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Everything posted by legov

  1. I'd agree with that. I think in large parts of Europe they have that cafe culture where they all pop along and can sit outside with their mates, have a casual beer or coffee because the weather is generally decent, just generally get along. Over here we sort of have to make the best of what we've got when we can, and too many end up bingeing and turn out to be utter cocks. Of course it's hard not to make sweeping generalisations when it comes to topics like this though. One thing I've noticed is on game shows just how little general knowledge the kids just out of education/uni have. They can just google rather than having to learn facts at school. I have this argument with my brother who is a history teacher and he says there's no need to actually teach them events or dates in our history any more. It's all just analysis and repeated essay writing. I don't know why anyone would be a history teacher and not want to share all of what's happened to make Britain and the rest of the world what it is. So what you mean is that they can google things, but they choose not to, and that results in them having little general knowledge, right?
  2. Ah, Con, you make it sound so simple sometimes.
  3. Well it came out in 2005, so I was 9 so I didn't care tbf i justt had a blast with it. Really enjoyed manager mode, especially getting Naismith in the 90s. Yeah pretty much this. Still a horrendous game though. So arcadey.
  4. Narrator sounds a bit dull I guess, but this was the best link I could find.
  5. You're a Korean Villa fan? Cool Where have you been all these years? Not in Korea. I did once encounter a Korean that liked Villa because he loved Richard Dunne, but generally Korean fans have tended to follow their own players and Villa have never had one, so it's cool that we have some kind of pull over there. So do SSN 'understand' then? That does usually signal that there is more to it than paper talk. Yeah, well, I can state categorically then we do NOT have any pull whatsoever in Asia, me (and the Korean guy) notwithstanding.
  6. You're a Korean Villa fan? Cool Where have you been all these years?
  7. My thoughts exactly (as a Chinese person, no less)
  8. Yeah right, I'm sure Swansea are just making money hand over fist in Korea right now. yup it's a common and quite frankly patronising misconception. Also very rude when idiots like big Sam say it's pretty much the reason for signing Nakata while he was sitting at his press conference.. As someone who is very much into Japanese culture including football, this perception of asians only being good for shirt sales is nonsense. Due to a large number of asians in Europe it's much less of a case now, very different when there was only a couple. Germany has really tapped into the Japanese market and there is some very good talent there, I'd like Villa to do the same.....anyway, Ki is a cracking player but a racist clearing in the woods. Been in trouble a few times for comments made towards the japanese. Out of interest, what exactly did he say?
  9. How Yeung is he? I think he could become our unSung hero.
  10. legov


    hardly in the same class is he! If the class is world, then yes he is. But he wouldn't get the same goals. Ok but its goals that win matches.. More accurately, it's making sure you score more goals than the opposition that wins you matches. I.e. 1-0 is (more or less) just as good as winning 10-0.
  11. Apparently di Maria is now out of the rest of the tournament. What's with this world cup abd injuries, jesus.
  12. Bizarre world cup, all 4 teama heavily flawed.
  13. Don't really know much about Japan, but pretty sure Indian train stations are worse
  14. legov


    As I've previously stated they were only £12m behind Man City on spending last season. Last season? You sure? I mean, Jovetic vs Aspas?
  15. Where's that old Gary Neville clip when you need it...
  16. Good that England are already out of the WC, I guess.
  17. Chiellini sounds like a very intelligent person.
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