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Everything posted by blandy

  1. Apart from all the players, board members, manager, staff…
  2. blandy


    Hello old friend. How ya bin, Spawn? Wordle 985 2/6*
  3. Crikey, Roma’s ground has seen better days.
  4. OK, I’ll do a short version, as a fair bit of it has been covered since I posted, but some things: albeit from a different part of t’north, my experience is not that It’s that there isn’t a single Muslim community, for a start and I don’t think that it can therefore follow that “they” vote for the Tories. Secondly, as @chrisp65 said, people tend to vote based on their circumstances and, take say the area round PNE’s ground, which is home to many Muslim people and where a pretty devout Muslim friend lives. Massive Labour area, and it’s also quite deprived in many senses. Lots of small businesses selling cloth or food or whatever. But my pal gives, every year, a percentage of his income to good local causes, because he says his religion requires that. The whole outlook, while distinct, is way away from Tory values, particularly the recent, or last 40 odd years since the witch. The Muslim people that I know, and it’s not a massive sample I accept, and they all have decent jobs and incomes, but they’re quite different to each other. Some are quite religious, a few are not. They’re all kind people, or all but one who is a lazy, entitled bellend. So in essence, what you posted is just the complete opposite of my (limited) experience and understanding of people I know and worked with or met around the North West, mainly.
  5. I might be horribly wrong, but I think the whole underlying tenet of this is utter bollex. i’d write more but it would be a massive essay so I’ll leave it for now and maybe write more later.
  6. He defected because Labour deselected him from being a candidate due to him saying racial stuff, so he joined the Tories instead after that, and has continued to say racial stuff up to this very day. He’s a **** bell end
  7. I dunno. I mean the problem in my mind is the artificiality of it. By that I mean they wanted a debate and vote on their view that there should be a ceasefire in Gaza. Now I think there should be a ceasefire, I agree with their stance… but …the opposition day stuff is meaningless anyway, but in the case of Israel it’s double meaningless because what the SNP or opposition parties in parliament want is not something that overly troubles Netanyahu. If it were a debate/ vote on something that actually affected the lives or circumstances of Scotlands residents and they’d been thwarted I’d agree with you, but they were (though they had every right to) playing games too. Labour poses a threat to them. Labour is divided on Gaza, expose that! What followed that bit of point scoring was Labour spiking it and then the Tories spiking Labour and then the speaker letting all that spiking go through. The little kid got bundled, the speaker got on the wrong side of “protocol” then the angry ones did angry things and want the speaker out.
  8. Well maybe. Obviously amongst their supporters that’s right. But maybe voters or supporters of other parties might view what the SNP did in a slightly more cynical light? As well they might view what the speaker, Labour and the Tories did in a similarly cynical light? Absolutely no one came out of it well from my perspective and though I’m not a supporter or voter for any of them, the whole thing just seemed grubby game playing to me and the speaker, who seems out of his depth at times, took a hit.
  9. Here’s a pic I took earlier. You can see the murderous intent, but not the idiocy
  10. Support for the ailing can opener industry?
  11. Emus are the dumbest birds. How the hell they (and I slightly paraphrase here) fought off the army with their bare beaks is a complete mystery. They’re amazing and the chicks are super cute humbugs, but Christ on a bike they are idiots.
  12. blandy


    Wordle 982 4/6* a rare 4 where I’m pleased, not miffed.
  13. Please return to discussing Villa’s crest/badge, rather than what you think of other club crests. Thanks. But if you want to chat cherries or whatever, Other Football is the place for that. Thanks Villans.
  14. That caveat is the important thing, I think.
  15. Zackly. If any of the parties wanted to (try) and make a difference they’d just sit down with the others and agree a joint statement- they all don’t want more killing, they all want hostages freed and they all want aid to be let in. But instead they’re all playing games for votes
  16. I think that's different from my interpretation. It seem to me like a long oppressed people naturally garner more sympathy and support from folk who tend to side with the "masses of normal people" ( the left). Whereas Ukraine has seen governments supply huge amounts of aid and arms to them, it's the other way round with Israel, where the civilian victims are not helped as much, but the oppressors are more supported by the governments of the west. In essence there's huge hypocrisy in condemning Russian barbarity, but silence over Israel's actions in killing 10s of thousands. Labour is caught up in that, not because they're the government, but because they might be quite soon and so feel they need to also recognise the barbarity of Hamas quite forcefully. They're right to do so in the basic regard that Hamas are abhorrent and what they've done and do is abhorrent, but it's led to Labour losing sight of the values they want to support. It's like they can't work out what the right answer is to the question "who is wrong, the ones who killed and maimed on a massive scale in October, or the ones who killed and maimed on an even massiver scale in response?".
  17. Or something Russian (and as amusing as that would be, I doubt Wikipedia or whoever says it was 200km knows where exactly the plane was when hit).
  18. Really? I'm staggered if that's true. That would be well out of scope.
  19. That's broadly correct-ish, it's to do with the enabled (or not) seeker modes and stuff. The interface for NATO is a mil standard 1860 connector and all the associated data and power and so on. UA a/c obviously don't have that NATO standard I/f and IIRC there are different levels of capability for the woosh bangs themselves and export versions tend not to be fully enabled .... though it's a very long while since I had anything to do with them. Not sure "abort mission" is the only option, but yeah that's the gist of it
  20. I really like their previous album
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