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Everything posted by meregreen

  1. A good win. But unless performances improve, we won't win many against the better teams.
  2. meregreen

    Keinan Davis

    Hold up play is ok. But he simply doesn't carry any goal threat. Kodjia will replace him now. Would still like to see two strikers up front though.
  3. He's been on it a long time then. In 47 years he has apparently voted against every EU Bill that has ever been before Parliament. I'm a remainer, but I have always admired Skinners consistency in his beliefs.
  4. I'm flying to Florida Thursday. God knows what I'll find when I get there. Been in a couple of Hurricanes before, even had a Twister pass me by in Tennessee. But a category 5 is scary.
  5. Unfortunately we are not witnessing a comedy, a tragedy would better describe it.
  6. Hutton has considerable form for poor play. De Laet was generally far more effective than Hutton has been.
  7. Me too 52 years. Could have been worse, might have blundered to the sty.......Aargh!!!!
  8. Should have gone to spec savers.
  9. Honestly....I don't think the guy struggling to support his family on minimum wage or a zero hour contract gives a **** about the political situation in Venezuela.
  10. He isn't Allan Hutton, for me that means he's in.
  11. Corbyn is probably the most upfront politician in the country. It's one of the reasons the Tory press couldn't nail him. Unlike Miliband , he didn't sit on the fence and prevaricate, he simply said what he thought. People actually warmed to that. There's a lesson there for all politicians. The analogy with the media anti Christ that is Rupert Murdoch is just a bit silly.
  12. We need to look to the future now, and Gabby ain't it. Ship him out, it would make my weekend if Hutton went with him.
  13. And to think Bruce picked Bacuna ahead of Hourihan .
  14. What the **** does Bruce see in Hutton, the guys a twelfth man for the opposition.
  15. Bruce paid £4,000,000 for Bree, and doesn't play him. Prefers the walking disaster called Allan Hutton. You have to seriously question Bruce's judgement at times.
  16. Hutton!!! I could weep.
  17. Carpetbaggers were a relatively small number of private devious individuals who tried to asset strip a few of the rich white landowners who found themselves struggling after the abolition of slavery. They certainly were not Government agents from the North , nor were they any part of any official policy from the Federal Government. Basically the South was a Cotton dominated agrarian economy with very little heavy industry to speak of. When their supply of slaves was removed their economy suffered, not something to feel any remorse for I think.
  18. The Nazis were not formed by the Weimar Republic they were simply formed in it. The last part of your post I endorse 100 per cent.
  19. It was the mass unemployment of the Great Depression which propelled Hitler to power. And his blaming of the Jews for Germanys economic plight.The Brown shirts had absolutely nothing to do with the Weimar Republic, they were a far right private para military force. After Hitler's election as Chancellor in 1933, most if not all of those Communists were rounded up and put into concentration camps. So Not much opposition there I think. My point stands, if ordinary Germans had come out on the streets to confront Hitler's henchmen, they would today be regarded as heroic. Crystal Nacht to me has similarities with those scum bags chanting anti Jewish slogans while marching with their flaming torches. These bastards need to be confronted. A brave young woman lost her life doing just that. No amount of deflecting prevarication by Trump should be tolerated.
  20. With regards to Trumps assertion that many of the anti fascist demonstrators were "bad" people. I wondered what his reaction would have been if large numbers of Germans had forcefully opposed the Brown shirts on the streets of Germany in the 1930's. I rather think they would be regarded as heroic for standing up to Hitler's henchmen. Different time and place , but the principle is the same.
  21. Don't confuse Democratic Socialism with totalitarian one Party Communism. They are not the same.
  22. Depends wether you equate the nation as the particular ruling elite of the time, or its general populace. The general mass of this countries population had no say in the countries governance. Once they were politically empowered then Socialism did become a big player politically. We have swung from right to left, but I do think that most people in this country favour public ownership of the great utilities, most of which were built up by massive public investment before being plundered by the Tories.
  23. It really shouldn't be that difficult to condemn fascist neo naziism, wherever it raises its ugly head. The fact that the President of the United States, a country that gave thousands of lives in the , as Eisenhower stated " Great Crusade" against such evil, cannot unequivocally make a simple statement condemning such groups, without having his arm twisted up his back, is both sad and shameful. Truly this man is the most undignified person ever to hold this office.
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