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Everything posted by avfc1982am

  1. Also noticeable that in his last few interviews he is pronouncing "Evening" correctly. He's getting better using the V. On another note, such a likeable manager. It's been such a long time since having such trust in a manager to take this club forward. It's a weird feeling.
  2. Probably the most I've seen him lose his shit on the touchline today. Even from the Holte End you could see him screwing at times with our play. Love it.
  3. What a spaz. "I don't know, but I'll guess anyway".
  4. Very unintelligent player at the moment. Runs into cul de sacs too much without releasing the ball. I like him but he really needs to smarten up with his decision making and start moving the ball on quicker.
  5. It is possible that the tackle may not have looked as bad from the angle he saw it at. I don't think any pat on the back would have been a "well done, for causing my teammate an injury".
  6. Yeah because Ukrainian babies are going around with SS uniforms on. Similar chatter to the Nazi's, but y'know, people. We seem to be too quick to dismiss shit like this and pass it off as mental and without substance but the substance is being actioned by the younger generation of these creatures in another Country. Just a silly old person though.
  7. MOTM - McGinn MP Average Ref - Shit Summary/Take away. Great 3 points in a lacklustre performance. Second clean sheet but lucky because the defence are still too slow moving the ball out from the back. I like Chambers more than Dendocker covering Kamara or Luiz.
  8. MOTM today. I'm not even sure there is a debate to be had.
  9. That attitude is not the local individual idiot and the interview is done by a youtuber not state media. There are many videos with this attitude on display throughout Russia. It's not some minority pov.
  10. NZogbia was shit and cost a fortune in wages for his lack of effort. I don't think Bailey is a good comparison tbh. Bailey, for his faults isn't a lazy bastard for a start.
  11. This is Moscow, the population of the liberators. Personally, if Russiaphobia isn't a thing, it should be and the further away from Western civilization these people are the better. Just vile some of the evil shit and nonsense these creatures come out with. Orcs is a good label for them.
  12. I think your all way off the mark. It's obviously a chimney ffs! Its a steam powered dipshit carrier called an SPDC
  13. Well, at least we know he turns up earliest for training. WTF Digne thought he was turning up for though . Konsa has obvs been kicked out by his mrs that morning.
  14. A perfect example of mis info creating opposition to Ukraine. Not sure if anyone has seen the clip of Zelenskyy apparently telling Americans they will have to send their sons and daughters to fight but CNN highlight the bs
  15. I call bullshit on this. The photos look very staged. Not the slightest evidence of dirt. Unless of course, they stopped off after making an assault to get their kit washed in a bit of DAZ for the photo op.
  16. I think what really concerns me about the situation around Bakhmut in general is Ukrainians are dying on their swords in large numbers now instead of being smart, retreating in good order and living to fight another day. If the mentality of the commanders is hold at all costs then the costs will end up being to high for Ukraine to maintain elsewhere. It's all very well having the better tech, trained forces but if they're being misused to hold something which is depleting them as much as the Russians then it becomes fruitless and negligent.
  17. Unfortunately, there is a lot of this garbage coming from Russians elsewhere. Funny thing is there is an article floating about on how the Russians are the most well educated population globally. Canada 2nd, followed by Japan, the US with the UK in 6th. I didn't bother reading because it was undoubtedly bollocks.
  18. I found this short report pretty interesting. 4 jets 150 personnel.
  19. Correct, most of the dirt track roads are completely bogged now. I've seen a couple of videos showing how bad it is, for light vehicles. I think any escape will be on foot for the vast majority still left. What we don't want to see is some turkey shoot basically wiping out anyone retreating. .
  20. Ensure Russians have a large amount of body bags?
  21. I think it'll be quite miraculous if Ukraine don't lose heavy troop numbers. The only road out of Bakhmut is now under constant artillery shelling.
  22. With Russian loses around 150,000 you can bet seriously injured figures are just as high with injuries on the whole probably taking that figure well over 300k incapacitated. Staggering figures for 12months of warfare in this day and age and a total disregard for human life.
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