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Everything posted by Kwan

  1. This is all going haywire. What is going on?
  2. My scanner just went offline
  3. Kwan

    FIFA 14

    To be fair, 2v2 is frustrating. I remember when my friend and I tried to play it on FIFA 11 or somewhere around there, it was horrible. Constantly switching off and not knowing if I was going to control the switched defender or if he was. Got even worse on crosses as we both would think we were the defender closest
  4. How many Europeans could put Chechnya on a map? I know it's down by the Caucus mountains somewhere, not far from where Russia met the Ottoman empire but that's kind of it. I think I can just about label all 50 states in the US too, but I would think I am in a massive minority of British people who can do that. Sneering at people's lack of geographical knowledge of places half way round the world has always struck me as being a bit odd. To be fair, once you get into the midwest region, it's a **** of which state goes where.
  5. I have a friend that works in Boston that says its like Gotham out there right now. No one is on the streets and work is closed
  6. Got to work early and everyone's glued to their computers listening to the scanner
  7. Somebody's bound to recognize them
  8. Kwan

    FIFA 14

    Really, it's the one thing that should be the easiest to fix. There are no complex AI decisions or player models. Just click and go where you can. I don't need a song and dance when I went to change settings. It's infuriating to think that they think that the UI is easy on the players. Just give me a background with the team logo to the side and options of what mode I want. No one cares about the menu!
  9. You guys just had to go and have Con pull out his little stat card
  10. I'm saying you can have the right tactics and still give up the lead. At some point, the players have to be held responsible instead of placing everything at fault with Lambert.
  11. I've only been in Boston twice, but I really don't think the average Bostonian knows anything about the IRA
  12. Kwan

    FIFA 14

    Oh god, the menus. Just show me where I can hit play and show me where I can get online. I don't need Messi kicking the ball in the background every time something changes
  13. I've never really been a fan of any of the Final Fantasies. And I can't ever seem to get into any of the Rockstar games. GTA 4 and RDR were both day one purchases for me, but I've sold them both back and can't really say I've 'liked' either of the games
  14. Kwan

    FIFA 14

    Any chance that they remove the 5'2" midgets that go running around in club? I can accept being done over by pace and sweaty goals, but don't tell me that the little midget is going to win almost every 50/50 header and that he outmuscles or tackles any other player with alarming regularity. Also, please lessen the effectiveness of the fake shot turn. It's comical how hard the AI falls for it every single time.
  15. One of the few glimmers of hope is that United haven't been really looking up to snuff lately. We gave it a right go last time and I think there's an outside chance we'll at least not get hammered. My biggest concern is that our fullbacks tend to tuck in a lot. If we give Carrick or Scholes time on the ball, they're going to hit that long diagonal and have us on the back foot really quickly. Think it's really important for Lowton and Bennett to keep their concentration levels high and not let their man get in behind them.
  16. I agree. Dying for a winger. Gabby and Andi do a good job, but ever since Young and Downing left (and Albrighton's atrocious dip in form), we haven't really had a natural crosser of the ball.
  17. Kwan

    Stan Petrov

    I don't think he'll ever come in for a game again. But it would be nice if maybe even he walked out with the squad for the Chelsea game
  18. Narrow diamond formation with no width. 3 at the back. One of the worst teams at holding on to a lead in the league One of the worst teams for getting something when going behind in the league. The ridiculous decisions during the Bradford game. I don't think he's been good tactically at all. Just like to point out that those aren't "tactics" It's just to point out that the 3 in the back formation was ridiculous from the start and that, in general, there is a concerning lack of width and a proclivity towards long ball especially when we are chasing a game, but saying that we can't hold on to a lead or can't get something when falling behind and mushrooming it under "tactics" is disingenuous. Short of PL suddenly reverting to 3 in the back and telling everyone to get forward when we have the lead, you can't possibly say those two things are tactics. But I suspect you'll find other reasons to have a moan.
  19. Kwan


    Wigan are obviously missing something otherwise they' d be above us. Come off it
  20. Kwan


    I feel a little better now. Had they gotten a result against City, I would have been pulling my hair out. As it stands, they'd only be over us on GD if they win their next match For information, here's the bottom 3 teams on the form table Norwich - L D D L D L, 3 points Reading - L L L L L D, 1 point Stoke - L L D L L L, 1 point For everyone else in the scrum Wigan - W L W W D L, 10 points Aston Villa - L W W L W D, 10 points Newcastle - L W L L W L, 6 points Sunderland - D L D L L W, 5 points
  21. Kwan


    Every time I see Wigan, I always think they play well yet they're somehow on lesser points than us. Bafflng
  22. Kwan


    Though it's been a refrain for many games this season, I do think Sunderland will be the ultimate must win
  23. I think we'll go looking in France and Spain this summer. Don't reckon I'll have heard of the players we sign.
  24. Yeah. This. Think Dunne's just old.
  25. Down the line Albrighton goes. Gets the ball, faces the defender. Fake, fake, fake, cut RIGHT. Cross. Clearance. That's about the gist of it
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