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Everything posted by cbr600rr

  1. i dont think pearson lays down much of a marker to the ambition of the club,theirs a reason no one else has touched him with a barge pole... theirs always a reason
  2. a vital cog in the demise ,,last 4 years of relegation fights,i think its in his dna to pass sideways no matter what league your in if its their..its their. when villa played lower league AW has been over run in every depatment,gary gardner will perform better in championship
  3. hes not leaving his post with england,hes woven in the fabric
  4. i just think the grasons /pearsons etc of this work are the same, i like you & all the fans want RL & hollis to lay down a statement of intent , to admit that the merry go round of try this try that manager is costing millions & getting the club nowhere fast the club need a mass clear out & a fresh page, i can only see DM changing the whole place.
  5. poor player, lets get ruthless here, needs moving on, not going to rip up the championship & carnt hold his own in the prem.
  6. we call his larry on the terraces ,was a steady player, no more no less.
  7. same as the old lot, the next manager must have demand the respect from the tea lady to the owner, a manager with full control on pretty much everything, can you see monk/ pearson/ remi (if not sacked) getting these vital boxes ticked.. its now about fancying a pop at this manager or trying to tickle the players with a french dialog .its about sending out a message to the championship teams , were only visiting here ,,were going back to where we belong.. TOP FLUFFING 6 in the prem!!
  8. its going to go two ways ,randy will take on a manager bruce/pearson/grayson/...this list is endless , this tier of manager is same meat different gravy to tim/houl/lamb/alex etc or we get moyes, over to hollis & brian to get the right man in, the early signs are bruce is the target
  9. your right ..the root problem is RL ,the branch has been handed to all the managers post mon, mon has the plan,yes it cost but it got villa where they should be, this cost cutting post mon is costing more , tv ££ etc if randy wants to make it marketable to sell it, hes going to have to get it where mon took it, it may take 10 years & he knows it,
  10. you see..thats the difference..villa are not a championship club, a big club with potential in the prem under the right owner.yes villa will be in the championship next season but dont be fooled. if moyes set out a 5 year plan ala mon.. randy would have to back it, lets face it, tim/alex/remi/lamb/houl/ etc were told just keep in the league & cut the wage bill, this has let to a slow demise,,no matter how you mask it, the next manager must TELL randy "this is how we do it, back the plan or stay demise" i dont see any other manager apart from moyes laying it down to randy straight, give moyes 5 year deal,this will send a clear message to the players whos the boss, the current players know remi is dead man walking,the club needs a shift of power to the manager. moyes has been quoted saying villa is a big club when he was at everton.
  11. 1st choice ..moyes.. if the owner wants to get this club back in the prem & on a stable footing for a sale etc moyes is the man,he wont be cheap or his plan to get back but thats the deal pearson falls into the "chance" bracket, bruce is proven in league but hes dropped out the prem a couple of times also so hes in bracket of "chance"
  12. rowett would weaken them & strengthen us. proven in that league, out aside where hes coming from its all about where your going
  13. i think the day we are gone will be man u away or bournemouth home
  14. the deal was around 80m..doug knew the team needed some spending so around 20m was put direct into the side & doug got around 60m, doug looked after himself & made sure the new owner put into the club which was a good thing to do,i dont feel randy would do the same,if you can in with with a decent asking he would sell & crawl under his rock in new york & not look back,
  15. huge gulf between the sides today, this team is done,this manager appointed is not the right man at this time i feel, i dont think this squad will hold its own next year,i dont trust fox & co do do the job villa need villa men in, yes sir brain is back but we need more, its going to get worse before it gets better,
  16. the current pool of players wont hack it in the championship, hutton & clark will get stuck in but as shown over the last 26 games the rest are dire,if they carnt get stuck in/put a shift in in the Premier League..what make you think they will in the championship on lower wages? fox, the scouting fools (batman & robin) should be fired & banned from the ground for life !,i think RG is a nice fella & feel the deal sold his was a sham but thats down to ..well you know who! a new manager like sean dyche would fit the bill but i carnt see villa attracting a ambitious manager working under "you know who"
  17. been say this for some time now, AW is a cog in the wheel of the demise of this great club,i have never watched him & thought this is his level,if you think he going to shoot villa to the top of the championship next year..dream on
  18. not good enough, another load of ££ spent & wasted, wont have a value on this seasons performances, should have gave gary gardner a go ,,how the fudge scouted gueye ffs! thats the real deep route problem
  19. theirs a few ways we can look at this, the board might think RG is not right for villa so why back him? its a real kick in the teeth for RG if this is the case, players will join the club if you pay them the going rate, newcastle have show this by getting in the correct players. if i was RG i would just walk away,
  20. after the west ham game.. remi could resign & say he has took this team as far as he can. i would not blame the man if he does,if he stays no matter how you coat it,history books will say RG was the manager who was the manager when villa were relegated,its not something you want on your cv is it?
  21. the lack of signings says it all, the new chairman says its not £ that builds a team.. he bang on ! look at leicester, is leicester for sale? nope the board are all pulling in the same direction, the day RL put the club f/s that was it,players know if they dont perform its ok as no players will be brought in to replace them, its a cancer a very dark day today as the manager has not been backed ,we can only guess now what game we get relegated.apart from that their nothing to look forward to this season
  22. would love doug to come out & say what he thinks of how RL has destroyed the club
  23. i think the new chairman has not got the spunk to tell RL this team is down unless he pays the going rate for players that gets him his beloved tv £££ 99% of modern players will sign & play for any club if you pay them & more,reading between the lines the board feel its too late & dont want more dead wood on the wage bill like gabby & zig bog to get villa rocking & with a shot of staying up i can only see/hope teki might return but they are playing in a cup final so why would klop send him on loan when teki is plan b to them
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