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Everything posted by cbr600rr

  1. i dont blame him tbh, newcastle have been pro active in this window,jjs & townsend,they have gave them two quality proven playes to work with, this chair man of our has been quoted saying its not money that makes a team,you pay now chairman or pay later
  2. The figures no matter how you shift them does not add up, with a cup run to fa cup final etc etc,selling your best players AGAIN, tv money etc ....the big picture is it has not worked,all these bluffed facts on spending 200m & high spending does not wash with me-sorry I just don't buy it, the recrutment is the worst in the clubs history,they won't pay the doe which makes villa less desirable ,it's like a huge game of pass the parcel with the blame of the failings over the last 5 years but the parcel is out of paper now &I they carnt pass it to old managers or any one else who was part of the last 5 years
  3. right ,,the £ figures is a worry for me.. we sold delph 8m & cb 32m.. so if fox says randy spent 23m of his own this would say ASTON VILLA has paid more for these players who have sent us to the bottom of the league -fact
  4. relegation will happen, its on learner watch,its his show the big question is can this squad win 70% of its games in the championship? for this to happen & villa to stay in the promised land it needs 3 key factors,,a good owner, a good manager,& a good scouting network, we fall way short with the requirements
  5. the "team" needs new players,they were needed to be in 5 days ago,the lack of signings is worrying the tools who run the club must feel the squad is good enough- what a laughing stock they are
  6. carnt blame the players.not their fault they are not good enough,the fault lies with the scouting & signing of them
  7. we stayed up last year buy 1 point, the gamble of buying unproven was going work or fail,its that simple. its failed
  8. if you think the appointment has been a roaring success ..stand up, raise you hand & shout at the top of your voice..were staying up!
  9. i was up this morning at 5.30 to drop off the step son & his mate at in brum for the mega bus to sunderland, hes just tex to say they were all crap..every one of them & the fans have turned on the players now
  10. im convinced RG was brought in was a three tier option french.. a major key part as the squad has a lot of french players, its plain as day the club feel that they no longer want to buy & pay for quality players that play in the Premier League hence players are being bought from the unknowns & RG may know of the odd player in the french leagues RG wont demand /rock the boat better players or he will walk as mon did, the rest of the managers post mon have all toed the line with cost cutting etc, when we get relegated RG as we all know will get 1st crack to get promoted, i dont trust any one at the club as the combinations of 5 years of miss managment from top to bottom,on the field & off leaves me thinking you really deserve to get relegated & miss out on the one single thing RL wants...£100m tv £££££££££££££
  11. i hope this one does not drag & drag, we are running shi* low on time ,,if LR aint in by the first week in jan get some one in who can score, if LR joins end of jan so be it but dont leave your self short
  12. get him in jan 1st, dont waste any time, better than any striker at the club its as simple as that
  13. thats the whole point.. hes a championship player,if he does ok next year in the championship & villa came up,were at square one again, AW is a vital cog in the demise of the club,thats why we are sitting on 8 points rock bloody bottom. i dont blame the players if they are not good enough,its not their fault villa bought them,they take the dough like any other player,its the fact that no one in the club is failing to address the problem of sub standard players
  14. worst owner in club history-simple
  15. in a mad way i dont see it as ASTON VILLA being relegated ..i look at like randy learner gets relegated, no matter how we mask it, RL is in charge,his cost cutting has cost. its impossible to spend next month to undo the last 5-6 years of cost cutting i can see through all the b/s about "building a young team to match the villa fans" etc, we as fans have been fed alot of tripe the past few years, from f/b twitter etc, the real bottom line is.. randy l is at fault for the demise ..not us as fans, the away support is imence,the home fans turn up, we need a owner to match the size of the club,not a 3 season wonder under the mon backed plan, no wonder roy keane walked away from the club,he seen looser after looser stealing a living from this great club & felt helpless.
  16. i would get daddy long legs , proven in the prem & knows the club from his time before, better option from what we have- FACT. wont cost a lot so randy will be happy
  17. what a mess under RL, we will go down that is for sure, said it then & say it again,should have paid the going rate for prem wages on barry when we had the chance but no.. randy planted the seed,you reap what you soe
  18. carnt wait for the wetie lovers defend his performance today,
  19. Probably because Westwood isn't as good as either of those two. Does that make him a bad player? Not a chance. AW has been at in the main hub for the last 4 years, the results & league position are where villa are due to players of the standard of AW . AW along with the list as long as your arm says he falls in the bracket " not good enough".
  20. in 4 years i can not think on 1 AW has a real impact the way milner/barry did in the middle, sorry but a vital cog in the demise of the villa
  21. as a squad.. its terrible,i think were looking for hope the laughing from sky boys on gabby was a ray of light,how will gabby react? with a goal? not a chance,gabby is a key to the decline. im not going to point the finger at westwood "knock" of guzan etc,i give up with doing that now, RG has a huge task . this set of players does not have 40 points in it,thats the long & short
  22. in a funny way when we play the top 4 etc i feel its not a fair playing field, its more like your chairman wealth v my chairmans wealth,ambition v ambition etc, the seasons starts next game
  23. this team wont move forward untill this clown is dropped,its just simple not rocket science
  24. this thread should be... guess the game when you think villa will be relegated, let you ST cards out & guess
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