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Everything posted by Kwan

  1. Kwan


    We want 6! We want 6!
  2. They're waiting to unleash him for the WC
  3. Kwan


    Whatever combination of 6 points will see us through
  4. Kwan


    The point didn't matter as a win at the last game of the season would have sent us down most probably due to GD. As it stands, the 1 point instead of 3 are huge. It only requires that we gain 2 more points than them to be 4 clear going into the last game of the season. Given the schedules, all we have to do is beat Sunderland and Norwich (who looked completely shit against STOKE) and we're up.
  5. Kwan


    **** you Spurs. Such shit. Still in control of our destiny. Just have to keep ahead of Wigan.
  6. I've seen it all now. Assists are subjective whilst key passes are objective. Further example that Con doesn't have a clue when it comes to statistics
  7. I suppose if you call missing a point blank goal that led to Gabby's goal an assist, then yeah he assisted
  8. Kwan


    The question should be, If the infallible Wigan are so composed and capable, how come they're 3 points behind the worst Villa side ever?
  9. Not really. At least not in the case of Class B permits. All you have to do is have a 5-10 minute "interview" with the designated gun permit cop in your community, and tell him why you want a firearm (target practice and/or home defense)...if you aren't a mental case, have no felonies or violence and drug related misdemeanors on your record, they cannot deny you a firearm permit. What's difficult in Massachusetts regarding gun ownership are the restrictive laws you need to follow once you have a gun. You have to keep it locked in a gun safe in your home, and when traveling by car, you have to have it unloaded, and locked in a gun safe. The state does issue License to Carry permits, where you can carry a loaded, concealed handgun....those are the ones that are pretty hard to get. It must depend on the PD. Whenever my cousin tried to get his Class B, the PD grilled him for 3 interviews and only gave it to him after dragging their feet for 4 months
  10. Mike Dean is the official. Can't remember him purposefully screwing us over in the past.
  11. It's not that I think you're a conspiracy theorist. It's just it's a bit baffling to try and find every single reason for why they would do something. I'll go on a point by point basis on their incredibly strange actions. Perhaps he was trying to fit in. Perhaps he's a sociopath. Ted Bundy was described as a very relateable man that seemed completely normal. Obviously the caricature is that it's an anti-social loner doing these things, but it's not always true. Maybe he was trying to fit in as to not arouse suspicion. Maybe he thought he could really get away with it. Who really knows besides Dzhokhar? The older brother was unemployed and the younger kid was in college. Add that to the fact that they mugged his credit card, withdrew the maximum limit, then went to another ATM thinking they could withdraw the maximum limit again, not knowing that the accounts are linked and that they couldn't withdraw anymore. Were they panicked? Were they stupid? Were they just not thinking straight? Massachusetts is a very difficult state to gets gun in. There's a whole litany of regulations and loopholes including having a permit issues to you by the police department. Contrary to popular belief, you can't just waltz in somewhere and get a gun in certain states. I think the attempted suicide thing is conjecture, but people have walked on broken legs and splintered bones in shock and adrenaline. It would be nice and easy if there was a concrete explanation for everything but sometimes there isn't. If you want a longer read for all the completely crazy and inane things they did, you should read this article. It provides some insight on how unprepared they were and how they had no exit plan at all. http://www.motherjones.com/mojo/2013/04/eleven-most-mystifying-things-tsarnaev-brothers-did And on a broader point, these two guys weren't "terrorists." It's easy to classify them as such but they have more in common with the Aurora shooter or the Newtown shooter.
  12. I think the best analogy I can give is one of American Football. Yes, you can have a great linebacker, great corner, great safety, etc. but if everyone's not doing their jobs, then the defense will look bad. You can still recognize the individual attributes of Vlaar and contend that he's a good defender in an overall bad side.
  13. When I meant lighter backpack, I meant something that cream colored or brown. I can't find the exact report on it, but I kept with it fairly heavily during last week and I distinctly remember one of the bags being brown or cream colored and the other being black. Again, I don't have a direct link but on the police scanner, they had identified 3 suspects at the initial early Friday morning shoot out. The naked man was one of them along with the Tsarnaev brothers. Even going beyond that, it's a little far fetched to think that a naked man seen by more than a dozen cops is actually the Tamerlan. The picture I'm talking about is the one with him astride the boat. Obviously it's up for interpretation but it looks like his midsection is covered in blood. Either that or he pissed his pants in the wrong direction. But if you believe there's a conspiracy, then I don't think anything I say will really convince you otherwise.
  14. So have there been explanations of these things? him having a white backpack when the bomb was said to be in a black backpackfirst brother shown naked, uninjured, in handcuffs, then dead with gaping woundssecond brother shown climbing out of the boat, then suddenly half dead with major blood lossFBI in contact with older brother over 5 yearsPutin offers help on Tuesday, before suspect identified and any Chechen connection knownI haven't been following this daily, so perhaps these things have been explained. -There were two bombs. The second bomb was a lighter back pack -That's not the first suspect in the naked picture. That's a completely unrelated person. Wrong place, wrong time -There's another aerial picture of the 2nd kid in the boat showing him severely injured -FBI hasn't been in 'contact' for 5 years. They interviewed him once in 2011 and cleared him -Got them there! Though I suspect almost every country bar for the DPRK offered them 'help.' The marathon is an international event after all
  15. Kwan

    Simon Dawkins

    He's okay. Certainly has improved leaps and bounds from where he was even during WC2010, but I think this is about the best you'll ever see him.
  16. I daresay with how much you and BJ agree, you should just give him a.... I'll see myself out
  17. Side note: anyone else struck by the slight resemblance of this whole thing to Four Lions?
  18. Kwan


    I think the highest scenario Wigan could achieve is beating Swansea and WBA. Arsenal are on a tear and Spurs won't want to miss out on a UCL spot. That would require us beating Sunderland Norwich and then going into the last game with Wigan needing to win dependent on GD. Not the ideal scenario, but one that's more tolerable than needing a win on the last day. Most likely, I think Wigan will pick up a win and draw between Swansea and WBA and we'll beat both Norwich and Sunderland, having us safe for the last game of the season. It should be noted that since the end of January (the horror time), we have. Won: West Ham, Reading, QPR, Stoke Draw: Everton, Fulham Lost: City, Liverpool, Arsenal, United Arguably we could have gotten a point against City, Liverpool, and Arsenal and probably should have won both Fulham and Everton. Nonetheless, we have picked up wins against the sides around us and I'm confident we'll do the same going forward. Have a little faith people.
  19. Think he just needs a little confidence. Obviously has a shot on him and always seems to have some neat touches, but irregular playing time has hampered his ability to link up with the rest of the squad. Not convinced with his tackling though and still think Sylla would be better at his position
  20. Can you do us a favor and go along to whatever forum he goes to as well? Clearly your hard on is for Barry Bannan and not Aston Villa
  21. Why is this thread on the first page? He hasn't made the match day squad in 3 games ffs. Just let him fade away like Ireland
  22. HAVE to go 4-3-3 We have controlled every game with 3 in the middle Also **** off nzogbia. It's not a big ask to play winger every now and then. Leave him off if he doesn't want to defend
  23. I'd also just like to say that he was always going to be tried as a citizen. I'm with everyone else on civil liberties, but everyone got waaay too jumpy on the Miranda rights thing without understanding what the Miranda rights are.
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