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Everything posted by AVFC_Hitz

  1. It certainly makes you stop and think.
  2. Thank god it wasn't only me. I got scared. Had to drink coffee to stop shaking. No VT in the morning makes me think of killing a child. I was going to call a shrink then I realised that a) i'm not a complete dickhead I'm not American.
  3. Correct. I am a Chesterfield man born and bred. Became a Villa fan through default because of the family. But I attend Chesterfield games and have always supported them. But anyway, I'll keep the name because he made me go mental with his left foot piledriver against blues in the 2:2 draw.
  4. I'm devastated. He played for two of my favourite teams in England. Now I have to see him in the right colours, wrong team. Pah!!
  5. Mine would be Rocky Foljambe. Which would be turned into Rocky Fulljammer by clever porn execs. I would be the highest grossing porn star in history, plus, I would bring back the lost art of fluffing.
  6. touche! But a quick paranoid check of said shirt reveals I had ıt rıght all along....
  7. I'd say possibly Rijkaard from that era as well. That's before you even start on the brilliance of their previous generation. Cruyff, Arie Haan, Neeskins, the van der Kerkhofs.......quality players The Dutch have always had 'special' players. Van Basten for his ruthlessness but I went for Dennis because he carried on playing brıillıant football well into his thirties. btw I had Neeskins on a shirt at Euro 2008, me and some mates all went Dutch for the tournament. Every game I got a tap on the shoulder asking me who Neeskins was.
  8. The area of Istanbul I live is called 'UEFA Anıtı' which means Uefa Cup. Not going to change my life, but quite interesting nonetheless....hmmm. Apparently the renamed the area in honour of Galatasaray winning the cup.
  9. I'm doing the old teaching English thing at the moment in Istanbul....loving every minute of it so far. I'm teaching in a private college for a year or two then see where it takes me. I'm hoping to do the masters to the CELTA diploma which can reap rewards aplenty but thats a pipe dream. For now, I'm enjoying the scorching sun, rooftop balcony and £190 a month rent on my flat.
  10. I had a tutor who would make you write an essay for a seminar to read out to the group. He was a stereotypical Jewish guy from the Bronx with a very thick accent and he would verbally tear the essay apart as you read it. Anyway, one seminar he was saying nothing I felt quite good about myself until he shouted 'Stop, Stop, Stop ya killin' me (yes, he really said this) where did you get this crap from?' I smiled and referenced his book as if it was a footnote on an essay. He wasn't even embarrassed, just told me to carry on. Another thing on the whole unprepared thing. I did my entrance exam for Aber after a heavy night out, not intentional, my school decided to tell us on the morning. I decided to talk about British war technology between the wars....I spouted on for 2000 words about Churchill tanks and Spitfires, and lo and behold I got the letter saying I had a unconditional offer. I think its the relaxation effect because you think you haven't got a hope in hells chance.
  11. It is about Baggio after all.. Haha, so you weren't the only ones pissing lesson away with this. I rediscovered it a few days ago. Oldie but goldie...
  12. Baggio's freekicks . Bloomin' addictive.
  13. Istanbul is glorious in the sunshine.....at the moment I can see the blue mosque over the shimmering Bosphorous. With a good book and beer in hand. Have to love life sometimes...
  14. Efes Pilsner....for the forseeable future.
  15. Just come across this thread. I did a lot of work on German football for my diss and imparticular the old communist East German football. There are some very interesting stories out there. FC St Pauli are the cult team to support if your a bit of a lefty. As are Union Berlin who are also a very interesting team. They were in the old East and was a popular breeding ground for anti-state propaganda which led to STASI officials to be planted in the crowd to pick out dissidents. Now, in Germany the former old East teams such LOK Leipzig and Dynamo Berlin/Dresden are now a breeding ground for far-right hooliganism and are pretty much to be avoided (unless thats your thing...) There was a huge betting/bung scandal in the West in the 70's in which many of the big teams lost credibility. Schalke were one the main teams with their reputation tarnished. Anyway, there is a lot of interesting and often banal history in German football...from breaking up a team overnight because they won too much to the recent upsurge in the quality and stadia in Germany. I follow German football almost religiously (well as much as English football...) I always look out for the results of: 1860 Munich, Hertha/Union Berlin, Hoffenheim and Stuttgart because of Der Hammer.... Read this...
  16. St Julians - Malta. 1.50 euro a pint. They literally give you wads of BOGOF vouchers. Mental couple of days...
  17. I went through a stage of picking up some bizaare tops when i did my dissertation on Communism and football. Union Berlin. Dynamo Dresden. Some of the Moscow teams. Banik Ostrava (for some reason) and some more i cant think of.
  18. Just finished an excellent book: György Dragomán's novel The White King
  19. Bryan Ferry's version of 'A Hard Rains A Gonna Fall'
  20. The bits that get me are the small sequences in it. Guarnere with his leg blown to smithereens and sobbing 'I gotta get up, I gotta get up.' Brilliant acting. Liebgott and his speech to the camp victims gets a lump started right in the throat. The cast/casting is brilliant in this.
  21. The Edukators with Daniel Brühl. Brilliant.
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