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Everything posted by OLDVILLAIN

  1. Well then we better have a decent song for him then! Aaron Tshibola..Deadly like ebola..he will roll you over,hear the crowds sing!
  2. Can we make a villatalk rule to never ever post anything relating to or showing the above waste of oxygen^^
  3. i will personally drive him to scotland..good luck Mr sinclair you will need it!
  4. Delusions of grandeur...he earned himself a p.h.d in rocket polishery along with the usual suspects last season..reckon he will go to bayern munich with sir lescott and lord richards
  5. I would rather have academy kids playing in their places Last season those named jokers in the poll were a disgrace to the shirt and the club. They couldnt go far enough away from villa in my opinion...
  6. He is just a disaster waiting to happen..as others have said here "he has a mistake in him every game"..it just tends to be a major mistake everytime leading to goals...sell him on
  7. Vera is the new tea lady id have you know! she brews a mean chinese green tea! UTV!
  8. Maradona..didnt he sing like a virgin?
  9. Who is this Mr muscle guy...i hope its not this guy..at least the dressing room will be clean..
  10. Gabby was found slumped over a bag of curry powder earlier,it is believed he mistook it for cocaine...he is now in a deep korma!..ok i will get my coat..
  11. good riddance then..the guy was way out of his league in the premiership im sorry,he couldnt keep a ball to save his life..kept getting knocked off balls constantly..a light weight.i for one will not miss him
  12. 8m for one midfielder is madness for the championship...
  13. Bah i was never any good at embedding gifs...i shall run off now and put my head in the sand!
  14. People got to remember they dont call the great firewall of china that for nothing,Business and wealth in china is viewed profoundly differently there than it is in the west,The chinese government has its hands in everything to some degree at that level make no mistake.The sooner this whole business is resolved the better so we can get on with being a football club.
  15. One thing that is making me cringe during all his interviews,is when the interviewer says "hello mr SHA"..im like arghhhh no Its like the ultimate bluenose nightmare scenario.
  16. I agree with ozvilla fan..the rest of the clowns can go work at the new amusement park
  17. There are a few on here who like nothing more than blowing the oxs vagina.
  18. Sorry but i believe thats not how you spell SNAKE.
  19. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Su_Maozhen#Club_career please god no....
  20. I really could not care less if Dr Tony xia turned out to be from uranus and he was leading an alien invasion of birmingham.. It would be 100 times better than those charlatans lerner and krulak who couldnt organise a piss up in a brewery between them.
  21. HeHe..krulaks last memory at villa park is being overun by the chinese communists! and he cant even call in artillery support!..His worst nightmare i bet
  22. I for one welcome our chinese overlords! Any player that does not perform to our glorious leaders expectations shall be brought outside and run over with t-72 tanks,except gabby,a bigger tank will be needed to roll over his gut.
  23. I dont really care if the club is sold for 60m,60 pounds or 60 pence..the main thing is that cancer that is randy lerner will be gone forever.
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