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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. I thought he played really well. Others didn't rate him so high.
  2. I love how Marc and Bannan came over to him at the end congratulating him. Needs to start a few more games i think. Right place right time sort of striker.
  3. I see people still find a reason to moan. Herd motm for me.
  4. Started a new one with Villa. Managed to get shot of Heskey with a first time "offer to clubs" For £1m to the only bidders, Sunderland. I only ever move Heskey and Beye on in the first season anyway. Couple of loan deals in and that's about it. Started the season Very well, better than any other saves if made with Villa. Pulled out of Gary Gardeners loan to Derby and so far he seems improved.
  5. Just got an email from them about some deals Pretty good deal, especially if you know someone with steam.
  6. He came on against Blackburn and made a long ball pass and gave the ball away. He's been doing it alot recently along with Collins. All they ever seem to do is give the ball away with stupid passes.
  7. Spitting image. **** me. His face still haunts me. **** off John Major.
  8. LOL people on here want AVB? He lost the dressing room and Chelsea. What do you think is going to happen here? Dunne and Collins would have a field day.
  9. Please just **** off McLeish. I'm sick of seeing this shit every week. He can't expect to produce shit results and people not moan about it. I think he's had a go and failed horribly. Now please give us our team back.
  10. We are safe from relegation? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. What planet are you on?
  11. Ireland just had all the time in the world and just walked into the defender.
  12. Bannan first contribution, Give the ball away. I don't know what people see in Bannan
  13. Yet more ageing players that we will give a 4 year, 60k per week contract. Do we never learn?
  14. We can't even afford money for players, let alone pissing money up the wall sacking and getting a new manager.
  15. I'm loving it. I'm not good at tricks on Fifa 12 or this, but i'm slowly getting there (more just mashing the thumb stick and hoping). I think playing the online against friends is going to be a blast. Think they also put the team play mode from Fifa 12 on there. Was more hoping they would put vp clubs on there as i have more organisation with friends rather than random people. Out March 10th i think? Defiantly going to pick this up.
  16. Astro A40 5.8. I've had the low end Turtle beaches and most of them have broke. I don't know if it's just bad luck, but whatever. Decided to go for some high end ones and the Astro's are great. £200 though.
  17. When i got my tickets Saturday i was told about 200 left.
  18. Just like it helped before he even got the job? Keep the protest out of Villa park. No doubt people are going to **** boo the team and make them feel even more shit. I'm not a fan of Stephen Warnock, but some of the shit he's been getting is terrible. People need to **** off with that shit and get behind the team.
  19. and it will probably be the same twenty people that were dancing, sorry protesting, on the Holte End steps when Mcleish was first appointed! there was more than twenty of us And look at what good that did.
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