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Everything posted by villaglint

  1. Right I've been trying to take notice and I can confirm the following. I am being sent to the last page I read and when I do "mark all read" the issue is gone. I didn't realise I would need to continuously have to "mark all read". Just by way of feedback and I guess I am stating the obvious here but it is not ideal having to continuously do that... I am telling you this to try and help because I like the site. I imagine other people just get frustrated at how difficult it is to navigate around the new mobile site.
  2. I have long been willing Ireland to do well for us. I was also one who felt he was one of our better players last year (clearly not saying much). However I am now of the opinion that his chances have come to an end and I fully support Lambert on this. There were rumours of a bust up with him and Bent arguing with Lambert a few weeks back. So I assume that is more to play here than his performance against Bradford. Difference with Bent being even if he is not fully committed he will be capable of sticking one away and winning a game or point. Point with Ireland for me is this - we bought him to be a match winner but that is really not his game. He is more a talented and tidy player who will thrive with good players around him. Reminds me a bit of a less hard working Cleverly - never going to win you a game but will link up really well with those around him. We have given him the free role on countless occasions but how many assists has he got? How many games has he won us? I think this is another one for the Warnock, Hutton, Beye, Makoun bin... We can sit here and blame Randy (rightly so in my opinion) for not spending in Jan but no matter how rich you are it has to be really painful to watch so much money go down the drain each week.
  3. Just to update Even now I have done mark forum read the issue still persists...slightly. I am now sent to a few pages back - better than being sent to the middle or wherever I was sent previously. Tough to know as there are no numbers at all.
  4. I thought he did fine when he came on to quote PL. Surprised me how fast he was and also looked to have a football brain which is a pretty rare thing in our team. Sure Gabby will come back in but it would be interesting to see more of him.
  5. Very very good player, if I was Abramovich I would have Torres wake up with a horses head in his bed then move heaven an earth to get this guy. He's a 22 yr old Drogba, seems ridiculous that we'll be forced to sell him for nothing like his true value. On another note is anyone thinking back to all those Genk fans who said we got robbed after paying 7m for him? Lots said he wasn't all that. Seems odd looking back
  6. villaglint


    The one hope we have is that we are showing we can get ahead in games. Therefore if we are ever able to sort out our defending it is possible for us to get on some kind of run in the way Reading have in the last few weeks. I'm pinning all my hopes on them peaking too early and us finding some semblance of form. As others have said biggest hurt from getting relegated will be losing Benteke. Best striker we've had in years
  7. Yes clicking mark forum read does seem to solve the issue but odd that we should need to do that. Just because people aren't reporting it doesn't mean they aren't facing the same issue...
  8. We bought in MON who by in large bought in young English talent for big money. Strategy No. 1 When he left we were all a bit shocked and thought that was a weird one. Then we dragged Houllier out of retirement who by in large wanted to rebuild the team bringing in talented gems from abroad. Strategy No. 2 When he joined we were all a bit shocked because Houllier nearly died in his last job in English football. And lo his health hit him again, he left and we all thought that was a weird one. Then we hired Alex f#cking McLeish who had just relegated our rivals. He wanted to rebuild the team around players who knew the league and would run through walls. Strategy No. 3 I have never been so shocked in all my time watching football than when we hired this man. He played poor football we nearly got relegated and if the season was one game longer we would have done. He left and we all thought that was a weird one. Then we hired Paul Lambert who wanted to rebuild the team around young English talent for very little money. Strategy No. 4. We were all shocked because Lambert had been really successful in recent times and we were still pretty relieved to have got rid of the last guy. Then we got beat 8-0 by Chelsea and everything, I mean EVERYTHING fell apart. Our defence was so bad we lost to lower league teams regularly. Then January came around and we thought at last a chance to buy a defender to help our clearly struggling squad. But we chose not to and that was a weird one... Anyone remember the five year plan when Randy joined ?? Well that was it
  9. I've no problem with us signing someone who can play wide. We have the best header of a ball in the Premier League and two extremely proficient poachers yet we very very rarely get crosses into the box from decent positions. Never understand why Holman isn't tried on left wing seeing as that was where he played for his previous club. Anyway all the best Simon... if you keep us up then Messi will be asking you for tips...
  10. Abraham has said to someone on Twitter that it wont be earth shattering news. So bearing that in mind I wouldn't see it as a name which would excite the fans. I think Ince would excite the fans More likely another name out the blue like Sylla which somehow relates to a fruit salad
  11. A very good example of why you and Mazrim were essentially reading from the same page even though you were both convinced you were mortally opposed. You both knew a bit of information and took a view on it, but nobody except the few involved can know everything
  12. Although its immensley frustrating to see how limited our finances are at least we will still have a club in two years time. How is paying Samba 100k pw going to work if they go down? How many clubs does Redknapp have to bankrupt before people see through him?
  13. Being pedantic here but yes he can - see Weimann's goal in home leg against Bradford and Benteke first goal for us against Swansea
  14. Yep that is spot on for me - we have a young side making lots of mistakes and a young manager also making mistakes. That is a recipe for relegation. Fact is though if we don't have any money for even loans or free transfers then we certainly don't have money for another round of compensation to find another mediocre manager.
  15. Yeah I have this issue too - very annoying having to click next so many times. Surely a last page button could be added
  16. I'm going to keep banging my head against the wall and get optimistic for this against better judgement. If we start the game like we did against West Brom or Bradford then we will have a chance here. Newcastle have a lot of new players and we might catch them a bit cold. Then it will be down to whether we can stop them scoring plenty of goals. Who knows on that one the stats aren't with us, but surely the flow of mistakes has to stop at some point...
  17. I think I am quite close to Richard on this - PL has made mistakes (plenty) this season but getting rid of him isn't going to help. Probably only hinder. If Randy cant see that the squad needs strengthening then god help us. So we haven't got a pot to piss in - so what - they are plenty of players with experience who are free transfers, low wages, loans, whatever it takes to steady the ship. When the standard is so low we don't need to sign Vincent Kompany - to be honest I am struggling to think of many players who wouldn't be a step up from playing Herd or Lowton at centre back. --- One thing I am really struggling with though and not sure if anyone can shed any light on it for me. In my eyes our set piece defending has been diabolical now for three consecutive years. That's three different managers and a range of completely different players. The only common thread is they all represent Aston Villa and they are all garbage at defending set pieces.
  18. Normally a striker just mans the front post area when defending corners. I think that is probably best for Benteke too. He's 22 and getting absolutley schooled at the moment, pretty much conceding a goal or major chance every game. Going the other way though he is truley fantastic. Biggest reason to hope we stay up is that we can build a team around him in the future. Best signing for a long long time for me
  19. Don't worry it gets to us all.. just ask JulieB
  20. You really need to put the laptop down and go an have a look in the mirror - and maybe slap yourself in the face. I think the transfer window has got to you !
  21. I'm not so sure - I thought Chelsea got lucky against us, Tottenham was one of those days every team goes through them. Wigan was a sucker punch, we bossed the Swansea game and got robbed at the end. Cup ties are a great leveller and the ref had a shocker against Southampton
  22. No we can't blame luck for any of this. Southampton was the closest we have come in a long while to deserving a result but that means nothing...
  23. He played well on Saturday (expect for the clearance which led to the goal!) Main question is can he play like that every game because I think he needs to if he wants to be a premier league player.
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