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Everything posted by troon_villan

  1. I'm fully expecting Hutton, Heskey and Bannan and Albrighton to start in this one. Can't see him changing anything else tbh. Edit - Maybe Gardner for Clark
  2. Finished the main questline just now, not sure if i'll bother carrying on with the side missions. Great game all in all but I think the fact you never see/hear your own character ruins it for me, I don't really feel any connection with the game whatsoever which is a shame because the rest of the game is brilliant. Hopefully get at least a tenner trade in towards my kinect fund!
  3. Fergie is a genius....he thought "how can I nullify the threat of Villa once and for all?" thus, came about the letter of recommendation!
  4. Gabby, Bent, Ireland and Zog can't all play on the same pitch ahead of that defence.
  5. Thanks for posting that, I wasn't able to see the game and MOTD didn't really show any of that stuff. Particularly impressed with his tackling right upto the 90th min, keep it up lad!
  6. Ireland had better go up a few points in the update!
  7. GTFO. ?? Has he scored against us or something??
  8. You may be right Gareth, I noticed Everton just got taken over and they are now the richest club in the world. I don't want a ridiculous warchest to spend anyhoo, I prefer to build a team up 'properly'. Here's my team as of Feb 2013(after the window) V. Guiata Naughton Clark J. Boateng Balzaretti Gago Gomez Marko Marin Ireland Bent Agbonlahor Subs - Dunne Flamini Gardner Bannan Warnock S. Patterson(V Pro) Ahmsson(Youth) Reserves - Fonz Steigrest Lichaj
  9. Funny thing is, as much as i'm dissapointed by Ireland and the fact he has been a waste of money, if he were to come on in any game, preferably against Chelsea and scuff a last minute goal off the post to win it I would go absolutley nuts...i'm talking serious endorphin time here. More so, than any other player, I guess I just love an underdog! P.S. Get him to **** in Jan.
  10. In my second season on Career mode with Villa, playing my first game after the transfer window shuts and realise that Stoke have had shall we say....an eventful window. Torres and Suarez up front for them with Jovetic on the bench and Walter Samuel in defence. :shock:
  11. Ireland isn't finished in this league imo, he just won't ever do it for the Villa.
  12. Ocarina of time on the N64 is still the best game i've ever played think I was about 14 or 15 maybe, absolutley loved it! I wish they would remake it for the 360, I would love a trip down memory lane.
  13. At least we know Heskey won't be replacing Bent, i'd go with just Gabby up top on his own with Bannan just behind him with more of a free role. Personally, I would play Clark in CM with Petrov instead of Delph, and Zoggy and Albie on the wings but I reckon he'll play Delph and we'll get a pasting!
  14. Hilarious??? Are you the kind of person that laughs at funerals?
  15. Speaking of teamplay, when's the next VT sesh? Maybe we can take our Villa frustrations out on some poor unsuspecting souls on COD, hopefully get a few scousers??
  16. He also paid a whack to get him here, so he won't pay him another whack to get rid. It's not like we're getting thumped 4/5-0 every week, the team are still picking up points.
  17. If Villa had won today, no-one would have batted an eyelid at 2 pros(possibly friends, I don't know) swapping shirts, that's the main problem with this thread. The team were poor and we lost another game - that's where my attention is focused, and hopefully that prick in charge feels the same.
  18. That is **** hilarious!!! Not sure how the guy playing it wasn't laughing because I proper lol'd!
  19. Is this someone Mcleish has wanted for a while or was this already in place before his appointment. I'm still a bit confused about this signing.
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