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Everything posted by DJBOB

  1. Won’t ever say a bad word about Fulham. Have done us so many favors.
  2. Just annoys me that we afforded so much room for Spurs. They’re not that great as this Fulham match is showing.
  3. Have to think he'll make the bench if we have any meaningless matches towards the end of the season. Hopefully secured UCL by Liverpool or Palace.
  4. DJBOB

    Jhon Durán

    He's got a lot to work on the yeoman's side of the game. Holding up the ball. Linking play. Pressing. Covering for his teammates. Advancing us up the pitch when we're pinned deep. But facing goal, he's a danger to the opponent and an eye for goal already. And you'd rather be able to coach the other things than try to coach Keinan Davis on how to beat the keeper.
  5. Haha - Dortmund the easy draw. When Atletico just knocked out the runner up and runaway Serie A winners. Definitely on the wind up.
  6. Quite the draw for the semis. Would have rather had the second leg at home all things considered.
  7. Cash-Konsa-Pau-Digne Bailey-Tim-Luiz-Rogers Diaby-Watkins
  8. DJBOB

    Jhon Durán

    Scenes when Duran, Rogers, and Zaniolo have to start together because of injuries. Will look like a UFC fight out there clattering the defenders.
  9. DJBOB

    Matty Cash

    Another good run out for Cash and a key clearance off the line that could’ve ruined the night. Like that Unai plays him as the 3rd CB but with much more license to go forward. Also think he’s been much better checking his run so he’s not sitting on top of Bailey. Sometimes he gives an underlap but a lot of the times he checks it early and gives a recycle option.
  10. Tielemans dropped in next to McGinn and Tim to form a 3 with Bailey and Diaby out wide. It was only for a few minutes but pretty interesting. They still nominally played a 442 out of possession but the shape was definitely unique. Don’t think Duran, Bailey and Diaby have been on the pitch together except Palace at home?
  11. First chance was emblematic of his troubles this year. In the right position, beat the keeper to the ball and then just didn’t know what to do with it. But played 3 different positions in game (support striker, RM, and LM) and just looks so comfortable out wide. Hoping he can kick on from here. If he can win us 3-4 matches in the stretch run, value returned for year one.
  12. On the ball - mint. Easy to see why Unai likes him on the left in possession. At ease taking up central positions. Off the ball - close your eyes
  13. If Leverkeusen somehow get knocked out, that’s going to put England in a great spot.
  14. Suffice to say - we will be attacking
  15. There are times when we need to be careful and control the match and there are times when we need to start this one flying off the block. Unai needs to trust these players and give them belief instead of trying to outthink them. We're a better XI almost all over the pitch even with injuries and suspensions. Just have to plan to attack the Holte and get off to a fast start instead of trying to bait the press. They're not coming for us deep - we have to go to them.
  16. Seems to be the flavor this round. Not sure I can stomach a Villa penalties.
  17. I mean he would have clearly made a difference playing second striker or LM instead of shoehorning Tielemans, McGinn all over the place, and doing anything to not play Zaniolo. Was second in the squad for expected goals and assists too.
  18. DJBOB

    U.S. Politics

    I wouldn't extrapolate too much from the special election voting as well as the Haley vote. The type of voters that will pull the lever on special elections and Haley are the type of highly politically engaged voters that are not representative of the US public in a general election. I think as we've discussed before - the real conundrum are these mythical Trump to Biden to Trump swing voters. What seems improbable keeps coming across in all of the polling. While the accuracy to the degree of magnitude in terms of point differential is the science that's unsure, I do think it's a real thing. You can not both be losing in the polls to Trump and also have an almost -20 approval rating, and all of that be wrong. The polls losing to Trump and approval are linked. And while the polls have been off, and really off when you get to specific house, senate, and governor seats - the general elections polls have been within +/- 3 points so if Biden can't get himself within the margin of error in some states, it points to him losing. @Panto_Villan is right that people should be worried about the polling. 8 months is a lot of time though and Biden has the advantage of the Trump past and also knowing where to focus his money (the blue firewall). I still have hope that he'll get across the line in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania just by turning out the vote and swaying enough swing voters to avoid another Trump chaos presidency. Also that people will get cold feet and vote for the incumbent they know. But people should be worried. Individual polls can be wrong but a continuous stream of polls from high quality pollsters paint a picture we don't want to see.
  19. Yeah that's what I was aiming for. With our luck, we'll probably match another prem side but very good chance we'll be playing someone from the top seeded part of the pot.
  20. I sometimes have to pinch myself because the real possibility of Villa playing at Camp Nou (or whatever they call it to make money these days) is so outlandish to me 5 years ago.
  21. No JJ for West Ham it looks like
  22. Glad to have seen it in theatres. Absolute spectacle. I kind of see what people might mean about the characters being soulless and it is that sort of hybrid for book readers and film goers. Having read the first two books, I could connect the dots, but my friend who watched it was a little lost on some of the side characters. Feyd-Rautha/Lady Fenring - had no recollection of Mohiam. An absolute must see in IMAX though. The worm riding scene was thunderous and earned a cringe crowd applause but I could see why.
  23. I think we'd actually do well to play him on the left for a few matches. While he hasn't impressed, we wouldn't have to change the system too much just to go out of the way to exclude him. But maybe he's a poor trainer or something else that Unai doesn't like. Our record isn't all too terrible when he started a lot of matches in the first half of the season.
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