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Everything posted by Milfner

  1. I'd agree with that up until about the 60th minute, where once again, he can't keep up with the play as he just doesn't have the fitness for it. In the last 30 minutes he went missing again. He didn't track back on two of West Ham counters meaning that they could effectively jog through the middle of defence leaving us very exposed. MON needs to sub him, just because he is captain doesn't mean he has the divine right to stay on the pitch.
  2. We weren't that bad today I thought. It was just "one of them days". We could have easily been 2 or 3 up at halftime. Its not easy when teams turn up to park the bus and counter. The main things that worried me were Petrov going completely missing in the second half, just a pure lack of fitness. Someone should have replaced him. We were crying out for some fresh legs in the second half, just to shake it. He made the same sub that he always does, Carew for Heskey. It never works, Carew isn't interested. And why take off Heskey when he was one of our better players on the pitch? Downing was good today, he ran at defenders, which I haven't seen him do much since he has started playing.
  3. Did this in Psychology a while. Drugs yes, cosmetics no.
  4. Can't wait to remember that after a night out and announce it to the whole chipper Ha, my girlfriend told me as I was tucking into a kebab on a naan. I carried on eating.
  5. Milfner

    FIFA 10

    Does anyone play clubs on this? My team have been on fire recently. We went on a 26 unbeaten streak over the last 3 days. Our record is something like: 270-40-68. Anyone better than that?
  6. The white bits in your lamb kebab are the alveoli from the lungs of sheep. Nom nom nom.
  7. I'd say United. More likely to play a weaker squad. Last season Welbeck, Nani and Anderson all started and I think Citeh would be a much harder game. Incidentally, the last time we beat Manure in the league, we won the League Cup in the same season.
  8. I've never experienced anything like it. And that still doesn't even get close to representing the atmosphere!
  9. Seriously, what the ****?
  10. Got back at 1 last night. The atmosphere was immense. I can't remember an away game quite like it. Milner was excellent, and Heskey was brilliant also, his hold up and link up play was excellent. However, Kalinic was the first striker this season that I felt actually bullied our defence, he was very good. And my kebab was unreal. Got it from Darwen. Seriously the best kebab I have ever had.
  11. That bloke came to our school, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN, WHEN YOU SAY HAAAAAAAALF CAAAAST" He was quite good, funny in a weird way. I personally don't see the term half-cast offensive, I've got 2 black mates and my best mate is half-cast, but to be fair then again, I rarely use the term, just say black mainly but again never in a position to use it as I rarely ever have to describe him to someone... It was John Agard. Analysing poems really got me far in life. Ugh, **** poems.
  12. :? Its a good thing. Basically, tasty. Malaysian-Polish mix FTW.
  13. They may fall away, but they aren't getting relegated.
  14. Hmm. I'd say go see it. But its a bit vague, and the end is just, well, all a bit blunt really.
  15. Leaving at about 4 I think, pretty much when I get out of Sixth Form.
  16. Did you beat the French in the end?
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