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Everything posted by avfc1982am

  1. The team fell apart against Leicester last week with him in it. After leading twice.
  2. After watching us role over for the first 45 mins rendering any potential comeback futile, my conclusion is Grealish is still a w******! I hope NSWE are ready to spend big this summer because we need serious upgrades, not stopgaps.
  3. Apparently the airport has been struck but other reports saying Russians took down the missiles, one over a residential area.
  4. 'An idiots guide to soldiering' was obviously wrote with Russians in mind. They ain't taking Slovyansk or Kramatorsk anytime soon. They're struggling to take villages and small towns lol. The Russian narrative of fighting the collective West has to be one of the greatest comical lines used by Russia. Meanwhile the collective west are sitting down chuckling after handing Ukraine a few little toys and watching the Russians struggle taking Bakhmut. Russia don't know how lucky they are only having Ukraine to deal with.
  5. She really is fully indoctrinated, talking straight up shite. Like most of Putins propaganda shills, she'll not be sent to fight but talks about it as if she will, and has no qualms about making out like dying young should be embraced. We have this crap from all governments, there propaganda machines and the old men/women that run them chatting shit about bravado or loss without ever witnessing it close to home. Knowing full well other will be sent in their stead. Hopefully in her case Putins government falls at some point and she then understands what it's like to live in fear for your life. I see a window fall or car bomb future for her at this rate, same with Solovyov.
  6. Classic. One of my favourite characters of all time. Got Stechford described to a tee.
  7. Looks like Prigozhin is now being downgraded and put back in his box.
  8. I think you're missing the point I was making. We've all posted stuff that has turned out to be fake or just rubbish, such is the nonsense of information of which to sift through. I have on occasions only to be corrected by others or to end up removing the fake info. It happens. The point being, so what. If others have alternate info, view point, beliefs etc, then share. Debate, converse and explain the alternate view. There are those that have come in to the thread, ranted about absolute shite, with no wish for a debate, conversation or even explained themselves.. just pushing the narrative regarding a stereotypical thread with biased information, only to then run away when challenged. There is nothing at all stopping people posting alternate info and contributing to the thread, rather than slagging off those that do who are only trying to be informative, or express an opinion.
  9. Ukraine war: Elon Musk's SpaceX firm bars Kyiv from using Starlink tech for drone control - BBC News SpaceX has limited Ukraine's ability to use its satellite internet service for military purposes - after reports that Kyiv has used it to control drones. Early in the war, Ukraine was given thousands of SpaceX Starlink dishes - which connect to satellites and help people stay connected to the internet. But it is also said to have used the tech to target Russian positions with drones - which SpaceX says goes against the service agreement. Ukraine is yet to comment on the move. The Starlink technology was "never meant to be weaponised," SpaceX president Gwynne Shotwell said at an event in Washington DC on Wednesday. She made reference to Ukraine's alleged use of Starlink to control drones, and stressed that the equipment had been provided for humanitarian use. Unmanned aircraft have played an important role in the war, having been used by Kyiv to search out Russian troops, drop bombs and counter Moscow's own drone attacks. Russia has also been accused of attempting to jam Starlink signals by SpaceX founder Elon Musk. Ms Shotwell confirmed that it was acceptable for the Ukrainian military for deploy Starlink technology "for comms", but said her intent was "never to have them use it for offensive purposes". She said the company had taken steps to "limit" the abilities of the Ukrainian armed forces to use Starlink in an offensive way - without giving further details. The executive said she could not answer a question on whether these efforts were the cause of outages to the Starlink service late last year. After invading its neighbour in February last year, Russia quickly looked to close down local internet services and to block social media. The first Starlink dishes - or terminals - were provided to Ukraine soon after, in an effort to ensure people stayed connected. They work by connecting to satellites in low-Earth orbit. As well as the terminals sent directly by the company itself, others have been funded by the foreign governments. In October, Mr Musk signalled that he could not continue funding Starlink in Ukraine, before rapidly reversing his position. In a tweet last week, the billionaire again addressed the issue and acknowledged that there was a dilemma at work. "SpaceX Starlink has become the connectivity backbone of Ukraine all the way up to the front lines. This is the damned if you do part," he wrote. "However, we are not allowing Starlink to be used for long-range drone strikes. This is the damned if you don't part."
  10. Did you come on here condemning his actions or debate it? Or are you just coming on here talking shit because others aren't posting what you want to read? I think you need to look at the state of yourself and your stupid comments rather than the state of the thread. The thread you've contributed very little too. There is nothing stopping anyone on VT posting if they want to contribute, but to contribute FA and then moan that others aren't discussing certain topics or view points is laughable.
  11. Could be a super hero sighting in Ukraine? Or a tranny wearing a cape going around causing havoc to Russian forces? Or maybe a just a boring fireman? Literally.
  12. It's not playing out from the back that is the issue. It's players not playing the ball first time to move the ball quickly(something they practice daily) and pissing around with it in dangerous areas trying to take several touches. Dendoncker did it v Stevenage and Kamara today. It's poor awareness. The pass wasn't in the best location but the receiver of the ball still has time to clear. Kamara was at fault for they goal. He arguably should've grabbed the ball when going down leading to their 3rd goal too.
  13. Really poor today. His and Mings positional awareness was really shit today.
  14. I find it hard to believe we couldn't upgrade him for £50 after today. Slow, unaware and positionally shocking. The sooner him and Konsa are replaced the better. He's been decent at times but if there is one thing I hate, it's a player telling his teammates to calm down when he's putting them under pressure.
  15. I think so too. Konsa and Mings need to be broken up now. 3 years they've had together and aren't improving enough. Today was as bad as ever how easy they were to get in behind and both far to oblivious of danger.
  16. I don't think it's damning on him because Young is exceptional, but he's a long way off the standard we need to improve the team. Would be one of my first sales in the summer along with Digne. I think the back line in front of the keeper needs rebuilding tbh.
  17. He needs ball playing centre halfs because Mings and Konsa just aren't good enough. Both had their arses handed to them today.
  18. He's been doing it for years out of camp. This isn't some new fad. They're are a lot more fighters than people realise sniff that shit.
  19. I think your confused. These are kids. This is what kids do to each other in every Country. Yes it's shit but if you think UK schools are better then your missing something.
  20. A bra might help him these days, I'd say that growth hormone treatment is doing the job. Fat tit comes to mind.
  21. My heart bleeds for this kid. Hope he make it out alive.
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