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Everything posted by villa89

  1. The kid looked very good last night, although wigan are not exactly a massive test. Hopefully he can step up and we can ship out warnock.
  2. Have to agree with this and also mention that wigan are absolutely dire. 20 goals in 24 games is it?
  3. Friedel - 7.5 - Had a good game and made a decent save. Cuellar - 7.5 - Looks a really decent palyer. I hope he stays as he's a great squad player. Dunne - 7.5 - Looks back to near his best Collins 8.5 - MOTM - a bargain at the price we paid for him. Baker 7 - I thought he did okay. I'd sooner see him play than that word removed warnock. Makoun - 7 - He looked good but not quite up to the pace of the Premier league just yet. NRC - 6.5 - Did the usual NRC performance, tackled well, full of energy, woeful passing. Downing - 7 - PLayed okay, should be playing on the left and should have pulled that ball back for Bent instead of shooting. Gabby - 7.5 - Need s to have the confidence to run at his man more often. Nice to see him score. Young - 8 - Work rate was fantastic, poor peno though if the keeper went the right way it was an easy save. Bent - 7 - His touch was poor but his work rate was good and its nice to havea forward willing to make runs unlike Carew... Petrov - 7 Came on at the right time and played well. Lovely to have a player like him to come off the bench. Albrighton - 6 Herd - N/A
  4. I thought he looked decent last night. He seems keen to pass the ball as soon as he gets it not hold onto it for 45 seconds and then hoof it to nobody. Nice to see houllier bringing in players that want to play the short passing game rather than the hoof to heskey game. I won't judge him on one match though...
  5. Looked uncomfortable playing on the right wing which is understandable. Always wanted to cut inside onto his left foot, other than that I thought he did fine.
  6. -------------------Friedel Walker----Collins-----Dunne----Clark -------Makoun----------Petrov--------- Young---------------------------Downing ----------Bent---------Heskey That's what I'd go for.
  7. I'm not bothered who wins TBH. Its hard to call, I think they're both evenly matched.
  8. Is it Jean two makoun, or Jean Makoun the second, Jean il Makoun or what? EDIT:Its seems its Jean Dir Makoun...
  9. Great result. I had bent backed to score first and a double on that and a villa win. Jackpot! Abrighton has some engine and overall we looked well setup. Petrov should have been taken off earlier as his legs were gone and gabby is wasted on the left wing.
  10. Jesus that should be an attacking side. I hope we beat these Manchester filth.
  11. The team I'd play: --------------------------Friedel------------------------------------- Walker----------Dunne------------Collins---------------Clark Young-------Petrov------------Makoun-------Downing ---------------Bent----------------Gabby------------- The team we will play: --------------------------Friedel------------------------------------- Walker----------Dunne------------Collins---------------Clark ---------Downing--------NRC-------Petrov Young---------------------------------------------Gabby---- ------------------------Bent----------------------------- I'm going to back Villa to win 3-2 and Bent to score first, its 125/1.
  12. An expensive one. :winkold:
  13. He did more in the time he was on than Carew did all game. He should start ahead of Carew while heskey is out IMO. He won't though, now that A. Young is back.
  14. But he's not being played up front. If he was playing as a out an out striker and was getting chances and missing them then crictising him would be fair but at the moment he's the only decent available striker we have and Houllier is playing him on the wing???
  15. I think playing Gabby on the left wing is a sackable offence in itself. You have to wonder what Houllier is thinking sometimes.
  16. One of my mates is on that list too. What's involved if you do get called?
  17. I have never given blood but always meant to do it. I should really get off my arse and find a blood donation centre.
  18. That's hardly an achievement though is it? The minimum expectation for a club like ours, with the squad we have should be a top 10 finish.
  19. I got super meat boy and the complete tales of monkey island pack. I would have bought AC2 but I already own it.
  20. More astonishing stuff from GH, when will it end. Some of the things he says during media interviews boggle the mind. What planet does he live on, one suitably large enough to support his own massive ego no doubt.
  21. Well the patch seems to have made things worse for PC users. Although I revalidated my files and it seems as though the patches aren't being applied properly so hopefully is should be working okay now. I have played about 30 hours online now and its just MW2 with a new hat. No innovation nothing interesting or new. Its just more of the same mindless run n' spray. THey really need to go back to the drawing board if they are going to keep the series going.
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