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Everything posted by avfc1982am

  1. Hahaha..... 2 days before and thy're scared to reveal the location because they know it'll get shut down. Bunch of clowns will end up in a car park.
  2. He's been running his mouth the last couple of weeks to anyone that will listen. Seems he and Wagner now feel they were used anyway and are pissed off nobody cares about them anymore which was always going to be the case when you start calling out the military for being shit.
  3. The one woman being interviewed hit the nail on the head. "Russians believe in the state more than themselves". It's savage how many Russians actually think Ukrainians want to be part of Russia and that they have a god given right to enforce Russian rule on Ukraine. And then the one guy says "I'm well educated and Ukraine should be part of Russia". Absolute prat, it didn't even occur to him Ukrainians might want to decide how to live. Civility has levels and unfortunately for many Russians they're stuck on level one.
  4. Yep, seriously deluded coming right up..... a short clip of his blathering bullshit.
  5. No chance. His distribution is too poor and he can't run the line. He's totally the wrong type of player to play out wide unless you're in total defensive mode or aren't reliant on FB width.
  6. What career? Career as a circus act playing to casuals. Neither of these two will ever make it as a top level boxers.
  7. There are several responses in the thread that claim the accents are obvious in that they are Russian. I must confess when looking at the uniforms my first thought was they didn't look Ukrainian or act particularly convincing.
  8. What I'd really like to know is how many troops Ukraine now has and what is the call up capacity? Everyone is commenting and speculating on Russian numbers potentially being used but is there any approximate number for Ukrainians now active in the conflict? I appreciate this maybe sort of classified but there must be figures being banded about.
  9. Spot on. Boxing is an abomination of the sport it should be. It's pure pantomime and has been for the last few years with our own UK fighters, promotors and networks devaluing the sport and treating it like vehicle to rip fans off. PPV's for nonsense fights, never seeing the fights made that the public want to see. It's a far cry from the sport I fell in love with in the early eighties.
  10. It's obviously the wrong building or a typo in the report but it doesn't really matter. The window suicides still have a 100% success rate.
  11. I wouldn't be sure the building in the photos are necessarily where she fell. It's probably just the same street as you say. The building itself doesn't look your typical upmarket Russian residence tbh
  12. And in that story.... 'In November, Col. Vadim Boiko, 44, deputy head of the Makarov Pacific Higher Naval School in Vladivostok, was found dead from multiple gunshot wounds in what has been described as a suicide. Boiko, who played a role in Putin’s partial mobilization efforts, “executed” himself with five gunshots to the chest in his commander’s office after allegedly being set up to take the fall for some of the problems plaguing the invasion of Ukraine, according to his widow.' At this point, there is no point taking any prominent Russian suicide as fact when they are more than likely executions. It's become quite ridiculous claiming otherwise under the Putin regime.
  13. Being honest I think he's our best outfield player by a distance. He's going from strength to strength imo and a matter of time before he gets back in the Brazil set up if he stays focused. Just a delightfully clean player, everything he does is always tidy and on point, and he seldom dawdles these days which used to be a negative about him. He's come a long way from the player he was 3 years ago. My favourite Villa player at the moment.
  14. The team fell apart against Leicester last week with him in it. After leading twice.
  15. After watching us role over for the first 45 mins rendering any potential comeback futile, my conclusion is Grealish is still a w******! I hope NSWE are ready to spend big this summer because we need serious upgrades, not stopgaps.
  16. Apparently the airport has been struck but other reports saying Russians took down the missiles, one over a residential area.
  17. 'An idiots guide to soldiering' was obviously wrote with Russians in mind. They ain't taking Slovyansk or Kramatorsk anytime soon. They're struggling to take villages and small towns lol. The Russian narrative of fighting the collective West has to be one of the greatest comical lines used by Russia. Meanwhile the collective west are sitting down chuckling after handing Ukraine a few little toys and watching the Russians struggle taking Bakhmut. Russia don't know how lucky they are only having Ukraine to deal with.
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