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Everything posted by wishywashy

  1. Was it out of love for his club, or simply because he could sit on his arse for years on a huge wage during Villa's darkest moments (in what should have been his peak years)? All of his actions and words post-career point to it being the latter.
  2. Something will happen regarding an incoming today. I can feel it in my bones. The bones are accurate 100% of the time when their predictions are right. Felix is rumoured to be liked by PSG, but I imagine that would heavily hinge on the fates of Mbappe/Neymar. That saga might drag on longer than Atletico want it to. Chiesa is a weird one as it would be genuinely ridiculously nuts if he came here and it would never happen, but Newcastle are certainly out of the picture now, and the agent in England talk is interesting. Liverpool, maybe? No idea what that's about. Reading between the lines on that Telegraph article, I feel it's clear that we asked about Barnes and let our interest be known, but clearly haven't pursued him in favour of someone else.
  3. Barnes signing for Newcastle for around £35/40m https://www.telegraph.co.uk/football/2023/07/07/newcastle-harvey-barnes-leicester-transfer/
  4. And there it is. Welcome, Lucy! EDIT: lmao the triple post. @thejoker with the fastest fingers in the west today
  5. Can't be blamed for your team getting relegated if you've been injured all season tbf I agree that 35/40m is too expensive, although for 25, even pushing 30m I'd take the risk, imo.
  6. Newcastle are reportedly in a stalemate in their pursuit of Livramento, with their £21m bid rejected and Southampton wanting around £30m+. Still reckon that he'd be a sensational signing even with the injury. Reckon Newcastle will eventually get him though, sadly.
  7. Villa are objectively in the best position that they've been in for over a decade (and arguably longer) at all levels. Shame about this very vocal but small minority who clearly have a toxic relationship with football: not sure why they bother given how they clearly don't enjoy it.
  8. Call me crazy, but I'm not overly keen on the idea of forcibly evicting thousands, likely with huge attachments to the club, so that there aren't any poors (god forbid) within the vicinity of the new Aston Villa Megastore. How on earth does this have 150+ likes?
  9. Apparently interested in Lucy Parker, who has left West Ham on a free transfer. Had an England call-up last year but wasn't capped due to injury.
  10. I thought I typed Jordan, like how Sky did. Did not. Evidently, I'm Sky Sports journalist material. When do I start?
  11. Between Ramsey's first name being 'Jacob' and us finishing 8th, starting to get the impression that Sky are pretty dreadful at this journalism thing.
  12. Lucky. I've seemingly hit the limit from checking my home timeline for a grand total of 2 minutes
  13. Yes, although you can take solace in the fact that almost everyone with a Twitter account has been frozen out too
  14. Facebook aren't led well at all either tbf, just look at how they've put a lot of eggs into the basket that was the metaverse (an obvious dud). Slightly off topic, but awful leadership is very common in the huge tech companies. Google products have become dreadful over the past few years (Google search is now poor quality, Youtube changes are often at the expense of everyone but advertisers, other products/features are often scrapped without warning). The entire tech industry is in a very unhealthy state, entirely reliant on user inertia and people being too deep within their far-stretching 'ecosystems' to change (Apple). Musk has just somehow taken this to the extreme. Almost impressive.
  15. Awfully funny how there were never any user-facing problems or extreme actions that needed to be taken due to 'data scraping & system manipulation(???)' before he got his grubby little hands on Twitter.
  16. Who could have predicted that firing the majority of your staff (including a significant portion of a talented engineering department) before embarking on an unnecessary 'rework' of the API alongside the gutting of server infrastructure was a bad idea? How long before M*sk begs the engineers he sacked (in what was likely a highly illegal manner) to come back and fix his mess? Site's been barely functional for weeks. So many features (e.g. videos) barely worked. No surprise it's fully broken now.
  17. Injury - Broken legs Game week - 7 (slipped on banana peel at home)
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