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Everything posted by OLDVILLAIN

  1. Funny the way transfers can change,but never seemto change for the best..like expecting clint dempsey under lambert then getting enda stevens instead! For once can it be like expecting Maupay and getting nicolas pepe instead!
  2. While waiting for movement to happen i decided to fire up Football Manager 2019 for shits and giggles I signed wesley moraes for 20m and for the life of me could not get him a work permit,had to loan him to angers in france Hope it isnt the case in reality!
  3. he could not hit a barn door last night...woeful,he has gone backwards..he needs to be loaned out/sold/sent to fix mc cormacks gates
  4. The way i look at the whole situation is that if worse comes to worse and we are relegated at least we will have a team that will storm the championship and will have another year to play together plus parachute payments *i dont expect us to get relegated..i reckon we will surprise some teams as the championship standard is much higher than they realise
  5. We need to stop buying expensive turkeys! where does it end,richards,elmo,hutton,cantgetovermygates and not least hogan have crippled the team with exorbitant wages for little footballing return Then we got all the loan players.Villa need to rebuild the team from the bottom up and give smith time to do it,and in fairness thats going to take at least another season in the championship. We need young players who are hungry and want to play for the badge and club,maybe then i can look forwards to every saturday.
  6. "its the worst performance i have seen since ive been here"..i bet he uses that quote again for the 12th time after tonights match.
  7. Shocking display for 85 minutes tonight...no shape..no midfield..bjarnason like a headless constantly running chicken falling over himself...players afraid to commit on 50 50 balls..and then the final crowning glory of a reading player standing on the edge of our box while 5 yes 5 of our defenders stood around him like statues and did not move...bruce has had the time now to get his tactics and team right..he has done neither..its only a matter of time beofre wyness pulls the trigger.
  8. now i know why he didnt sign his son,,cos he knew he would be found out and shown the door after the first 5 matches..
  9. john terry will be player manager by christmas HA!
  10. if we dont show any signs of improving..and by that i mean looking like we are going to compete with the other championship teams i fear that the FPP timebomb will kill us next season if we dont go up....
  11. they clearly have a pattern...they can play allegedly for 45 mins but all in all they are there to be steamrolled..too easily read and not fit enough...how long does bruce want to sort it all out,.
  12. Bruce really needs a big dose of reality..i mean on paper the team seems ok...but watching them play is just painful...lansbury and his manbun of no skill needs to be kicked out of the club tomorrow...i have seen better strikers in my local sunday team than hogan.rant over..
  13. im sure terry is thinking what the hell kind of mess he has gotten himself into+
  14. It will take bruce a lot longer than 10 games to sort out the players...i said at start of season we would not make the playoffs...i still believe that.
  15. Good because im tired of the diehards telling me we have an awesome team....while in reality at least 3 of them need to be sold and fast and replaced with players who have a will to play for the club and an end product
  16. oh for god sake golini..wtf are you thinking coming out 10 miles for that.....
  17. Amavi looks nervy and has already made mistakes that the opposition has picked up on..looks like a liability down that left side.
  18. clown head shotton..he needs someone to give him a swift kick in the kidneys on the sly..dirty swine
  19. Another one guilty of the aston villa retirement home syndrome.
  20. I personally cannot see us getting promoted this year,i said it at the start of the season and i still have not seen anything that will change my outlook.
  21. warnock gone to cardiff apparently..thank god for that
  22. Yeah i have seen enough of his tactically inept football...he needs to go and now..To hear the villa fans sing "sacked in the morning" just did it for me.
  23. whats the solution here?..I mean Rdm for me is at fault...not sorting out our midfield during summer was a crime..playing 4 strikers at once..i mean what the hell is rdm doing.. People calling for his head...its only a matter of time before he is sacked if things dont change..cant see us going up this season.
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