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Everything posted by AVFC_Hitz

  1. We have the MATHEMATICAL possibilty of coming 7th. Here's to hoping!
  2. I'm 24 today. With the Year 1's ı've just taught I don't feel a day over 65.
  3. I saw the feature length version of the Coogan and Brydon series The Trip. I was left a bit confused because I didnt even know there was a series, just this film. I was explaining to my Dad, who told me that the series was more docu style whilst the film is...well a film with some acting from Steve and Rob with some emotional soul searching...did anyone watch the series? Can anyone explain the style?
  4. I remember 'Boston Legal' is that the one you're thinking about?
  5. You wiki'd it aswell I see Gareth.
  6. That OL kit is lovely. Has flashbacks of the '98 France top.
  7. "5 years he wore this watch, up his ass"
  8. Christopher Walken is a legend. I never tire of repeating his watch dialogue from Pulp Fiction.
  9. When people say this, in my mind I've already pummeled them to death and am thinking about the dinner in the prison canteen. No it isn't because I haven't met you. There are some I know who spent French GCSE twatting eachother with rulers. I pretty much doubt that they decided to buck their ideas up and do a French course in the evening.
  10. People lying about their languages on facebook. I know for a fact you don't speak German and French! rocket polishers.
  11. Power cut in the middle of Istanbul. Sitting in a pub. Free beer. That is all.
  12. I've not thought much about TV actually. Is there anything you do miss?
  13. Think I may have mentioned the following earlier in the thread but it is worth another mention anyway: Brilliant film. I enjoyed it as I did with Goodbye Lenin.
  14. Watched this last as part of the Istanbul film fest. Brilliant is all I can say. It's about a group of 6 'musical terrorists' you make music on anything and everything. They 'rob' a bank by taking it over, playing a 3 minute piece using stamps, shredding machines, till alarms amongst other things. They also take over an operating theatre and play a piece using the patient, gas bottles and oxygen masks. Really really enjoyed it.
  15. I'm sorry.(In advance) But far-east Asian films are just boring as sin for me. Japanese/Korean/Chinese. Kung Fu/ Horror just don't get it.
  16. Reign over me is a fine, fine film. Not at all like a typical Sandler film. He also has a remarkable likeness to Bob Dylan aswell. Google shows ya!
  17. I'm still none the wiser. Maybe this is it. The time i've finally lost ground on trying to keep up with modern British culture.
  18. Saw this on saturday. Great film about German youth prison. I thought Scum was difficult to watch but this is something else.
  19. Without sounding gay Chind Chinderson if you were to serve me I would probably be the guy to chat with you for hours. There just isn't enough people like this. When I worked in Clarks I would always try and be nice to the blokes and quite often would sell an extra pair and a some slippers without even trying to upsell. People are getting less friendlier these days. Although when I buy shoes I just grunt 'yeah, i'll take these'.
  20. Just so I understand. It's 12:36?
  21. It stinks to high heaven aswell. Horses piss me off just because of racing. This is funny. Sometimes on a day when I'm bored of wanking, I'll turn on the racing channel, mute it, and play 'Posh or Irish?'.
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