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Everything posted by avfc1982am

  1. The cut being over Berterbiev's eye could be a problem. Yarde is lucky his is under the eye. Yarde doing well
  2. What a superb round. Yarde hanging in. Great round but Berty has another gear.
  3. Great fight but the champ has the power and durability edge.
  4. BT just gone and embarrassed the f*** out themselves with that bollox. Fancy saying 2 of the biggest names in boxing. What a f****** idiot.
  5. Powerships or power barges can be equipped with single or multiple gas turbines, reciprocating diesel and gas engines, boilers or nuclear reactors for electricity generation. Powership - Wikipedia
  6. One of the advantages of the Leopard is the engines can be removed and replaced in 15 min. I think most repairs will be carried out in the field or close to it by mobile mechanics.
  7. I think this is a good point you touch upon. The tech will give Ukrainians certain advantages over the Russians, if they have enough of it. However, the determining factor will be logistical supplies, how quickly can Ukraine resup. If they are drip fed supplies then the tech advantages will diminish very quickly.
  8. Emi Martinez is only just coming into his prime years. Ouch. I think already being in the top 2 or 3 keepers in world football is some incredible achievement when you've literally only had 3 years full playing time at top level.
  9. Wasn't sure where too put this but saw a couple of videos via social media the other night of incidents around a hotel for immigrants and a holding centre where it was also kicking off. Looks like things are now turning violent. Maybe someone has more info on whats happening but I'm seeing far more videos of racial violence in Ireland lately? ‘There is no room’: anti-immigration protesters march in Dublin | Ireland | The Guardian
  10. Fires have started again. It's not even summer yet.
  11. I said before I think Prigozhin needs to be careful.
  12. Very much where I am at. I also think the Donbas is just too congested now and if you put your logical hat on... a bogged down wasteland with very little to gain and much to lose, including armament and supplies. There isn't enough to fight for at the moment in the Donbas imo. If anything it seems more of a holding tactic from Ukraine to exhaust Russian logistics. I've seen one or two reports suggest Ukraine only have 15,000 troops holding the frontline in the East around the Donbas(how true I don't know), it sound a crazily low number though. Luhansk is still pretty deadlocked with the terrain north to south providing high ground, valleys and rivers for both sides to defend from making it difficult to advance in area. Which is probably the reason for the stalemate from Svatove down to Kreminna and Severodontesk etc. From there your then into Soledar and Bakhmut and the messiest frontline. I think the only advance making any logical sense, giving the freedom of movement to Ukrainian forces in order to gain huge ground is the South. Slicing Russian forces into two and potentially getting them caught in a pincer like trap between Kherson and Melitopol or Mauriupol could well spell the beginning of the end for Russia in Crimea.
  13. I heard about a week ago he'd been told he could leave. Wasn't sure if there was any truth in it, looks like there might have been.
  14. I think any advance from Kherson would need to be supported by an advance elsewhere. I'm not sure Ukraine could attack logistically or quick enough without an offensive from Zaporizhzhia and Russian forces being tied up on multiple fronts. Kherson and all the bridges have been blown to shit. Russians are dug in and to advance on them from Kherson alone isn't going to be quick enough to unsettle them due to the river crossing. Ukrainians would just leave themselves open to counter attack. Russia would have exactly the same difficulty trying to regain Kherson now.
  15. I mentioned it a couple of weeks ago that I felt he's gone up another level since coming back from the WC. Like finally the pin has dropped for him and he realises just how good he truly can be. His distribution has most definitely improved. He's now not just commanding his area but the whole 18 yard box and more and with far more assurance. He's the one player in the team that nobody can deny is world class.
  16. I could be wrong but I think Ukraine would rather retake Crimea and lose the Donbas instead. Create a more hardened border in the East and keep their waters free of Russian's in the South. I still think taking Melitopol and the Zaporizhzhia region is key to this and the use of Western equipment could be very instrumental in the coming months at achieving this. I'm sort of hoping Ukraine have been busying themselves through the winter gathering all the resources and manpower in readiness to push towards Melitopol. If they can split the occupied territory especially in the South where the terrain is so much flatter and better suited to mobility. I think Russians would start to panic.
  17. 15o or so isn't a bad starting point. I am intrigued to know though. in which order would the tanks be classed as in overall class? I've heard through snippets that the Abrams is the best but most difficult to resup, The Challenger has exceptional armour, the Leopard probably the easiest to maintain and the Leclerc, well I don't know much about these but have heard it's an exceptional battle tank. In reality though, which vehicle is best suited to this particular conflict in the sense of offensive or defensive effectiveness. Is there one that stands out amongst the others? Obviously the Leopard 2 is in abundance but can one of these tnks mentioned literally take the fight to anything the Russians have and smash through them?
  18. I also heard in the doc I posted yesterday that the ammo in a Leopard 2 is configured in a way to blow outwards and protect the crew. Without watching again I can't 100% confirm but my recollection I think is correct. What I did find really fascinating was the engine in a Leopard 2 could be replaced in 15 min. With regards to keeping them operational that must be a big advantage in the field.
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