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Nor-Cal Villan

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Everything posted by Nor-Cal Villan

  1. Have you read this? Not specifically what you asked for, but there is of course a lot of overlap. Great read. Coogan has also written a biography of de Valera, but can’t speak to that as I have yet to read it
  2. Oh yeah, his writing definitely has that impact. It’s been a while since I read White Noise and Underworld but I do recall both being a bit of a chore. This one isn’t having that effect, fortunately. Not an easy read by any stretch but not as difficult as the ones I mentioned. Plus, I’m a sucker for anything, everything JFK assassination
  3. Did you read the Washington Post this morning?
  4. By the time of Magnum & Knight Rider I was old enough to drive so never watched those shows. Was too busy chasing girls & rock & roll For the same reason never watched any of the numerous so-called classic sitcoms of the mid/late 80s (I turned 18 in 1984)
  5. Ryan Garcia arrested for doing $15,000 in vandalism damage at Waldorf Astoria Beverly Hills last night. Sounds like he’s in some sort of mental health facility
  6. Very nice! I have all of those except for Global
  7. they never, ever got the full credit they deserve. The run of albums to start their career are rock-solid
  8. This one had been staring at me from my mountainous to-be-read pile for far too long. Started it Friday and expect to finish today
  9. Off top of my yet to be caffeinated head, all more than worth your time Something/Anything. Both Runts. Oops! Wrong Planet. A Wizard, A True Star. Hermit of Mink Hollow. Nearly Human. Initiation. The 3 Nazz records. Ra (if you’re feeling adventurous)
  10. Todd has had pockets of “weird & unlistenable” throughout his career but as you said has really ramped it up of late. To be fair, he’s more than earned the right to do whatever he wants The GD set from the show I posted is truly great. 74 was a high water mark for them. This show is one of the rare ones of the era for which there doesn’t exist a complete soundboard recording but have no fear, there is a legendary audience recording, one of my all-time faves
  11. A transfer that didn’t happen
  12. The Lone Ranger’s nephew’s horse IYKYK
  13. Where does clackwanker sit in the hierarchy of insults?
  14. Todd Rundgren. I have no idea if he got the approval but he was massively desperate for it. Love me some Todd
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