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Everything posted by Rob182

  1. The same reason than Adam Johnson did? To get game time.
  2. I only remember hearing general stuff about him, someone's girlfriend, some nasty characters and a potential knee-capping. How much of it is true, or would stop him coming back to the area, I don't know. Personally I'd love to see him at Villa! A CB pairing of Vlaar and Lescott would be great, it'd be great for a top ten team!
  3. Rob182, on 03 January 2013 - 01:19 PM, said: Utter bozswollocks You're going to be very disappointed, I think.
  4. So £17m, £16m or £15m is taking the piss?
  5. I hope we don't go for Dorrans. He played well when Baggies were in the Championship. Since then he has barely made the team.
  6. Rob182

    Joe Bennett

    Agreed, he was one of our better players against Wigan.
  7. Rob182

    Joe Bennett

    I've never thought that Warnock intentionally headed into his own net, I haven't said that either. I'm just saying, until Bennett puts a ball in his own net, he's doing better than Warnock. Aside from the own goal, Warnock had been dreadful for a while. Sliding in when it wasn't needed, picking up yellow cards left, right and centre. I'm sure he gave away a penalty aswell. All this from a player that was meant to be experienced, costing £8m was it? No C_V, it's not just because he's young. Why would someone see potential just because a player is young? I've seen him take on players, put in a few decent crosses (better than Lowton and Bannan), link up some decent passes and put in a good last ditch tackle on Lennon on the edge of our penalty area. He's still learning, he's still young, but I've seen enough for me to not write him off. Are you writing him off just because he's young?
  8. Rob182

    Joe Bennett

    You can call me a liar if you want, but until I see Bennett aim a few headers in the bottom corner of his own net, I'd say he's doing better than Warnock.
  9. I'm watching The Hobbit too. Then back home with my girlfriend for a few drinks. I'm really not bothered about New Years anymore. Infact, apart from a few drinks at home or in a pub, I would say that I'm not fussed about drinking anymore!
  10. One gripe I have is that the melted butter on toast turns into mush when I spread marmite on. I think I'm going to try spreading the marmite on the toasted bread first, then putting butter on top. .. ... ...... New Years Eve.. ay.. Exciting
  11. Not for me! I have to spread it thinly. Slightly flavoured, like a 'Ready Salted' toast, if you will.
  12. I completely disagree. Warnock was good for 6 months and then became terrible, even under MON with experienced players around him (I had to avoid the word 'good').
  13. So what should he have bought? Older parts to fix his damaged car? That's a rubbish analogy
  14. I'm a little unsure about Bannan at the moment, tbh. I get tired of watching him playing, because though he has ability, his decision making is pretty dreadful. One thing I can say is - I HATE HIS CORNERS. Those bloody floated crosses that can be judged from a mile away by opposition defenders. I would rather have Westwood or Bennett on corner duty.
  15. That sounds cool Chindie. What LOTR weapons?
  16. I've had the 'Find Azura's Star' quest sitting in my list of quests for ages. Maybe I'll do that one next! I decided not to join the Dark Brotherhood. I didn't like the way the leader demands that you kill one of those hostages without any information on them. So I killed her and took her clothes. Then I decided to free one of the hostages, but the others gave me a bit of backchat, so I left them there.
  17. I'm Rob, Blink 182 was my first favourite band. Then I lived in house number 182, hence my username. I'm in a band and I'm a season ticket holder in upper holte. I spend more time in the VT section than I do in OT, simply because I can't keep up with the conversations in here. But I like to think that I'm not one of the aforementioned 'tards'! I'm one of the good guys. Honest.
  18. If you'd watched the Wigan game, you would have seen that KEA played well (in the circumstances) and Ireland was pretty poor. At least, that was my reasoning for putting KEA in the team and Ireland on the bench.
  19. Extremely harsh on Bennett. He had a few games adjusting to the league, looked nervous and then got injured/sent off. He's come back and has played a few games where he's looked good going forward and 'okay' at the back. I don't think it's fair to say he's been awful in the short time he was playing before he got injured.
  20. Assuming that Baker, Vlaar, Gabby and N'Zogbia are still injured ------------- Guzan ------------- Lichaj -- Lowton - Clark - Bennett ------ Westwood --- El Ahmadi ---- Albrighton --- Holman ---- Wiemann ------------- Benteke ------------ Back to the 4-2-3-1 that was working well before we got thumped by Man City. I feel like Lambert has been using the 3-5-2/5-3-2 to allow Lowton and Bennett the freedom to get up the pitch and provide support that would otherwise come from wingers. But by playing two 'sitting midfielders' in centre mid, this would allow the fullbacks to overlap.
  21. I had completely forgotten about Samba. An excellent shout. Also, regarding Barry, though he's playing frequently for Man City at the moment, I remember hearing from someone who spoke to him, that he would like to return here one day. If Man City wanted to sell, I think his return would be much more likely than Milner's.
  22. Lowton is good at right back, just too weak in the centre. Why you have lumped Bennett in with him, I don't know. Bennett is very good going forward and has made a few decent tackles to make me think he could be a half decent player. I think we just need to go back to 442 with Ron Vlaar! Then we'll be, as Lambert says, fine.
  23. It's pacbuddies' trademark sarcastic post. It's so hilarious that I think he does is every day in every thread, just to lighten the mood.
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