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Everything posted by avfc1982am

  1. Images are blurred but this does show a couple of bodies so don't click if you're squeamish.
  2. There are far more Russians wearing Ukrainian uniforms than the other way around. When your gear is shit, even gear off a dead body or prisoner is better. A few Russians have been caught wearing Ukraine gear. Ukrainians are suggesting they should be shot as spies.
  3. Solid again today when he probably had more ground to cover with Kamara out. Him and McGinn done well today.
  4. 2 back to back MOTM for McGinn. A solid if not convincing performance and a point. It could've been worse.
  5. They've been in control since the start of the 2nd half.
  6. We haven't come out this second half and are too flat footed. We need to wake up before they take the lead and the game gets away from us.
  7. People want to talk about the VP atmosphere should look at this WH crowd. The players are making more noise. It's like it's behind closed doors.
  8. He's got zero chance of finding himself at the top table. Not with his openly criminal past. It's one thing being empowered to create some military force to serve the state but the elitists will never support him replacing Putin. He's just too common. He'd have to openly revolt and take the Country by force and I doubt very much he is capable of that.I think there is more chance he gets taken out.
  9. He's definitely trolling but if you've been cut off from the Kremlin it's probably wise to pipe down.
  10. Not sure if this is exactly what he is saying, because he mentions Zelenskky but if the translation is correct he's batshit crazy and been around loud bangs too long Yep.... He's batshit crazy..
  11. I've heard there are Leopards already operational but yet to see one. I think your right, most of the new tanks will be held back until the rains have come and gone and they can move freely without getting bogged down. That's when Russia will be in trouble. May and I think we will see them all over the place.
  12. I think you're correct in assuming this is in Poland. I think if was in Ukraine that Polish flag would have been removed before the propagandists claim it's evidence of NATO forces inside Ukraine. It will probably be used for that anyway by the Russians.
  13. Little bit more on the Prigozhin claim Wagner have been "Cut off". Interestingly, if Russia abandon Wagner to their fate, then it's a matter of time before mutiny or retreat come into play, especially as I do not see Wagner just walking away after suffering so badly and allowing regular Russian forces to fill the void. Either Putin is playing a dangerous game that could backfire dramatically by alienating Wagner and his pal, or is he actually calling the shots anymore?
  14. Russians are and have lost a staggering amount of troops. However, I think we should all be cautious as to not make them out to be completely incompetent and the Ukrainians so much smarter. As I've said above the general reports from most sources I've seen is a 7:1 artillery ratio in favour of Russians. If this is the case then the likely hood Ukrainians are still taking less casualties than Russians is remote at best. I'd air on the side of caution at the moment because whether we like it or not the disinfo on both sides will be high, including our own media, making it really difficult to trust everything we are being told. Right now the only reports I am believing with any conviction are those from the frontline reporting, or vlogging. They're the only voices really worth trusting and from what I am seeing Ukrainian forces are holding Bakhmut by their finger tips, using small arms, due to the lack of ammo.
  15. I haven't seen this reported 7:1 ratio for personnel loses. I've seen a 7:1 ration for artillery shells being fired but not a 7:1 on personnel being lost and I'd be a bit cynical about these figures being entirely accurate. I'm not saying it isn't true but it seems a stretch. It was only a week ago Ukrainians were complaining about the high numbers of casualties and pulling out of Bakhmut altogether, if that ratio was 7:1 in loses then I don't think that would be considered at all. It's a perfect location to wipe out the Russian and Wagner forces if true.
  16. Really interesting short piece from Times correspondent Anthony Loyd. Mentions the situation in Bakhmut but interestingly mentions that not only have the Russians(Wagner) put everything into this offensive but the Ukrainians have used a lot of reservists planned for a spring offensive.
  17. Another view from last night protest in Tbilisi. It seems that Eastern Europe really has had enough of oppressive Russian influence. When your neighbours want to distance themselves from you, it's time to rethink how you treat people.
  18. He's a lucky boy getting to work with such an accomplished manager at his age. If the potential is real and his attitude is good Emery may take this kid to a level he may never have imagined. Most players never get this opportunity. Similar with the likes of Ramsey etc. A golden opportunity to learn from a great manager at a young age.
  19. Maybe not he did well when deputising for Kamara on Saturday.
  20. They are. These is also mostly sensible compared to most the vids he puts out and many of the opinions received. But yeah, the younger generation are generally those most opposed to war. They've still got another 30-40 years of indoctrination to go though and I'm sure Russia will have turned them by then.
  21. Has to be chambers for me to replace Kamara alongside Dougie. It's a big loss but Chambers is much more mobile and I think him in front of the back 4 is a safer option than Dendoncker.
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