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Everything posted by mykeyb

  1. Well there are people selling Nexus 7s on there for considerably more than you can get it direct from Google / PC World so I guess so.
  2. NFC Tags (see Xperia Smart tags) are scanned by your phone and can be set to trigger certain actions on your phone. So put one in your car to trigger Bluetooth & GPS, one at work to turn off wifi and put it on silent......etc
  3. HTC is a weird one. They were the manufacturer that helped make Android the succes it is today. HTC Desire was probably the handset that did it but then it all went wrong. Samsung Galaxy Range came out and has pretty much stole the HTC Crown. I loved HTC from way back in the Windows Mobile days but it would take a pretty special handset to tempt me back into the fold.
  4. I am going to try out the NFC tags as a way to control the phone in certain situations ie car, work etc. I assume everyone else is doing this by using Tasker or similar?
  5. Darren did you take up the S3 or keep the Nexus
  6. Conor I presume your 50gb Dropbox is courtesy of the S3? If so what happens when the 12 months is up? Asus Transformer was rubbish as a tablet because of making it work with a keyboard dock so it was too big and too heavy the Tab 10.1 is much better. I am not surprised by the cool reviews of the new Tab because there isnt enough of a difference between it and the original 10.1 Tab. This is exactly the reason why Samsung have taken an eternity to push out the ICS update to it. The 10.1 Note looks interesting but the cost is just crazy.
  7. Just remind me what did you say about your Transformer which was built by Asus
  8. For those that have the Nexus 7 would you change for the Samsung Tab 2 7 inch as its available for around the same price point with added benefit of an SD Card slot.
  9. I have managed to get Aston Villa into Google Now but assume that it wont pop up with any info until the season kicks off. On a slightly related note is there any way to change the graphic at the top of some mountain tops for something more pleasing.
  10. Just read a bit on Techradar concerning the Apple v Samsung trial and I cannot believe that the guy giving evidence actually said this with a straight face. So if it has a flat face and rounded corners its copying Apple. Is there any other way to design a tablet PC
  11. Another brilliant assumption. I have the Galaxy Nexus as my personal phone but also have the S3 Peeble Blue for work at this point in time. So thats your first point blown out the water. From a hardware point of view the S3 is a brilliant phone, I dont believe I have ever intimated that it isnt. Software again has some great tweaks in Touchwiz which I always prefer to HTC Sense. I dont however use a lot of the added features where obviously you do. This is the great thing about Android, you can pretty much tailor the handset to your exact requirements. You happy with the S3 I prefer the Nexus its personal choice. I see that the bastardised version of Samsung Jellybean should with S3 owners pretty soon which is the way it should be however I note that its rumoured that S2 might only get an "Value Pack" upgrade which would be a decision made purely to force people to upgrade their S2 Handset. If this is true its an awful way to treat their customers as there is nothing in pure jellybean that wouldnt be able to run on the S2.
  12. I was told that Lerner is definitely looking to sell.....
  13. Lets hope she can do for womens tennis what Murray has done for the mens...
  14. Sadly they went out of the tournament last night along with the Italians which has pretty much ended my interest in it.
  15. Conor glad you like your S3........ Anybody done any "playing around" with NFC Tags. I might get a cheap pack of ebay and see what can be achieved.
  16. Watched The Hunger Games last night. What a pile of crap. Basically The Running Man written by a woman.
  17. This is where you and I fundamently disagree. I would much rather a pure stripped down OS without added bloatware for me to add the apps I need. In most cases these apps will be of a far higher quality and offer more features than those offered as part of Sense or Touchwiz purely because they need to be to survive on the Play Store.
  18. Having features embedded in the OS is far better than installing 3rd party apps. So you dont use a third party launcher or messaging client then.
  19. Tried the voice search on Google Noe today and it worked flawlessly. Much much better than the Voice app on the S2.
  20. Surely its what they do that counts
  21. Conor Smart Stay Ex and I see you to name just two
  22. Well with the 12 or so hours I have had the phone I would say that Google Now is fantastic. You cannot (at this point) add this to your S3 but alot of the Touchwiz apps have similar or equivalents in the Play Store, those I want I can add without having all the other crap which goes with it. How long will you keep your S3, 12 months and change up for the S4. How long do you wait for Jellybean 2 months, maybe 3 - thats between 1/6th and upto 1/4 of the total time you own the handset it will not be on the latest OS with the improvements that will bring.
  23. If we were to choose phones by how popular they are then I assume we would all be using Iphones as the Galaxy S series wouldnt have got of the ground.
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