want to tangle with them and chickened out. Oh well. I got there and progressed upwards a bit to the scythe bridge and now have to turn around and find a high level enemy with the key. Found a couple but one wiped out Joker in a single critical hit which is annoying since the rest of my party were fine. Made plenty of saves though. I'll try again later.
  13. Man, does it get that much harder then?
  14. My friend's sister had her car stolen last week. She's got a Focus Sport, top spec, bought it second-hand only a couple of months ago and she absolutely loves it. She parks it by one of the university campuses every day as she's studying at the moment (she won the lottery in case you're wondering how she affords a nice car and a university course) and one day last week it wasn't there anymore, no sign of forced entry, broken glass etc. Naturally she panicked and phoned the police to report it stolen. After triple checking she hadn't parked it elsewhere they said they'd look into it. That same night at 3am, her phone suddenly goes off and wakes her up. Turns out she was still connected to her car's Bluetooth and it messaged her phone with her car's current location, like she was driving it home via Sat Nav. She woke up her dad and he drove her to her car where she promptly stole it back. Personally I think I'd have let the police know before sneaking off to get my car back, but it's still a pretty cool story. The fact she's lived in the city her entire life and still needs Sat Nav to drive twenty minutes to a well-known and easy to find location is a bit of a concern, but I guess her ignorance was helpful this time round.
  15. Ah that's good to know, thanks. So far I've done around half the castle (assuming the tower is about halfway) and I'm on Wednesday. I skipped going to the castle on Monday to visit the doctor but I was hoping I could go to the castle after. Turns out I couldn't. I'm on Normal difficulty. I haven't run into any trouble under normal circumstances but I ran out of healing items and SP after defeating all the enemies in the courtyard leading to the tower, hoping for a Safe Room to save in shortly after but no dice. That's when I tried backtracking and hoped the enemies wouldn't respawn. Tried sneaking past but got caught so I turned it off. I'll try again later on today and keep your advice in mind.
  16. Regarding Jimmy's storyline, nope, I don't think so and as you say, it's good to be surprised. That was one of my favourite things about Breaking Bad, how clever it was and how it kept you guessing. As for Mike's? I think it's quite obvious where it's heading, though I'll spoiler it just in case...
  17. Ginko strongly dislikes this.
  18. ^^ Good advice, cheers @hogso I generally use the magic enemies are weak to for hold ups and I've collected a fair few Personas that way (I actually collected my limit so I'm going to have to combine some though I was waiting to level up to LV 9 first) or got a lot of Yen that way. For the most part I'm not struggling too much, I just could have done with another Safe Room at that point. The second time through shouldn't be too bad, and I also won't be daft enough to find out what that glowing red thing is since it was a freaking ambush by four high level enemies, that set me back a bit. I've heard clearing dungeons in the first three days is a good approach as it frees you up for much more so that was my original plan. Not sure I could do it in a single run but maybe I'll try and do two in future. I'll definitely hit up the vending machines and upgrade my weapons though, cheers. Also heard increasing your relationship with the weird clinic doctor can reap good rewards later on so I've made her a priority.
  19. I'm still on the first castle but I finally got past the hand-holding stage and I have more control. Got to the castle's tower last night and hoped for a Safe Room but couldn't find one so then I backtracked across that courtyard where there's a bunch of high level enemies hoping they wouldn't respawn. They respawned. Had next to no health. Turned it off knowing I'd have to do the whole ruddy lot from the chapel boss onwards all over again. I'll attempt it tomorrow. Second time is not a charm. Still a lot of fun, mind you, though I'm not totally up to scratch on all the systems yet. Seems kinda complex and I'm afraid I'm going to mess up and struggle for a while.
  20. Spanky's, didn't realise Brewdog had consoles too? Only been there once, mind you.
  21. Oh I wasn't having a go @Villan_of_oz, lord knows I've been guilty of it in the past, but it's kind of meta and always tickles me.
  22. Ginko

    General Chat

    I prefer general knowledge quizzes on the whole though I'm significantly worse at them. My general knowledge isn't too bad but there's a gulf between myself and proper serious quizzers. There are a few things I could specialise in though, namely certain tv programs and movies. Rick and Morty is one of them. I was in my nerdy element.
  23. Always fun when people come in here to moan about listening to other people constantly moaning
  24. Ginko

    General Chat

    Came joint-first in a Rick and Morty-themed pub quiz last night. Lost on a tie-breaker but meh, we had fun. Never seen so many people for one of these themed quizzes. If a bomb went off I think half of all Reddit would have been wiped out.
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