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Everything posted by meregreen

  1. The Korean War was a United Nations led conflict. It was initiated in response to an unprovoked attack on South Korea by the North Koreans , backed by Communist China. The decision was taken after a democratic vote by the Security Council. Russia missed the vote, they have never missed one since. Your assertion that this makes Attlee "Americas Poodle" is at best inane at worst a smear on a truly great man.
  2. The facts state otherwise. The last Labour Govt. was one of the most if not the most successful since the war. Unfortunately the Tory bankers **** it up on a global scale. My own favourite would be Clem Atlees Post War Govt. To build a Welfare State and NHS from the ashes of World War 2 was a quite magnificent achievement. Can't think of anything the Tories have done that even comes close to that . Give them enough time though, and they'll do their conniving best to destroy it.
  3. I remember those days. We actually had Industries then, before Thatcher butchered them on the altar of monetarism.The 3 day week was under a Tory Govt. People had the guts and determination to fight back in those days. We were a better country then, had a better sense of community and looking after each other. There's a poison that the Tories fed into the British people's beliefs. If Corbyn is the beginning of the fight back, then bring it on.
  4. There's hope for this country yet.
  5. You misunderstand Socialism, it is about helping others other than yourself who are less well off, to have a decent life. It isn't about stopping people improving their own lives. Social justice can go hand in hand with economic prosperity. I have enormous respect for people like your brother who have done well for themselves, and yet have the moral compass and compassion to lend a hand to others.
  6. You do realise they are the largest Party by membership in Europe.
  7. Putting our corporation tax back up to the same levels as the rest of the developed world, seems a pretty reasonable way of financing help for the poor to me. As for voting Lib Dem , l haven't forgotten which Party " enabled" the Tories to inflict so much pain for 5 long years. Labour will get rid of zero hours contracts, raise the minimum wage significantly, remove the crippling debt we burden our students with. And simply bring hope to the millions of ordinary people the Tories have abandoned to food banks and despair. These things alone mean they are the Party who will have my vote.
  8. Compared to the NHS and Social care, every other issue pales into insignificance for me.
  9. She called an election .......and then didn't turn up.
  10. The figures are out there, in the public domain, fully costed. Sounds very competent to me. How desperate are the Tories to smear Corbyn that they resort to this, when they haven' t even the decency to show the electorate any costings at all !!!!
  11. Labour actually costed their manifesto. The Tories didn't, how does that sit with your competency test ?
  12. Wonder if it might affect how their parents vote though.
  13. That may be. But my point is the criticism would be more relevant if absolutely no costing, whatever its validity, had been made of such an important pledge. I think the fact that Corbyn, like anybody, is not a human abacus, is simply much ado about nothing.
  14. The proposal, like all Labours manifesto, has been fully costed, unlike the Tories uncosted manifesto. No Politician will walk around with reams of figures in their heads. If the policy was uncosted then I could see the point , it is costed , so there isn't one. BBC being a bit unfair there.
  15. Correct. An interviewer threw this at him a couple of days ago, and looked a fool when it turned out to be bullshit.
  16. Tory ineptitude with the economy had almost guaranteed their fall from grace. Politics tends to be cyclical, it's just a case of when, not if, the people decide they've had enough of you.
  17. A Norwegian politician stated that in Scandanavia. Corbyn would be seen as a middle of the road politician. The political landscape was moved to the right by both the Tories and Blairs Labour over the last 30 years. Seeing the Political landscape shift a little to the left is long overdue, and very welcome. A real choice again thankfully.
  18. Corbyn has changed Labour . To me he does offer hope, and certainly a choice for real change. They may not be a "new" party. But they most certainly are not the party of Blair. Saw a survey once which asked people of a certain age which decade they were happiest in. The seventies won. No period in time is ever perfect. But many of the values our country held then, about community and helping each other, about giving our children the best start in life we can, without saddling them with debt, about treating the sick according to the severity of their illness regardless of their income. Many of these things have been eroded over the years. So if Corbyn wants to restore some that compassion from a former decade, then bring it on.
  19. They most certainly are "cowardly" . This person killed themself, and murdered innocent children while doing it. That is not " sacrifice" by my definition.
  20. Oh please give it a rest mate. It's **** all to do with the left. Making political capital about horrors like this makes me sick. I'm a member of the Labour Party and find these acts of insanity quite appalling.
  21. I have memories, it's why I will never vote Tory.
  22. Good for them. Trying to give a counter to the truly massive right wing bias of the British press as a whole. I've travelled the world pretty extensively, and our press are amongst the worst. Sad but true.
  23. It would appear most people support Labours policies above those of the Conservatives. What they don't want, sadly is the man most responsible for those policies, go figure. Occurs to me though, that those pundits and posters predicting the permanent demise of Labour as a political force, are pretty wide of the mark. Corbyn is temporary, keep the policies with a more palatable leader, and we're in a very different scenario. It's just a pity that the British electorate are so bloody shallow that they allow personalities to override policies. It's the policies that will mould our country. The Tories with a large majority could inflict terrible suffering . Been there before, bad times.
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