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Everything posted by villan-scott

  1. Happy days! Chuffed this is finally sorted, now let's crack on and get more players through the door. Where's Wiz?!
  2. To be fair I imagine Culverhouse and Karsa will be in and around BMH today, but like you say Adrian Lamb will be doing all the hardworking for the next few days. With regards to Lowton I know nothing of him, seems a big step for a 23 year old from L1 to the prem. I'm a little unsure of this link.
  3. We know what we're getting with Guzan, a good solid backup keeper, who when called upon can do a job. Don't think he's good enough to dislodge Given but you never know.
  4. Looks a talented little player to be fair, and for the rumoured price would be worth a punt! Looks like he likes to take a player on and from the videos looks like he can finish too. Why not I say! Good age and price!
  5. That incognito fella is normally bang on to be fair. Welcome aboard chaps!
  6. This. It's well documented from several clubs that Villa are impeccable to deal with and Randy does the best he knows how. Barring the poaching of McLeish!
  7. Wasn't O'Neill's first signing Petrov? If KEA gives us the same service we can all be pleased.
  8. Did well last season, but PL was right in sticking to his guns at Norwich and not giving a 31 year old a 3 year contract, which was the main sticking point I believe. Never really likely to sign here which is good as we can do better. I have a feeling he won't even reach double figures this season.
  9. Never really doubted the deadly duo would be coming aboard too, the fact that PL made no moves for any other staff shows he was confident his pals would be coming to join the revolution. Can't wait for pre-season to start and a few friendlies played.
  10. Welcome Karim! Looking forward to seeing him play, just the first of many signings I hope.
  11. Was bought the home shirt for my birthday yesterday off the in-laws after not seeing it in the flesh before, and I have to say I really like it! Very keen on the design and feel of the shirt and no qualms with quality whatsoever.
  12. So is it Karim Benzema or Karim El Ahmadi we're close to signing?! Pipe down about Benzema he has no relevance to Villa whatsoever. I am all for this signing looks like he'll be a great asset.
  13. I don't think they would be as Makoun isn't somebody with timing to nick the ball in the manner Ahmadi seems to, they could play in the same midfield IMO with Ireland just in front of them, would be pretty formidable if you ask me.
  14. Excited by this! Hopefully get it done and dusted ASAP, good to see PL has targets lined up already and work is well under way for reshaping the squad. Absolutely love transfer season, especially knowing we're going to be very active.
  15. Quite excited by this due to him being pretty much unknown to me. He could be our very own Cheik Tiote, if he's anywhere near his level we're on to a winner. For the price we can't go wrong, goin to be an interesting summer ahead.
  16. West Ham away is winnable but a difficult game nonetheless! They will be buzzing at being back in the prem, most likely result is a draw
  17. Just watched both videos on the kit mini site and I like them both. Both decent looking football kits, the home one has a traditional feel about it with the collar and design. I like it, and definitely think they'll grow on us.
  18. Liking the look of the glimpes of the new shirt, and think that Swerbs is pretty much spot on judging by the snippets we have seen. Amazing how positive the feeling around the club is now in comparison to 2/3 months ago, PF and RL really need to ride this wave now and continue to turn us round and get us heading in the right direction again.
  19. Loving this photo, I'm sure they had to dig deep to find this gem out. And what a great 'coincidence' it is!! Looking forward to seeing who his first signing is, cue the we've got no money jibes when it's a free transfer from abroad! Can't wait to see our starting XI come August with a bit of backing and dealing!
  20. Just listened to the PF interview from today and seemed a knowledgable likeable chap. Certainly gone up in my estimations in recent weeks, hopefully know we have turned a corner and the bright future can be bright once again.
  21. IMO Collins will be shown the door before Dunne, considering his two misdameanours with the drink, two seasons in a row. Dunne, fair play to him got himself (with the assistance of the club's physios) match fit for the final couple of games and played well. i'm guessing Collins is more of the 'trouble maker' than Dunne. TBH I prefer Dunne to Collins and rather get rid of Collins before him. Not sure who will go first, as long as PL replaces the departing man with a better centre half I'll be happy, and I have faith that he will be able to. Can Holt play centre half? Hopefully square pegs into round holes are behind us and the days of Hutton and Warnock in midfield are but a distant memory.
  22. I think Dunne and Warnock are on their way out out of the 4 IMO. No bad thing in any way shape or form. Really looking forward to the summer dealings and the start of the season already
  23. Is that for Holt MM or players in general? Would be happy with Holt for the right price.
  24. Looking forward to seeing him speak and hearing what he has to say. Hopefully bring the buzz back to Villa Park again, cannot wait for the turnaround now! Exciting times ahead again I think, delighted to have Lambert on board.
  25. Wouldn't mind Rafa to be fair, think Martinez is holding out as he'd prefer the plop job, not even convinced we've contacted Wigan as stated as DW would be screaming from the roof tops! Really have no clue the avenues we're going down at the minute as they're keeping their cards very close to their chest.
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