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Everything posted by jackbauer24

  1. If Hutton goes it will be worth my season ticket money alone!! I only bought when McLeish got sacked, but Hutton going would have been almost reason enough in itself. Both going... and Heskey's gone - Oh my god it's all just a wonderful dream isn't it?! Hutton is the worst player I have ever SEEN at Villa Park and I've been going in person since about 95/6. More hack than tackle, more hoof than pass and bloomin lucky he didn't see more red cards than he did. Useless.
  2. Agree, Champions League should be just that, CHAMPIONS. Premiership, FA Cup, League Cup - if a British team wins a European trophy they are automatically allowed back in league the following season. The league then supplies the Europa with the remaining spots. Further more relegation should be guaranteed for the bottom two, then 18,17,16,15th have to play 3rd, 4th, 5th,6th in the Championship in a winner takes all - higher you are in Prem the lower team you get in Championship (i.e. 18th in Prem would play 3rd in Championship whilst 15th would play 6th). Keep both leagues fresh all the way til the end of the season. Oh, and I heard it off my friends sisters boyfriends illegitimate son that we're definitely signing David Villa because he likes our name... I've written that down now so it must be true.
  3. I'll look at the New York thing, be nice if I could break up the holiday a little as 14 days at a Theme park seems a little much!! We had thought about visiting Daytona Beach and Kennedy Space Centre if possible too but know nothing of US at all. Theme Parks are purely because it's big brash America and relatively 'safe'. For our first trip we wanted relatively easy experience on a main tourist trail. Last year I camped around 14 countries in Europe over three weeks so, whilst I appreciate the cultural side of life, my other half in particular wanted a mainstream simple holiday... with four walls rather than a tent!!
  4. Have been looking at relatively late deals to Orlando for the end of this month/ early August but, never having been to the US before, I'm getting a little confused by what you really need/ scale of area. In summary we want to go for 14 days, we want to go to Universal mostly but have a maybe a day at one Disney Park (so expensive) and see if we can get a day or two at a beach area like Daytona perhaps? We've got a budget of approximately £3k for two of us but flights and hotel look like taking up two thirds of that. I can't go any other time of the year as I'm a teacher!! Do we need a car as well? Having looked around and all the different permutations, taxes, costs of food etc are we not going to have enough money? Flights/ Hotel (RO) - £2k (Thomson) Theme Parks - £400 Transport? Food? General spending money? I'm well short aren't I?! Any advice? Or should I just give up and go to Spain...
  5. After the huge discussion over this years kit I wondered what people wear to the match. Maybe someone could add a poll? For many years I've bought at least the home kit and I've decided maybe now is the time to stop, go retro and get rid of the sponsors etc! Trying to decide between the 80/81 home top (I was born in 80) or the 82 top for obvious reasons. So what do you wear to a match? Current Home Kit? Recent Home Kit? A kit that means something to you? A retro kit? Training gear? Nothing Villa related?
  6. A player who inspired hope in the masses after a depressing event, who goes on to have an explosive start and a fairly impressive career here. DION DUBLIN. Got us all wondering "Who's Dwight Yorke again?!".
  7. Whilst I have more excitement this year than last, and I have bought my season tickets, I have a very big worry that expectations have been lowered considerably and we're now happy to be a midtable team. Even as fans. I'm not saying we have a divine right to be higher but I do feel we should at least be fighting for Top 6/ Europe. I hear talk of keeping the wage bills down, selling Given because we can get better value with inferior players, letting go of Ireland because we can't afford his wages and his perceived on-off performance levels and replacing our experienced players with promising youngsters from the Championship. That all smacks of a mid-table team. You could say it smacks of being West Brom! I know that this is a more complex issue than just throwing money at the situation and wanting multi-million pound purchases. But I just don't like fan expectation being so, for want of a better word, dreary. We are almost saying we don't want any star/luxury players because they don't fit our wage structure. How can fans want us to sell the likes of Bent, Ireland and Given to get in younger/cheaper/less skilful players simply because they are 'honest' and 'hard-working' etc. I want to be excited and Lambert has brought some of that back but if we get rid of all of the star players, or dare I say 'house-hold names', then we become nothing more than a standard BORING midtable team. And I don't think we are yet - we're an underachieving, low on morale team that should be fighting Top 6. I hope what I'm trying to say is coming across as it's meant. I'm all for big change, it's needed, but fans at the very least should be pushing for more. I feel as though Lerner has achieved his aim of stifling expectation to such a low level it's depressing!
  8. Bit of advice (if using Zebra) Got two season tickets the day McLeish resigned through Zebra. Followed all instructions, got pin, did everything and approved. But nothing from the club. Waited til Lambert was officially unveiled (for some sort of harmony in my ticket buying process!!) to phone ticket office but was told by Villa they'd received nothing from Zebra even though payments have already started coming out! Fortunately they apparently have a Zebra team with them at the moment so they sorted it out there and then. So just phone to make sure they've communicated with each other!! No Welcome Pack til July/August though.
  9. So £1m to account for the £24m we'd have to pay a team to take Hutton away?! Whilst I believe that Lambert is likely to become our manager within the next few days, I highly doubt there will be any significant funds - that's just Villa fans hoping for all their Christmases! We will continue to wheel and deal with minimal outlay, a theory slightly supported by Lambert himself; he's the kind of manager a team wanting to spend wisely would sign as he's never had an open cheque book. Otherwise you'd go for the Capello/AVB route.
  10. Fantasy football... bring in Messi, Villa etc... But if trying to add a bit of realism to this scenario, you'd have to look at the training, philosophy and atmosphere of the club as much as the personnel. Sit down with the players, get their views but tell them who's boss. I'd speak to Lerner and insist that disciplinary decisions must be backed by the board and if that means player being sold then so be it. Looking at the squad, I'd try to make small changes at first. Clean slate for all players but make them aware pre-season is vital and everyone is fighting for positions. Bring in another striker regardless - maybe someone like Holt who could be a good signing but would be relatively cheap (as far as British strikers go). I'd resign Cueller, if nothing else his experience is vital. Would look at two or three more additions for squad depth, but probably have to be cheap(er) buys from relegated teams and the like - players such as Fletcher. I'd ultimately switch to a formation that added width to the team, giving Ireland and N'Zogbia space to be adventurous but with a solid central midfield pairing. I'd let a bunch of kids go out on loan, Carruthers, Gardner etc til January. See how the beginning of the season goes and make some additions in January. Ensure we are a more adventurous team, attacking at home and playing more counter-attack against better teams away. In all likelihood, I'd listen to offers for Hutton, Albrighton, Delfouneso and Collins. Hopefully get the club between 8-10th in first season and attempt to build from a better footing. Continue to assess and review players based on wages/contribution and continue to refresh the squad in year two. Perhaps see the likes of Dunne and Warnock departing. Year 2 and the aim would be firmly on securing European qualification. Once we have addressed wages, ask Lerner for a bigger injection of funds for Year three in keeping with progress and success. Or I'd just hide in my dugout, count my money and wait for my huge compensation for being sacked...
  11. Second McLeish went, my Season-ticket was purchased. A) I wanted to give my little nod to say that was what I was waiting for. No-one could be worse than McLeish so we're definitely heading in the right direction - even an awful appointment (like S Bruce) would be better than McLeish C) I was always resisting urge to buy ticket, any excuse and it was going to be bought. Unite behind the club now, regardless of appointment. We all have different views but we need to pull as one now. Lambert great, Martinez cool, Ranieri, interesting, Rafa ok - but we all just need to give them the time to settle and build. The only exception to that rule would be Connor from Wolves which will never happen. I mean come on, getting a recently relegated manager from a local rival...
  12. And that is why the timing of it is actually relevant. 6 days before a match does NOT effect their ability to prepare to do their job properly. Delph isn't even drunk. I take it you don't drink at all, go to bed at 10pm and ensure you have at least 8 hours sleep every day. You eat three balanced meals a day and ensure your general fitness is high so not to let anything get in the way of you doing the best possible job you can? It's about context. Everyone would be up in arms if this was a day or two before a game - but it isn't. It doesn't effect their ability to perform at all. And this over-reaction from fans is ridiculous and is what really makes us look embarrassing. Suarez, Terry, Gerrard amongst others - now that is genuinely doing stuff that brings a good name into disrepute. Having one two many just means they're like 90% of the rest of the population. The people complaining so passionately on here about how these players have disgraced the club are reacting to a bad season and talking from such a moral highground I doubt they have a right to stand on. Sorry. I do my job well and I drank plenty in my youth but I was never in the position to make enough money to retire at 35. If I was, I would hope that I would have the necessary discipline to postpone my end of season celebrations until the season ended. Are we expected to accept second rate behaviour from players representing AVFC just because we're a bit shit in all departments at present. And I think this is the crux of the issue. Jealousy. We all feel that they should suffer because we put them on pedestals and they are rewarded handsomely for what really is a pointless skill for humanity. We feel they should be made to live perfect lives because they are lucky/ gifted in others. Maybe if you earn over a set amount you should be banned from drinking at all. The awards ceremony does seem oddly scheduled, but they were celebrating then because that was when the club held the awards. I'm not saying they're whiter than white. A fine, an apology is enough. It was silly but it was not a disgrace. The over-reaction from the fans is just silly really. Only someone who has never got drunk ever, not made any mistakes can really call these guys a disgrace. Would you say the same things to some friends caught in similar circumstances? I really don't want to add to this thread any more as I've repeatedly made my point. I've got overly irritated at the sanctimonious preaching of our whiter than white supporters... I'm off to kick a door (and I've not even had a drink since New Year!)
  13. And that is why the timing of it is actually relevant. 6 days before a match does NOT effect their ability to prepare to do their job properly. Delph isn't even drunk. I take it you don't drink at all, go to bed at 10pm and ensure you have at least 8 hours sleep every day. You eat three balanced meals a day and ensure your general fitness is high so not to let anything get in the way of you doing the best possible job you can? It's about context. Everyone would be up in arms if this was a day or two before a game - but it isn't. It doesn't effect their ability to perform at all. And this over-reaction from fans is ridiculous and is what really makes us look embarrassing. Suarez, Terry, Gerrard amongst others - now that is genuinely doing stuff that brings a good name into disrepute. Having one two many just means they're like 90% of the rest of the population. The people complaining so passionately on here about how these players have disgraced the club are reacting to a bad season and talking from such a moral highground I doubt they have a right to stand on.
  14. I assume that you are not a professional athlete earning £10k+ per week and taking the hopes of 1,000's of people into a huge game on Sunday! An extra 1% can make all the difference in a professional football game - our lads lose an extra 1%, I can't imagine VdV was out on the piss on Tuesday night. These lads are massively privileged and they haven't got a scooby. 20 odd pages on this?! Seriously. It isn't even that big of an incident (well the bit caught on camera anyway). It's absolutely nothing, ages before a match, no criminal charges and very mild compared to what you normally see on Broad St. This whole 'taking the hopes of 1000's' rubbish too - it's FOOTBALL! Yes, we all love it, yes it's important in some ways and if it'd been the night before the match maybe I'd have a different view - but I can tell you that I'd be a lot more concerned by a doctor ever drinking - 1% loss in concentration IS actually life and death, or my lawyer not being quite all there if I'd been falsely accused of murder! Medically speaking I doubt you could tell which players had been drinking on a Monday and which hadn't by a Saturday morning. Silly, perhaps. Slap on the wrist - public apology to appease the media in light of the whole role-model status but then move on. Fans getting all uppety is ridiculous; it's just cos we're having a sh*t season. I bet none of you complaining have ever had a few drunken nights and done something you regret?! It's a bit double standards, we're all human. Or are we now removing Paul McGrath from GOD like status at Villa Park because he couldn't really be considered a role-model. Silly yes. A 'slur', 'disgusting' or 'insulting' it is not.
  15. Depends what you mean by 'back' - if you mean ever, then it is effectively a who's your favourite player in each position ever. But, more interestingly, if it's who would be available now and would theoretically be able to play tomorrow then it's more of a challenge; GIVEN L YOUNG CAHILL DUNNE WARNOCK A YOUNG MILNER BARRY DOWNING IRELAND BENT SUBS: FRIEDEL, CUELLAR, GABBY, KEANE and (ROTATING YOUNGSTER!) It is striking how weak (relatively) our defence is and what big losses the ageing Laursen and Mellberg were. But what a fantastic midfield and strike force...
  16. I am not a comic/marvel fanboy but thought it was an amazing film! Really, really lived up to every expectation. I've never read any of the comics, so the story arcs (special credits bit) etc mean very little to me but that hasn't stopped me enjoying it. The Ironman films were great, Thor was good and Captain America was OK but the Avengers was absolutely stunning in every way. Perfect summer movie. Been a long time since I've gone to the cinema expecting a lot and, not only been pleased, but enjoyed it more than I thought I possibly could! Small complaint is that the Hulk character (in this incarnation) is not fully explored and his transition in control comes a bit too simply - for such a primary character (whereas Black Widow and Hawkeye were secondary really) he probably could have done with his own movie too - yes I know the character has had two but a) they weren't made within this vein and b)the first one especially was appalling!! I'd be highly surprised if anything could beat it for film of 2012. Dark Knight will be good, but dark and in certain ways quite predictable, Prometheas will be a let down (just a guess) , Spiderman is going to struggle (too close to Maguire version), Bourne Legacy doesn't have Bourne, Skyfall will be bang on as expected, Hobbit will be great but no LOTR whereas Snow White and the Huntsman might be a dark horse. It's certainly not going to be a quiet year!
  17. Anymore than two 'said's in a sentence and I automatically don't believe it! I actually am beginning to get the feeling that since Bolton it has almost become inevitable, but that nothing will be announced until the season closes. He's probably been told as much, but will get a better severance package if a) he keeps us up and he keeps his mouth shut.
  18. By handballing it in such an obvious way he'd have been sent off in 9 out of 10 games, given away a penalty and put us in a ridiculous difficult position. On the other hand he got away with it due to a blind ref who missed everything today so I'm bloomin' happy as that could prove a vital point. Surely celebrating someone so blatantly cheating is no better that clapping Young when he dive for a penalty?! Can be pleased with the outcome but disappointed at the process. Like much of this season, he's been very very lucky. And considering his performances this season that is particularly worrying! Imagine how bad he'd be if luck deserted him! He is without doubt the worst player I have ever seen in a Villa shirt.
  19. No, my focus is completely on QPR. I'm 99% sure that both Wigan and Bolton will pass us based on form and fixtures. Wolves have gone (obviously) and Blackburn nearly have. So it's between us and QPR for the last position I guess and you've just got to hope that they get nothing from Chelsea and Man City and therefore a point would be enough regardless of their result against Stoke. It's going to be damn close though and is almost inevitably going to come down to the final day.
  20. Lerner has respect for the club? Laughable. No, he does, I think your comment is short term memory based, perhaps. The murals on the Holte, though they have nothing to do with playing on the pitch, show he does respect the history. As does bringing back the 81/82 side for that Sheff Utd game, as do many things. Just because he's appointed a coupe of duff managers and the team is losing doesn't mean he doesn't "get" the history or appreciate or respect it. Quite the opposite. He may appreciate it/ respect it but I don't think he understands it. I don't think he fully grasps English football, there are just some things you don't do to supporters and he's made some awful decisions this year and if they don't show he lacks respect then it must mean he lacks understanding. It's unwise to hire a BCFC manager, it's stupid to hire a twice relegated BCFC manager, it's idiotic to keep him after an awful first half of the season and it's beyond all comprehension to back him still after our worst ever home record, our lowest Prem tally and the fact we are perilously close to relegation.
  21. This is a good theory, but in practice simply can't work. The issue with the protests has been that most fans do not go on message boards etc. The only thing that we all do is go to games - you need to bring the protest to them. There is this belief that it is just a small minority of Villa fans that are against AMC so vehemently, but in fact it's just a matter of publicity. Put it this way, if everyone on this board today (including all those abroad etc) could protest at Villa Park it'd still be considered a small minority. No-one else would be aware. But if you make 30,000 leaflets available, and are handing them out at the game (no 'meet here', or 'sing this' or other things that need loads of planning) then I think you'd find a good 90% will hold on to it considering the feelings of the Claret and Blue faithful and use it if they feel it's appropriate to (like after the match or 5th goal goes in against us...) Apathy is killing this club. I couldn't give a rats ass about our perception as fans, I just want what is right for our club and if all I need to do is make my feelings heard is attend a match and hold up a piece of paper then I'm all for it.
  22. Weirdly enough my choice isn't there - but then again I'd probably be in a minority anyway: I'd get a season ticket next year if McLeish was sacked OR if we were relegated oddly enough. This strange condition is for a few reasons, one being that I hope that would be enough to see the back of him but also because we'd get more games and you'd hope that it would be successful campaign. At the moment the prospect of next year fills me with no hope so why would I want one of the more expensive tickets (Trinity Lower) knowing it's going to be painful every other week. Don't get me wrong, I'd hate to see us relegated but if we did I'd feel more inclined to watch us every week in the knowledge that at least we'd be aiming for the top rather than simply survival. I don't want to be a big fish in a small pool but I can't deny that it'd be nicer to watch (in terms of hope if not quality) - or put it this way, I'll support Villa til I die but I'll only spend a lot on what is a luxury at the end of the day if you feel like it will make you happy; whether that be the Premiership or League Two. It's like having a high paid high pressured job, great benefits but sometimes you just wish for the relative relaxation of an office job where this is no pressure. But we'd all like to get back to the high powered job eventually!
  23. Like I've said before; forget everything personal or agendas etc. If we have the worst season we've ever had in the Premiership (which is almost inevitable) then one of two things are at fault. A) McLeish is rubbish and must be sacked OR He inherited the worst team with the worst financial situation which is Lerner's fault and he should go. I fail to see how there is a grey area there. Personally I think it's A. This squad is not the worst we've ever had by a long shot and therefore there are no excuses that can explain such a poor showing this season.
  24. Actually it's not moronic at all IF he realises how badly AMC has failed and sacks him. He can either say we should be fighting for Europe and sack AMC for failing OR he can say AMC has achieved what was expected of him considering any rubbish reasons they want and admit he was a moron. But there is no middle ground there.
  25. I don't agree. Yes we have some poor players in this squad but the overall quality is not the worst we've ever had in Premier League history. The blame lies at the door of AMC completely, even if he'd bought no-one of his own he should be able to get this squad higher in the league. Heskey is rubbish yes; but MON bought him and got the team to 6th. Houllier had him in his squad and got us 9th (eventually!). Hutton is rubbish, but he's an AMC signing anyway - but worse than Jloyd Samuel?! Dunne's had a bad year, but worse than Zat Knight? We've had, at least at some point for the campaign, some very good players that should have Villa way up the table. Bent is arguably one of the top 4 or 5 strikers we've ever had. Given is better than a at least 75% of our previous goalkeepers, Dunne, Ireland, N'Zogbia, Gabby all players most mid league teams would want easily. Even our youngsters (a handful of which I have accused of not being good enough too) are still no worst than Moore or Davis etc. It's not our best squad. But it's nowhere near our worst either. On paper it's a top 10/12 team easily. AMC is at fault for it being any lower. Last season we underachieved, this year we've been disgusting.
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