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Everything posted by Rob182

  1. Gary Mc beat Arsenal and Liverpool.... Whats your point? That he must have something about him... I posted it right there :? Gary Mc beat Arsenal with a team including Darrent Bent, Ashley Young & Stewart Downing. Gary Mc beat Liverpool on the last day of the season, when most teams have nothing to play for, again, with Bent, Young, Downing and the rest of our 'Top 6 side'. Martinez beat them with a team who's aim was to avoid relegation :? Phil Brown beat Arsenal. Good for him. I wouldn't want him as our manager because he's an orange wally. I like Martinez. He seems like a dude.
  2. Gary Mc beat Arsenal and Liverpool.... Whats your point? That he must have something about him... I posted it right there :? Gary Mc beat Arsenal with a team including Darrent Bent, Ashley Young & Stewart Downing. Gary Mc beat Liverpool on the last day of the season, when most teams have nothing to play for, again, with Bent, Young, Downing and the rest of our 'Top 6 side'. Martinez beat them with a team who's aim was to avoid relegation :?
  3. I, for one, would like Martinez to be our manager. I don't know why. He's not been that successful and their defending has been terrible at times. But I like him. He seems like a nice guy. (and yes.. I know that's not a good reason to hire a manager) If he had a quality defence to work with, his attacking play would be protected a lot more and his teams would not get ripped apart. Didn't he beat Arsenal with WIGAN ? He must have something about him if that happened (IF... I can't remember).
  4. Then a later tweet they post. Tweets from said date He mentions GH many times that day and I believe that GH became manager Sept 8th? The problem with that, is that most of us had a big hunch that it was Houllier around that time because of what MM had told us. A lot of VTers even put money on it because of how confident MM was. Villa_Insider could be a lurker on here!
  5. Then she needs to be promoted, immediately, to a middle to high management position in a high street bank, immediately. Talent like this needs to be recognised.... I work for a bank and I agree with this. The majority of the managers appear to have blagged their way into their jobs. All the people who are actually clever and considerate of customers get no-where.
  6. Agreed, crazy claim, i cant believe he believed his mate who text him! It was probably shortened text speak. His mate probably meant he'd put a bet of £1 on bet365 :winkold:
  7. I'd rather we avoided Rafa because of the Liverpool link, I'd rather we avoided Hughes because, to me, he is average and I'd rather we avoided McLaren simply because everyone appears to hate him and the fans would be on his back from the start. I'd prefer we went for a Premier League-unproven manager or foreign manager tbh. As established as Rafa, Hughes and McLaren are.. I just want something new and exciting! Rijkaard or someone else who likes to play attractive, attacking football would be nice.
  8. he's a shocking manager imo I'm not sure about MArtinez. He sets his teams up to play attacking football, but Wigan have always been hit and miss. Sometimes they will rip their opponents apart, other times they'll look absolutely woeful. I wonder whether he'd do a better job with a team with better defenders. Even though he bought Caldwell and the other clowns in their team, he's worked on a tight budget. Maybe, just maybe, he'd do a good job if he could set up his attacking team with a strong defence behind it?
  9. How much was Fellaini? Around £13m-14m ? I think he's a good player but that was a lot of money for someone who hasn't really shone in their team. I remember seeing something in the Other Football forum about the Rooney money. There were at least 4 or 5 players that were sold again in a few years time because they were rubbish. I wasn't arguing against Moyes anyway, I was just reiterating ender4's point because it seemed that someone misread it. I actually think that if Moyes was given £50m+ to spend, he could get us some quality players.
  10. doesn't Moyes do better with limited funds. when he's had money at Everton, hasn't he spent it unwisely? i'm not sure, thats my impression. I wouldn't call Cahill, Saha, Arteta etc "unwise". I don't know if you've missed ender4's point? Cahill and Arteta cost peanuts. Saha cost more but he's been injured a LOT, so I don't class him as one of Moyes' most successful transfers. IIRC, Moyes didn't do much with the money from selling Lescott or Rooney.. (that said, I'd still like him here!)
  11. I really really hope your genuine and not some jumped up pleb trying to get a reaction! :winkold: Amen to that... ... brother!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. What is it with donkeys and managerial changes? Shillz said he'd bed a donkey if MON had quit, the day that MON quit.
  13. Rob182


    I've been for a run on my day off, thursday, each week for the last month. I'm slowly getting better! Starting off; I managed 2.4 miles in 26 minutes. Yesterday I managed 3.7 miles in about 30 minutes. I'm at work atm and I'm considering leaving my car at work, going out on the lash, then running from Halesowen to work (Birmingham) Tomorrow to fetch my car! Though if I do that, I'll probably end up walking the last half.
  14. I thought this yesterday. I tried to have a look but it said 'page not found'... or something like that. What did it originally say? I never saw it... Any quotes from Moyes?
  15. For me.. 1. Moyes 2. Ancelotti 3. Martinez 4. Hughes 5. Deschamps 6.... the rest I really like the idea of us continuing with the philosophy that Houllier was trying to bring. But I do have a £20 bet on Moyes at 12-1... so he has to be top of my list.
  16. I wouldn't mind Martinez tbh! Even though Wigan have been down the bottom of the league A LOT. He occasionally plays nice football and has signed a few decent players while at Wigan. With a decent defensive coach, or better defenders at his disposal, he could do a job here. But I do think he loves Wigan because of his history with them. However, if he was to come here, I reckon he'd be a pretty loyal manager, sticking with us, much like Moyes has with Everton.
  17. Fixed. (Only messing Alec :winkold:)
  18. I'll see what the bank balance says and get back to you
  19. I wonder what the odds are of Barney the Dinosaur being our next manager..
  20. Cracking goal yesterday!! But he could clearly see he had a better chance to get it on his left foot and he damn nearly scored! We would have been salivating about that goal if it had gone in. I personally thought he would have had a better chance to score if he'd just hammered it first time on his right. The keeper wasn't in a great position and there weren't any defenders in his way. Instead, he had to get control of it, then try to find a gap between a defenders legs. By then, the keeper had got his footing sorted. A huge belt from the right boot could have pinged into the goal somehow (and like I said, if he'd missed, we wouldn't have minded because we'd know it was his weaker foot).
  21. It look like Delph got a knock on his ankle. It was his knee that he had the long injury with, wasn't it? Everytime I watch him, I just hope that he doesn't get a repeated injury on the knee. I'd hate for him to become one of those injury prone players that is kept out of action for months and months. He has so much potential! I agree with BB though, he wasn't that effective Yesterday. We appeared to play better with a change in formation.
  22. EDIT: Forget it. I never get your jokes. I put it down to you not being funny
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