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Everything posted by chappy

  1. See the other thread in this section, SouthBirminghamVilla has been looking for tickets for this for a while!
  2. :shock: Already booked my train though so got to get one.
  3. Torres looked good tonight, he's bound to score on saturday.
  4. chappy


    A disappointing 19, but I didn't realise they gave you the countries :x
  5. Gardner in for Petrov and attack from the off. Obviously we won't do that though.
  6. More embarrassing comments. How is he not getting reprimanded for this?
  7. He should have been sacked on the spot for his comments yesterday "Arsenal are an elite club we cant expect to beat them". Erm weren't we two up against them at half time two months ago only to be let down by poor defending? Didn't we out play them three months ago only to be let down by poor defending late on? Didn't we beat them at their place under our assistant manager less than a year ago? **** off out of our club AMC, you are a disgrace. What must the players think when they hear his post match interviews? He needs to go. However we will probably pick up a point against an under-performing Chelsea next weekend and that will buy him more time in the minds of Faulkner/Lerner who don't want to admit to their hugely expensive mistake.
  8. Positives: -Weimann, so obviously should have started (MOTM) -Ireland. Including his tenacity, that challenge late on was what we need from Petrov all the time -Hutton, not a bad game again -Herd, not sure why he was taken off over Petrov (unless he had a knock) Negatives: Everything else. Heskey shouldn't have started. Today was another 'lets keep the score down' tactic from AMC and yet again it failed, particularly when we saw just how vulnerable they were when we did actually attack. Im going out now to try and forget the performance. At least lolverpool lost.
  9. I know it has been send time and again but if we had signed Bent (or A.N.Other instead of Heskey we would have been in the Champions League the following year)
  10. Growing up in Sheffield I was often labelled a 'glory hunter' for being a Villa fan. It's not nice when you're 8 years old and you know your team is shit!
  11. Just watched Green Street, slots straight in to my top 10 worst films I've ever seen
  12. Terrific second goal by Manure.
  13. I'm watching MUTV on a stream and the commentators just referred to the next gen series as the champions league for reserves (which it isn't) and said that Manure weren't part of it because they didn't want to be involved... pretty sure it was an invite only tournament?
  14. Does this mean Lichaj is in the first team squad then?
  15. Anyone heading to Altrincham for this tonight? I'm tempted to nip over.
  16. I did this yesterday so you can add on 3 points for QPR:
  17. She was such a **** idiot, if she had kept her mouth shut she would still be there.
  18. I imagine he would be yes, for a trophy-less season when they would have been expecting to win at least two of the competitions they were in.
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