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Everything posted by spiezels

  1. Hutton is so **** bad. Seriously shocking!
  2. Posted by a user in another thread, think it should be put here and mirrors my views.
  3. This! We've been great... Well compared to the rest of the season.
  4. GK threatened people? Really!? I'd be hugely disappointed if any idiot fans burn yank flags.
  5. Technically. Think about it, the gap would stay the same yet there'd be one less game to play. I'm not for a minute suggesting if we lose it doesn't matter, I'm just saying that if our relegation rivals all lose as well it's not too bad as far as the relegation battle is concerned. NOT SURE IF SRS!?
  6. and pay Habib bêye 42k a week. He wasn't a god ffs.
  7. Would someone mind putting in lehmans terms why it would be a bad thing for us specifically to go down, bar things like losing key players. I live with 2 noses unfortunately and they LOVE being down and would rather stay that way for the banter etc and keep going on about it. There is also an article on the guardian site I've been sent saying it might be a good thing... Which I just dont see or agree with in anyway. Nice one.
  8. We're all **** off at the moment mate so tensions are high and patience is short. I'd have been with you boys making a shit day better and it's what away days for me are all about. Unfortunately there's a few blokes amongst our support like any team that take things too seriously and lash out at other fans. I've had it in the pub when watching Villa on a quiet one when some words removed come in 30 mins into a game pissed up talking absolute rubbish about players having ago at me because I'm a "typical" fan as I'm sat down quietly watching. He then asked me if i'd "ever been there" talking about VP sarcastically. I'd bet any money that even though 10 years his junior I've been to more away/home games than this clown like it constitutes how much of a fan you are. Basically it's down to words removed being words removed and unfortunately. You just have to grin and bare it.
  9. Any for sale? Can only pick up one for myself but looking for mates.
  10. On the tube home... Devastated. Proper proper devastated
  11. You rekon they'll show the game there? I'm local too it but haven't to a ticket so may just head down
  12. My personal view is that Aston Villa is the premier claret-and-blue team in the world. Let the other claret-and-blue teams worry about distinguishing themselves from us! Yes we all think that but Jonny foreigner who we want to spend money on the club doesn't. Checks gotta stay. Especially as macron do wet spam. And that macron are shit.
  13. I like the checks. Iirc the idea was it would make us more recognisable from the other claret and blue teams when selling ourselves brand abroad. Makes perfect sense to me and should stay.
  14. Flol, would make us look a little stupid! We'd probably get less than half back
  15. I like the checks. It was done to Make our brand more recognisable abroad.
  16. spiezels


    Sat 28th 3:00 PM I've just been texted. When do expect tickets to go on sale?
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